Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

The moderation here does not read every thread and make us talk about things the way they want us to talk about them. Unless there is a real problem, we talk about what we talk about within the rules.

This is a free bulletin board that COTH so greatly provides for us. The goal (for I think most of us) is to make less work for moderation.


Never has been everyone. Absolutely not. I think we can agree there are a few, perhaps that is better than my saying a bunch.

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Law and custom are not necessarily the same thing.

As for that, it is a bit of an analogy to the MB/LK debacle, is it not?
If the people involved had worked to diffuse the situation, the shooting would not have happened, and the police would not have had to step in.


If the echo chamber gets disrupted in this thread then the pattern of arguing over sentence structure and semantics and cries of delusions on how posters arenā€™t actually huge jerks towards LKā€¦.they do that until those who actually want to discuss the case and trial get annoyed and leave.

I always thought it was YD who was the creator of the arguing over words and sentence structure but now I see that boring stuff is still here appearing over and over and over. Interesting.

Whatā€™s the point of being in the discussion forum if you only want to talk to people who agree with you. Maybe a private chat room is better for that. It wouldnā€™t be such a big deal but anytime someone like myself tries to make a post asking something about the case the replies are all passive aggressive non related to the question excuse to hate on LK. Itā€™s old and boring. Get some new thoughts for once.


Please point out a post where you have attempted to discuss this case rather than criticize others.


Iā€™m wondering how many posts there will be telling the members here that everything they do is incorrect.


Well, I guess that depends on the settings of the ā€œecho chamberā€ as they like to call it.

On another note, and to add fuel to the ā€œfan girlā€ accusations, I was told today is Barisoneā€™s birthday.


Break for a fun memory:

With the famous Raleigh CDI*** Tiara!


Thanks for posting those videos. His dressage coverage that summer was what turned me from a casual Colbert observer to a lifelong fan.

The videos were also just about my only knowledge of MB until two years ago.


LOL, Barisone rode Romneyā€™s horse?
Never made the connection

Jan Ebling rode Rafalca.


Iā€™m guessing MB was the person in the general vicinity of Stephen Colbert who agreed to give him a dressage lesson on camera. It was not because there was a direct MB connection to the Romney horse.


This is my thing. Even the cops donā€™t know if her story is true. She and her bf only said MB shot her. For all we know she threatened him with the dog, jumped him, and he shot her, stumbling backwards. Iā€™m making that up, but we donā€™t know what happened, and I d9nt belive a word she says, so. Who knows what really happened.


This all started when Mitt was running for president. Colbert made some jokes about the horse going t the Olympics and this followed.

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I remember ā€˜power prancingā€™ becoming a thing.
Nicer than the prancersise thing though.


I completely agree. I can think of a number of scenarios that would be possible.

My biggest question is how a small, thin woman could be shot twice with a 9 mm center mass at point blank range and not be blown to pieces.

Now Iā€™m not saying it didnt happen. Iā€™m wondering how typical it is for that to happen. I almost imagine a tussle and the firearm discharging. Perhaps some gun people could elaborate.


Didnā€™t she say that her implants helped to save her?


Did she? There could be an additional article written up about it then.

https://www.plasticsurgerynorthwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Breast-implant-ballistics.pdf (May be the source for the article above.)

The photos in the .pdf are graphic, but not overwhelming unless someone is really squeamish.


Donā€™t know if it was her, it someone said it.

Ha! Only here would one find a reference to an article about how implants stop bullets :joy:!