Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

The court portal…it’s just a letter saying so and so is representing the police officers and township….no substance yet.

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Side note in the breast surgery vein - JJ Tate underwent 7 hours of surgery today for breast cancer. She is doing well at this time.


How scary for her! I hope she makes a full and speedy recovery.


She is the loveliest person…. And thankfully has a great attitude! Prayers going to JJ.

She has been very open about it since she was diagnosed a short time ago. She is a warrior!


Been through it twice,15 years apart. My best wishes to you and anyone else that has or will deal with BC.


Ovarian here. Best wishes to anyone dealing with any cancer anywhere at all. It’s brutal, but you’ve got this! :heartbeat:


Oh my - may you never face it again!


Yes, I have one :slight_smile:


In the Civil Suit with the Washington Township Police Officers, there is a motion to dismiss filed. It has examples of where the allegations made do not violate civil rights and such. There is also a mention of the dog that the police did not remove it after it bit someone.

Is this request for dismissal common after a suit like this? If it isn’t a civil rights violation how is it normally worded when a citizen files a suit against the police?

@3PonyFarm, I can’t answer your legal questions but wondering if you can give more information about the new motion for those of us who can not seem to get that site to open for us.

Let me try to copy it. There may be gazillion pages if I’m unable to just copy the new papers.


Did this work?

It is a link that requires an ID and password to work.

For some reason every time I try to go there it wants me to log in. Others can read there with no log in.


In my non legal understanding (and likely wrong) it sounds like the attorney for police is saying that none of the claims violate civil rights as the attorney for MB alleges in the original complaint.

Hopefully one of the legal people will explain it to us.

Hey @eggbutt, can you please copy and paste stuff here? You are so good at that.


I will try later if one of the others don’t come on and recopy and send it. I am riding in a car (not driving :smile:) and bored. My connection is spotty too.


I second that!

I feel like a motion to dismiss would be the first thing any lawyer would do for a client. It’s up to the Court to decide if the lawsuit has merit.


It sounds like it will be decided on 10/22.

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It seems like one of the arguments is that it isn’t a civil right right to have the police file accurate reports. If you have no right to honest dealings with the police well that seems ummm….to open the door for active discrimination, and sloppy investigation, on the part of the police. More to the point….if you are entitled to a fair trial….just how fair can it be if inaccurate police reports are allowed to be used as evidence against you?

As for the practicality….for you lawyers….can this be considered an admission that the police reports aren’t accurate? And if so, how does this affect the criminal trial….