Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Because clearly you like to split hairs (justified/reason).


To tell us all we shouldnā€™t either


To @RNDā€™s query: I recall that her previous in-laws were reported to have a restraining order against LK. Someone posted about that a long time ago.

Also, one of her victims claimed to be suing her but unable to serve her b/c she was dodging process. There were posts about trying to serve her at horse shows I think? I remember b/c I we had a discussion about forms of service in NC and the alternatives that person could have taken to complete service.

Anyway, there were incidents of people attempt to respond legally to her harassment that were discussed here.

To pre-empt any rambling attacks: Iā€™m recalling discussion on this forum, not opining on the veracity of any particular claim. However, I think someone posted evidence of the restraining order.


And since I did not use the word ā€œjustifiedā€, it doesnā€™t make sense that you responded to my post implying that I used the word ā€œjustifiedā€. Go back and read the post that I made, and your response to that post, andexplhin to me how your response made sense because I donā€™t understand why you bothered to type what you did when you now seem to agree with me.

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Why do you think I believe that MB is guilty until proven innocent? What have I posted here that would make you think that?

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Sure. I had a similar incident when I was in my 20s. I was drunk and my bf was driving my car. We were arguing because his ex gf was at the bar and she had spent a lot of time trying to break us up and he was talking to her and I was not impressed ( I was like 22 or something so bare with me ha) We got into a big argument driving home and on the highway he swerved the car, we flew into the ditch and hit the embankment and the car flipped and dragged 30 ft down the culvert. Miraculously we survived, I didnā€™t have my seat belt on and ended up underneath him and my side of the car completely totalled.

So the ambulance did come and take me away but I wasnā€™t really injured. The nurses at the hospital left me strapped to the board for 5 hrs and were extremely rude and ignorant to me all night because they thought I was the one driving (I was drunk) and they assumed I caused the crash. So everyone until I was able to give a statement treated me like I was to blame when I was actually the victim in an abusive relationship and my bf had just tried to run us off the road.

So I donā€™t know about your situation. Would I be scared? Yes because Iā€™ve dealt with many abusive men and they scare me now big time. I know what they are capable of, even young teenage men.

I donā€™t know how the police deal with things, but I feel like they should consider as much evidence as possible and try to remain as neutral as they can until they have an idea of what actually happened and evidence to back it up. Basically good police work would hopefully determine whatā€™s the truth or likely truth.


I finally agree with you. Juries are unpredictable. Perhaps Bilinkas is hoping to get the OJ jury or the Trayvon Martin jury.

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Honestly hate that you bring up OJ because it bothers me so much (the trial) :joy: I canā€™t get over it.

But words matter. The definitions of ā€œjustifiedā€ and ā€œreasonā€ are very different. I did not use the word ā€œjustifiedā€, but you attributed that word to what I said; you may not understand the difference, but it really is huge. Words matter.

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Just hot air blowing through.


I actually was not asking for reports of rumors about who tried to do what and why they couldnā€™t, I was asking for documentation for actual restraining orders from even one of these many, many victims of LK.

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What you mean isnā€™t what others mean. Yes words matter, so stop changing the ones others use to suit your own purpose.


Interesting. You really didnā€™t answer the question. I can tell you from experienceā€¦they go with the most ā€œobviousā€ power dynamic and donā€™t give finding ā€œthe truthā€ a second thought. Especially in a he said/she said with no actual evidence.


Those threats made to me by LK were not innocent. They were made to harass, intimidate, bully, threaten and coerce me to do something: KEEP QUIET.

The fact that you do not recognize that is telling indeed.

But I do. And I called it out. And I will - every damn time.


WHAT? YOU used the word ā€œjustifiedā€ in your response to my post that used the word ā€œreasonā€. I didnā€™t change anything; YOU DID. At least own your mistake for crying out loud. Itā€™s really not a big deal until you insist Iā€™m the one that changed something when the thread shows that you did. Jesus Christ just own it.


It was a disgrace to our justice system. And the Trayvon case was just as bad.


Sorry thought I did lol. Iā€™ve experienced both.

No, you were wondering aloud why none of her previous victims did anything official in reply. You were part of a conversation among many people.

I chimed in to recall that some people did, in fact, respond legally. I did so to add to the conversation and also in the hope that those who found that info would further chime in.

Again, you are part of a large conversation. Your role is not to demand and receive proof you are too lazy or unskilled or uninterested to find. When others respond to your wonderings, they are not to be dismissed b/c they did not respond to your exact specifications. Your clear feelings of entitlement to documentation is interesting, but not an imperative that anyone who responds to you must meet.

Or, shall I simply demand you provide evidence that no one ever sought a restraining order and mock you when you cannot produce same?


I hope you contacted the authorities and documented this harassment so that it is on record, as it should be.