Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851


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Oh cut the crap! RND merely asked for evidence of the retraining orders you mentioned. If you don’t have it just politely say, I don’t have it."


My degrees are in the research sciences, so I am very evidence based in my opinions in pretty much all aspects of life. If no one who has ever been annoyed/harassed/threatened by LK has ever gone to the authorities to document the annoyances/harassment/threats, then there is no evidence of any of it. In the absence of any evidence, that is evidence that it never happened.

If anyone has provided enough evidence to authorities that LK was exhibiting behavior that warranted a restraining order, that evidence should be easy to produce by those who are claiming it exists.


Then look for it and answer your own query which is what researchers do.


I don’t need to. If it existed it would have been posted here a thousand times over.


My dear friends, I want to thank you all for declining to spar with the revenge-seeking Spaniard. His swordsmanship really isn’t what it used to be, especially when he’s in such a state.

I have another word of caution for you. A lesson I’ve learned over years of sailing from the Cliffs of Insanity to the Strait of Magellan: Engage with sealions at your own risk. The only thing worse than a duel “to the pain” is an “argumentum ad nauseum”.


. You didn’t state who you thought the police would believe in a no evidence situation. The person presenting the standard bias standard bias or the one going against that bias. You said you thought they’d figure it out with police work

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And you shall never know.




Hmmmm. When I worked in a medical research lab as an undergrad and we had a question, we did not simply say, “If our hypothesis was true/not true, it would be in the literature. Someone else would have found the answer a thousand times over, so no need for us to investigate.”

When we had questions, we looked for the answers. We didn’t rely on conversations by other, non research specialists in order to satisfy ourselves that something was or was not true. In fact, even when other people were saying something was or wasn’t, but we had some idea that they were wrong or, perhaps, new methods of detection might provide another answer, we pursued it.

Maybe research works differently where you are.


That is the most utterly ridiculous nonsense spewed. It means no such thing. Don’t quit your day job.


That I said I hope you reported it and did not, in fact, ask you if you did should have told you that I don’t feel the need to know whether you did or not. But reading comprehension has been a huge problem in these threads for more than two years, so your response is certainly in keeping with that theme.


@DreadPirateRoberts: thank you for the sealion warning. Worse than mermaids the way they suck you in! I hear they often end up the victims of their own devices, banished to the deep seas.

Oh, Captain, my captain - I pledge to avoid becoming victim to sealioning henceforth!!


Pot. Kettle. Black.

I’m sorry you’ll have to do better. Very weak. Almost seems desperate.


Here’s some good news. You have said several times that people say you are a COTH employee. As you probably know both the editor and owner of COTH are highly educated people. It is unimaginable they would employ someone like you. Your entire vocabulary consists of QFP. Is that supposed to be scary? Yeah, you’re just the kind of literary talent COTH is looking for.


This post is so messed up I can’t believe I am responding to it, but any researcher who doesn’t understand that you can’t prove a negative needs to go to her nearest McDonalds and apply for a job as a burger flipper.

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Another burger flipper chimes in lol.


Neither of those people are qualified to flip a burger.



Yep, going after info you seek is not proving a negative, but, pearls before sealions I guess.

I shan’t mention burger flippers or people with honest, wage-earning jobs, as the classism here is repulsive. Give me an honest foodservice worker over some grifter living off family money any day of the week! Mocking people for their employment is so gross.


Make up your mind please. Is it burger flipping or am I cleaning lawyer’s offices?

I see that you feel cornered and defeated by myself and others. If not, you wouldn’t feel the need for the personal attacks disparaging what people might do for a living.

But that’s okay as it says far more about you than it does myself or others. I personally don’t demean folks who flip burgers for a living.