Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Do you know what is most depressing? I just can’t fathom how someone obviously smart enough to understand that Donald Trump is a sociopathic huckster is so unwilling to put personal hatred of LK aside so as to discuss the MB/LK matter more honestly. I thought the haters were on the other side of the aisle. You’re so blinded by your hate for LK that you can’t see the forest for the trees.

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I chose to use justified. I own it because I meant it.
No mistake.
You didn’t like it. I don’t care.


It’s always amusing to see the haughty fall victim to their own classism. Truth be told, an earnest burger flipper or farm boy usually has a leg up on a pompous prince, a disdainful duchess, or a myopic monarch in matters of integrity or intellect.


But you attributed the word “justified” to me when I did not use that word. That was incorrect and of course I didn’t like it. Why would I? Would you like it if someone did it to you? I certainly wouldn’t reply to someone using words that they didn’t use, and then tell them I don’t care if they don’t like it. What good does that do in what should be honest discussion?

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Farm boy was a hottie. In all ways.



It’s [edit] like those two that we can thank for so many fast food restaurants being unable to stay open. Why come to work and serve people who literally use your job as their juvenile shorthand for “loser”?

And here we thought the last 18 months gave people a better appreciation of all the work people in food service and groceries and sanitation do for society every day of the year. We thought the recent crisis increased empathy and understanding.

Well, I’m glad it did for most decent people. Anyone who mocks another’s honest labour is beneath contempt.


That’s your assumption.

One thing that always bothered me and what I refused to engage in was the disgusting bias to stable hands and looking down on them. Other stable owners would be angry at me because I insisted on paying these workers more. To me, they are the base of the operation. A good stable worker is worth a million dollars.


That’s just so tacky, gross, and ugly. I suspect at least some of those looking down on the barn workers did not themselves have jobs.

It’s not just the horse world, but the people who live off their parents’ or their spouse’s money and swan around puffing themselves up about their luxury lives are so repulsive.

If you’re kept in the whatever style you are accustomed to through someone else’s labour and/or capital, at least have the class to be discreet and enjoy your free ride. Bragging about it or belittling others who work for their keep is just scumbag territory. :face_vomiting:


What are you talking about? It’s right here in this thread, quoted and everything. I don’t QFP, so I guess you maybe could have gone back and deleted posts to change the narrative. I really have no idea how to respond to your way of thinking here, because you are repeatedly claiming that you didn’t say what you very clearly said. Is your last name Trump??

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Hey now….this dressage, not CE. Keep him out of it.


You’re right, my apologies.

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You assumed I was changing what you said.
I wasn’t.
I was making my own statement.
You didn’t like it.
Tough noogies.

Then you get rude.
You’re very invested. Before many facts are known, while claiming to be waiting to decide based on facts.


Do not under any circumstances allow these [edit] to threaten or intimidate you. They have tried to intimidate and bully others who are not on their MB bandwagon. They have no interest in the truth.
There are now a bunch of us who are no longer putting up with their victim shaming/blaming lies. Stay the course. You are not alone.


The irony!


I said “This in itself implies that these people believe that the fact that LK harassed others will help to provide a reason that MB shot her, and that it will help his defense.”

You replied to that very post: “No it does not imply anyone would be justified in shooting anyone.”

I pointed out to you that the words “justified” and “reason” were very different in definition and that I did not use the word “justified” in my post that you directly responded to, and you are now calling me rude for pointing out your mistake:

"You assumed I was changing what you said.
I wasn’t.
I was making my own statement.
You didn’t like it.
Tough noogies.

Then you get rude.
You’re very invested. Before many facts are known, while claiming to be waiting to decide based on facts.

I know you won’t be able to admit here on the COTH forum that you messed up, but I hope you will be able to admit within yourself that your argument here is completely nuts, and you are the one who is rude.

If MB really can’t remember anything, then the officials have no choice but to go by the word of those who were there or nearby and claim that they CAN remember, and use that testimony in addition to any physical evidence collected from the scene, and determine how truthful the personal testimony is when compared to the physical evidence collected at the scene. Really, what more do you want? How long did it take MB to decide he couldn’t remember what happened that day? And yet he is also claiming self defense along with insanity? But there has been no offering of evidence from his side for self defense. Like I have been saying, if that evidence comes out in the trial, I will easily admit that I was wrong.

Yeah, I remember screaming at the TV over the glove.

Wow. That had to be so scary. I had an ex start driving erratically cause he was pissed at me. When we got to a light, I bailed and walked home in spike heels. I was sore for days, but 100 degree pavement wasn’t a place for bare feet. I was terrified he was going to crash the car at the time. That’s such a horrible method of abuse. I don’t get it. They’re in the damn car too… and willing to risk their own injury just to scare someone they supposedly love? Insane… and NOT love.


It’s about the control.

Sorry you had to live through that.


You don’t get much right do you?
That’s not why I called you rude.
Calling me Trump was rude.
You’re rude to others calling them burger flippers.

Which kind of sounds eerily like another poster who would rearrange letters to suit their losing argument and beat a dead horse for hours on end.

Chum, ignored. Sorry Eggbutt