Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

I agree and this bugs me. Especially when the person(s) mocking have never done a day of honest labour in their lives. :roll_eyes:

I mean, I get that some people are very insecure so they have to (falsely) elevate themselves over everyone else, but it’s just not a good look and reminds me how rotten people really are.


People who brag about their possessions and lifestyle when it’s all bought and paid for by others are such sad jokes. I believe these types are the origin of what I was told was an American phrase: “white trash with cash”.

I knew a woman who would brag about only staying at luxury hotels and buying designer bags and jewelry and showing off her swanky home. All paid for by her husband or his company. She never worked a day. People like that come down to earth with a bang when daddy passes away or hubby trades in for this year’s model.

In the meantime, they show their collective arse by belittling honest workers and failing to recognise that all they have is pure grift, even if they are grifting off relatives instead of strangers.

Absolutely nothing admirable about that at all. It’s a cushy hustle, I suppose, but nothing you can be proud of and certainly nothing that entitles you to look down on others. That’s just trashy behaviour - common as muck.


Yep, and they’re so self-centered that they assume you’re jealous and/or interested in what they have. I don’t give a toss about designer bags (even if I can afford them), I don’t like big houses, jewelry is very low on my list of interests, but I do treat myself to nice getaways, but my nice getaway might be different from someone else’s. I have material possessions and accomplishments I could brag about and flaunt, but can’t be arsed tbh :rofl: plus, it’s just not me, and who cares? It’s weird when people are all like “lookit me! I have these things! You don’t so you must want them!” Erm, no. Maybe that worked as a small child (y’know friend has cool new toy and you automatically want one too even if you’ll hardly ever play with it) but some of us grew out of it :wink:

Some people do fall on fortunate circumstances, and that’s fine, it happens. I don’t know why belittling honest workers needs to be a thing though. Ok, you got your stuff for free, basically, and so and so has to work for it. How does that make them beneath you? Someone working for a living and you’re going to belittle them? Sorry, but you’re the trash here.

You also never know someone’s life. They may enjoy whatever job, they may be choosing to work at said job, they may have had a lot and came crashing down to whatever circumstances and landed there trying to rebuild and/or stay afloat. If you feel the need to look down on them because of your petty ego, insecurity, need to feel suproerior or whatever, I think it’s you that is the most sad (and it’s disturbing, quite frankly).


Exactly. If you have to belittle people - for anything, but especially for their honest employment - you’re the insecure loser in the equation. As you said,

The people who would say such things are the ones who actually aren’t qualified to flip burgers b/c they have no work ethic, are not even remotely mannered enough to interact with customers on any level, and are too self involved to work on a team for any purpose whatsoever. They just keep it klassy. :roll_eyes: :face_vomiting:


I know this is a tangent topic here but truly, flipping a burger is a good skill to have, even if it is not your way of earning a wage.

I am sure good burger flipping skills means you are successful at flipping other things too and as someone who seems to be able to make a mess of a pancake because of their poor flipping skills, I wish that burger flipping was one of the jobs I had in my history.


As an observer of last night’s maelstorm, someone clearly feels threatened enough by this thread to pull out the heavy guns to play the mind games to get this thread shut down.

Stand tall Elsa’s.


Oh I basically did through my story
the police believed I was the one driving in my case before looking at the evidence. I was the victim. So I think it depends a lot on the officers and their personal experiences. I was drunk and my bf was sober so to them = case closed.

I said I would hope they would use police work. Keep in mind policing is very different in Ontario Canada vs the US.


Yeah it was terrifying
I had another ex do the same thing you mentioned too. Drive 150kms through the city fast and furious style to scare me. I just tried so hard to not act scared. And yeah I dated too many of the same type of man so please no judgement, I’m better now.


Interesting. I can’t understand how someone is possibly smart enough to understand that Donald Trump is a sociopathic huckster, yet behaves just like him. Actually behaves so much like him, they must have done an in-depth study of the man.

This has absolutely nothing to do with politics. This is about a person who has no respect for anyone, and thinks that lives are toys to be played with at their whim.

Th irony here is that no one here is blinded by hate. Eyes have been pried wide open to the fact that there are predators in this world, with no conscience, who will attempt to destroy anyone to get what they think they want at the moment.

The other irony is that respect is hard earned, just like Olympic dreams. When the work ethic does not exist, neither will the dreams or the respect.




Is it really necessary to do this to every post. Seems petty and not really helping the thread move along civilly.


This, a thousand times, THIS ^^^


Actually, I can see with crystal clear clarity.

Can you remotely comprehend that your false accusations could have caused MHG’s two children to be put in foster care if even for a few hours? You crossed every line there is with your final act of desperation. There is no redemption for people like you and the more who become aware of your actions, the better.

As @cutter99 stated, you have more attributes of the previous POTUS than you realize. You just can’t see yourself in any mirror.


Still missing it
.the key words you are ignoring is NO evidence that can be used to determine either story. In you story you say there was “evidence” to prove your claims, so hence, your story is irrelevant and you have still not answered the question.

In a situation where there is no way to tell who is lying
.who do you think the police believe

the standard bias or the non-standard?


It may not be necessary, but it’s useful when some posters have a tendency to go back and edit or delete their previous posts, and then deny they ever said any such thing.

Also, could we please leave Trump out of the conversation? If I wanted to discuss him, which I don’t, I would look at the CE forum.


Clearly. There were about a hundred posts since I checked the thread last night. Please don’t get suckered into helping to get it locked.


You do you. I’ll do me.


To go along with @MHM’s post, I want to add that my experience with this forum is that it will not let you (general) post something without any text and the quote does not count, so something has to be added by the person quoting. QFP is enough for it to allow the post.


I don’t know how you can have a situation with no evidence. Even the story is somewhat evidence? I mean police observe even starting from the 911 calls. I’m not ignoring anything you just can’t see the relevance to my story. Oh well.


oh I didn’t realize that was happening.

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