Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851


Maybe I’ll do your style too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ahahah just trying to lighten the thread a bit here


Every thread. For years.


No, you were not attempting to lighten the thread. You were attempting to tell me what I can or should post. There is a big difference.

While you might not understand this, I have been threatened repeatedly, on any topic “Barisone”, on which I have dared to comment.

I do not do bullies. No one, except for a moderator, will tell me what or when to post. My posts have all been well within bounds and will continue to be.

If you want to police people and their posts, maybe you should start your own board.


Yikes…it was a joke :expressionless:

The irony of you telling me what I was supposedly doing while telling me not to tell you what to post ahhaha

Anyways sorry that upset you. Despite what you think you know I was actually trying to have a laugh.


Part of the problem when we are discussing this here is that there is 3 or 4 separate cases running concurrently. The criminal case, and at least 2 (3? I don’t know if a counterclaim counts as an extension of the the first case or is it’s own case) civil claims. What the legal teams are gathering for the criminal case may not be part of the plan for a civil claim.

It’s important to remember that there will be all kinds of information used in a civil claim that would not be admissible in the criminal case. Not to invoke the OJ reference again - remember he was found not guilty in the criminal case but was found liable in the civil case. It very well may be that LK’s interaction with other people would be admissible as a pattern of behavior, particularly as part of a civil claim.


@cutter99, time to take a deep breath and do the Elsa thing.
You’ve got this.

:lion: :snowflake: :snowman_with_snow:

Edit to add - And I thank you @cutter99 for making me learn how to find the cute emojis.


For the record @cutter99 is one of the folks named in LKs threat posts to me as someone whose identity became known via subpoenas to COTH which as we know…


I may be mistaken, but Barisone is not suing LK in the civil suit his attorneys filed. He’s blaming the police department for his psychotic break which caused him to shoot her. He probably would not get much sympathy from any jury/judge if he sued the person he shot, so is shifting the blame to the police.


I am very clear as to which case is which and no one, not even myself can predict what will or will not be allowed or what will happen.


Oh, not pointed at you at all, but then the posters who it is pointed at won’t recognize themselves. None of us have a crystal ball and know what the legal teams may present or what the judge may allow or disallow.

You’re one of the most reasoned and educated posters on the legal matters on these threads.


Not as part of the claim against the police department that was the basis for the very beginning of this thread, but if I’m not mistaken he filed a counterclaim to her claim in civil court against him, Sweetgrass, etc…


I haven’t seen that one. Thanks. It’s probably posted here somewhere.

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Heed his words. The pirate has spoken.


Yes. A counterclaim was filed.

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Wading in here for the first time in a couple years—the last time earned me a nasty, threatening PM, so I must have really rung her bell. But first the usual caveats: this is all speculation (which is fair game, cough, cough.) I’m not an attorney and know even less about NJ law specifically.

I suspect MB is guilty and will be found guilty of 2nd degree (or similar) attempted homicide. Although there might be some bickering as to whether its first or second with the prosecutor saying possession of an illegal handgun proves intent with the defense saying he was in fear for his well-being since the cops were being completely useless. All the legal action now? Has nothing to do with a verdict and everything to do with SENTENCING—how long he is in prisoned after the trial.

The law actually says: “some people deserve to be shot.” Although I’m doubtful anything will come out that would suggest LK was deserving of anything more than some serious in-depth psychiatric care–if even a fraction of her behavior is true. The reality is the law says there are exceptions and that under threat a person is allowed to defend themselves. More interesting is what judges (or juries) tell us in sentencing. And judges make exceptions too.

This is an extreme example, but an interesting case if anyone wants to waste a few hours. Gary Plauce’s son was kidnapped, taken to California and repeatedly sexually molested. After arresting Jeff Doucet for the crime the police were returning him to Louisiana and walking through the airport when Plauce standing at a bank of pay phones turned around and shot Doucet in the head at point blank range killing him. It was all captured on news video—which you can dig up, but warning it is distressing. Plauce was found guilty of murder, BUT he was sentenced to a 7 years suspended sentence, 5 years of probation and 300 hours of community service. He did no time other than what he served waiting for the trial. His defense was very similar to MB’s in that he was under severe mental stress and not rational at the time of the shooting. So judges do, or at least can, take events that lead to a crime under consideration—even terrible, gruesome crimes with no doubt of guilt.

I think that’s what all this current legal jockeying is about. How much of LK’s behavior can they get into the record, included in the trial and then considered in the sentencing decision? What happened in the CPS meeting that had just taken place, and what had he been accused of? To me that’s a big question. Was she trying to establish a paper trail of sexual abuse of a minor to get SS on his case so she could literally ruin him? A judge isn’t going to think kindly of that, I suspect they might even have strong feelings about it.

IF it ever even goes to trial. Can you imagine the prosecutor pulling out his/her hair? Every time he turns around she’s out in public making the case for MB with her irrational behavior. At some point you have to believe that neither the prosecutor or her family wants all this to come out to the wider public which is why I don’t think there will be a civil case either. Talk about dirty laundry, and it ALL comes out in a civil case—the threats, the pattern of behavior and past victims of her attention, the drugs, the boyfriend’s criminal past, the family history. Yeah, no.

And MB, does he even have any parking tickets in his history? A hard worker, who created a thriving business, and reached the top of his sport. His lawyers are setting the stage for a negotiation. Typically the sentencing for attempted homicide without intent is 5-15 years and time actually served is less than that. His counsel is getting things into the public record that show MB is a victim too. My bet is they are going to try to settle for time served. Maybe a little extra for the illegal gun possession. But the goal isn’t a not guilty/guilty verdict, it is to get him out as soon as possible so he can try to reconstruct his life. With LK out there making the prosecutor’s life more difficult he might not be too averse to that result either.


I agree that is what the attorneys are probably looking at. The issue with any guilty plea is whether it would lead to an automatic ban from SS. I could be wrong, but I’m under the impression that if you have a conviction on your record, you remain banned. (Which I agree with, if that is in fact the case.) I’ll have to look it up when I can on a PC rather than phone. It would be horrifying to me if you can be convicted of shooting 2 people and then just go back to your life as if nothing happened in this sport.


@trubandloki they are REALLY cute emojis! Thank you for your words of wisdom!


Excellent and realistic thoughts. I feel certain the family will want to hide all the darkness in the family unit, especially why she is banned from the family home.


All those women who claim they have been raped but never filed charges so there is no evidence of it, are so happy to hear that according to you, “it never happened”.


That case was discussed on one of The Minds of Madness podcasts in 2017 for those who prefer listening to viewing.