Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

I don’t know enough about SS to know. I had thought their purpose was to prevent the sexual abuse of minors–which doesn’t seem to be the case here. I also understood that because SS is more focused on minors that’s why they weren’t interested in LK’s complaint against MB (provided that happened) which could have inspired her to call CPS. If there is no fire, create smoke. If it comes out LK filed a bogus accusation with CPS claiming MB sexually abused minors for the purpose of getting SS involved to destroy his business and personal reputation? I would think that would garner some serious sympathy in sentencing.

I don’t think MB will ever get to go on with his life as if nothing happened. If my scenario were to play out, he will have been convicted of a felony, a judge will determine what his debt to society is and he will pay it. I’m sure there are plenty of people involved in horse sports who have been convicted of felonies and are now going on about their lives. It’s public record and clients can choose to engage with them, or not. SS is not the police and while I agree they can and should choose who to allow in their club and at their club events I’ve wondered when they will be sued for tortuous interference–regulating what contracts private individuals can make with other private individuals. That’s problematic in the U.S. and no one has gone there yet probably because a trial would be too messy for someone credibly accused but not convicted of sex crimes, but maybe not so problematic in this type of case.


From what I recall (there’s been so many various things posted) is that MB wasn’t sexually abusing minors, he was making body shaming type comments to young girls/women - that he didn’t seem to know better, not that he was knowingly being perverse.

One thing to remember with sentencing in NJ - they have some of the toughest gun laws. There is mandatory sentencing due to possession of a gun and committing bodily injury with a gun. The judge has no discretion but to impose the mandatory sentence.


I have made no false accusations against MHG. I only state facts. Ask your buddy, MHG, if she allowed her minor child to participate in conversations in which ways to do serious physical harm to LK/RG were discussed. And, if said minor child not only was present but participated in those conversations. Is that the kind of parenting you admire?

Except for the attempted murder aspect, I agree. Anything can happen. I would think that IF the scenario is true that he shot her it was a heat of the moment/maybe self defense thing and I’d charge Assault with a deadly weapon First degree though I’m not versed on the specific elements of that charge as per NJ law.

I would be highly surprised if premeditated attempted murder was proven.


It is my understanding that any FELONY conviction is an automatic SS ban.

If I’m wrong, please correct me.


How would you know this?

It’s like you were listening to illegally installed surveillance equipment or something. That would be the only way if you were not part of the conversation.


I think you’re correct but I copied this:

ii. Felony Offenses –

  1. All Felony Violence Offenses - Regardless of the amount of time since
    the offense. Examples include murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault,
    kidnapping, robbery, aggravated burglary, etc.
  2. All Felony Offenses other than violence or sex within the past 10 years.
    Examples Include: drug offenses, theft, embezzlement, fraud, child endangerment, etc.
    iii. Misdemeanors1. All Misdemeanor Violence offenses within the past 7 years. Examples
    Include: simple assault, battery, domestic violence, hit & run, etc.
  3. Two or more Misdemeanor Drug and/or Alcohol Offenses within the past
    7 years.
    a. Examples Include: driving under the influence, simple drug possession,
    drunk and disorderly, public intoxication, possession of drug paraphernalia,
  4. Any Other Misdemeanor within the past 7 years that would be considered
    a potential danger to children, including any crimes involving cruelty to
    iv. Guilty- For the purposes of this Policy, guilty shall mean that a person
    was found guilty following a trial, entered a guilty plea, entered a no contest
    plea, accompanied by a court finding of guilt (regardless of adjudication), or
    received court-directed programs in lieu of conviction.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I know I’m very late to reply to this, but I take some issue with your statements. A friend of mine had a saying, “people who marry for money earn every penny”. And, in many cases, it’s true. I know several women in the horse world that married men that had or earned significant wealth. But, often, they are entertaining associates/partners/investors/etc. They are raising the kids and maybe cleaning the house.
One of them cannot get her husband to OK the purchase of another horse. I don’t have to ask anyone before I spend on whatever appeals to me. And, not all of them are superior or consider themselves superior, to others.
I guess my objection is to the sweeping generalization of “non-working” people with wealth. Now, inherited wealth may be a different discussion…
On with the current topic.


So in other words, you were there??? Isn’t that the statement you are making???

Was the “serious physical harm” you referring to in self defense??? As in the child defending themself against an adult who has no business with that child???

As a mother, I have had conversations like that with my child. I was clear with my daughter about what to do in defending herself.


I am still completely amazed LK, RG and any other accomplice involved in the illegal surveillance equipment have not been arrested. Perhaps after the trial.


That was my impression as well.

Thank you! That’s what I was looking for. I know I’d seen bans for DUIs and other things not necessarily related to minors.

So, MB’s attorney may very well be hoping for a deal on a light sentence, but even if that were granted, MB would not be able to go about his business as if this never happened. (Nor should he be able to, unless he can prove self defense.) I doubt the evidence is going to absolve him here.

Think about this. You and your cohorts like to talk about some “illegally installed” audios.
Suppose those audios existed and on the audio a plot to do serious physical harm was revealed. And further, suppose the physical harm that was planned on the audio then ACTUALLY happened…Do you think there is a prosecutor in the world who would have any interest in charging the victim of an attempted murder with installing the device in which the planning of the crime was discussed…and then, lo and behold… it actually occurred?
I strongly suggest that those of you who harp on supposed illegal audios think it through more thoroughly.



Why not produce those audios if they exist? Why play in “what ifs”?

Two wrongs do not make a right. Illegal is illegal.

Sounds like a paranoid delusion to me.


If the person who had the audio (who placed the recording devices and had access to the content) knew that someone was going to shoot and kill them if they stayed there, why did they stay there?


Supposedly one of her little friends in NC was given recorded media shortly after August 7, 2019 for “safe keeping”. They giggled about it on FB. Nothing like giving “friends” illegal recordings to keep. I wonder if that could be the elusive recording from the not-functioning house camera? Just wondering for curiosity sake.




Birds of a feather…


If there is a plea deal, those things can go away. (At least they can in Massachusetts, where there is a one year mandatory sentence for unlicensed possession of a firearm; very few people have served that particular 1 year sentence.)

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Which side are you? The side which says there are no audios or the side which says they are illegal. You make no sense. Stick to your strong suit…QFP, QFP, QFP, QFP.