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Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Interesting the claim the barn was a “fire hazard” and MB said there were arson threats. Coincidence, probably not.


Pulling aside veils of deception can be quite telling.


I will forever be wondering why cause this drama? Just leave. If you have the money and the offers (which she did, in this case), then just go? If you’re so bothered by the accommodations and the individuals there, then go. Unless there was some other deranged plan. I am just not sure why one would stay.

Of course it still doesn’t justify actions that occurred on the day of the shooting, but I will be forever perplexed by this whole thing. Such odd behaviors.

I mean if I have horses in training, and I’m investing a fair amount into the training, boarding, and whatnot, if I am displeased with the service and/or people I’ll pick up and leave. Life’s too short for me to hang around with people I don’t like, aren’t conducive toward the success of me and my horses, and I don’t have a taste for that kind of drama. Never mind if I feel threatened, then I’m gone yesterday.

I think many of us are hung up on that, and reasonably so.


Not saying that this happened in this case necessarily but if a person is a malignant narcissist their sociopathy dictates the need for extreme drama, manipulation and a plan for some desired outcome.


I had always thought her plan was to ruin MB and MH and take over the facility, hopefully get it. Remember the most salient thing she did with her civil suit was to try to freeze the sale of yhe property in anticipation of millions in award. The judge said no, MB hasn’t been convicted of anything. She also came home from the hospital and continued to dwell on the property, or said she did, with the blessings of the owners group, who included MB, BTW. I never believed they gave their approval to her to remain on the farm. The owners included MB, and were yrying to get her off their property. Everything she said originally revolved around wanting the property. She wouldn’t leave it, and tried to run MB off it. Maybe she thought MB was only a leasor of the property, from the LLC and thought she could get him out, and be granted a lease by the owners herself or something.


1000% this!!!

Actual rich people with limitless means (and the ability to employ those assets without asking daddy/wifey/hubby/trust fund manager) wouldn’t stand for a less than ideal situation. They take their fancy horses, their crap tonnes of cash, and all their kit and swan right the heck out of there. Only people without means and options are forced to stick around a less than ideal situation. Or people with different motives for staying. So, are you all that? Is money really no object? Do you have friends and family galore who support and adore you and other trainers begging to take you and your horses and your hoards of cash in at the drop of a hat, or not?

If all that’s true, then why wouldn’t you peace out yesterday? I’ve known people to eat the 30-day notice board just to get out of a boarding situation they didn’t like immediately, and none of it was b/c there was an alleged murder plot against them. We’re talking low-quality hay, inadequate turnout, annoy barn mates.

You raise a REALLY excellent point. If the barn was so bad that you had to call the Fire Marshal & Building Code Inspector AND people were offering to move your horses at the same time, why, pray tell, did you not move your horses?

Inconsistencies are real bugbears, aren’t they? They cause people to doubt pretty much everything one says about events, motives, and circumstances.

The more inconsistencies that are exposed, the less any of this makes sense.


I mean I’ve eaten the cost of a 30 day notice. The facility wasn’t terrible, but I found one more suitable.

Just generally speaking, if you want your own stable/equestrian property, then buy one. :woman_shrugging: if you have money, get your own place or buy someone out. Simple.

There are, however, people in this world that try to get it all for free, and they’ll do it by any means possible (usually shady, deceptive, and/or playing a system). Not personally how I get my kicks, but apparently it’s a “thing”


Exactly. And these people can be very, very diabolical in how they are able to convince others (“the authorities” in particular) that they are the very paragon of virtue. Their ability to torture and torment some perceived enemy while at the same time turning an “innocent” face to the rest of the world is profoundly wicked and evil.


Oh…for some reason I have had a couple of narcissists in my life, and I can smell them a mile away.

Truth of the matter is…when there is a narcissist in your life…they don’t leave you, you leave them if you can and wish to preserve your sanity. The hierarchy of the relationship or who owns the property doesn’t matter. It’s about who has the strongest power irrespective of these things.

They possess a kind of single channel toxicity at any cost where they believe they are in charge no matter what. Their decisions prevail, not yours. Things cease to make sense as they are the master of mind games and they change and present personas the way one changes their shoes. While appearing sweet as pie or the wronged “victim” (not referring to the shooting…because…NDTBS…and I am referring to behaviour and no one in particular), they have a whole entourage of cronies willing to do their dirty work for God knows what reason. These are referred to a flying monkeys. I am not telling you anything you don’t know already and one may have seen such behavior on this thread.

When a narcissist goes away by choice (oh…there’s new shiny thing) or when circumstances intervene, it is never peaceful. They never forget.

That is the behaviour. Everything is on their terms. And to a “reasonable” person, the behavior defies logic. That is how they mess with your mind.

On that happy note, have great day everyone.


My bet is that the relationship did not go as planned. MB was not properly cowed by the student’s riding abilities, dedication or talent. When the subject of where the student and her horses were headed competition-wise was broached, the conversation did not please the student, and she declared all out war.

Should the property be the spoils of the war, so be it. But I believe this was much more personal than just wanting the property. This was a concerted effort to destroy MB and all he held dear.

When you think about it, there are many, many farms for sale, all up and down the East Coast. While MB’s farm is incredible, there are many others similar for sale. If a farm is what is desired, do what many of us have already done- go buy one! I have bought 3. It is not difficult to do if you have the resources.

This is what makes me think it was personal, and not about just owning the farm. This was about laying an individual low and then stepping on them to crush them.


Then there is the side issue of if Rob was performing the work to repair damages, he was not and is not a licensed contractor in NJ and RG would be in huge financial trouble as a consequence if MB sued him. Treble damages would be paid to MB.


This is kind of obvious to the outsider (outsider being anyone not directly in that relationship).
Like you said, some people (the generic narcissists of the world) can be amazingly charming and they know how to play mind games.
Their friends think that they are special and have been lead to believe that they are needed.

Edit to fix bad typing, darn it, why do I miss that stuff when I proof read.


Perhaps it was all as simple as MB telling her she wasn’t going to FL with them and to find a new board situation. Daddy surely wouldn’t have been happy if that was the case - after all “someone” had convinced him she was an Olympian bound for the next games! Couple all of that with MH’s demands to kick her out and it begins to make better sense.


As far as today’s hearing, there is nothing posted online for that judge so it may be a teleconference. I’ll keep checking.


Exactly. I live in the area and there are plenty of barns that could have accommodated her horses. I was in a situation that required immediately moving my horses and was able to do so (and I do not have a truck or trailer).


Agreed. Owning and running a farm is work.


It was MB choosing MHG/her horse as the student to focus on. All the attacks were focused not really on ruining him, but to scare MHG away and firmly teach MB a lesson about not prioritizing LK/her horses. If you really drill down to it, that was why the attacks keep coming back to the kids.


didn’t LK cackle something cryptic about the gun?
it seemed to indicate there was more than knowledge about the (illegal) weapon in play.

and how much force does it take to break an arm?


For smaller bones (say, a wrist), about 25 pounds of pressure. Not certain about a radial or ulna.


Is that correct? That doesn’t sound like much.

I’m not thinking about this specific instance, but more about life in general around horses. It seems like a lot more horse people would have broken bones all the time.