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Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

I was wondering about MB’s injury. Joints do not take too much force to break.

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His left mid forearm was snapped requiring a plate.


You’d be surprised how many people walk around with hairline fractures as adults and greenstick fractures as kids.

Plus it often requires a sudden “sharp” action. We can easily envision breaking an arm because someone fell and landed on a rock - you can also break someone’s arm by using your leg in place of a rock.

Or maybe MB’s arm was outstretched and was stepped on in the fight, or if Rob threw himself on him.

There are a lot of variable - age, gender, composition of the bone, density and even tensile strength matters.

Such a sad situation.


In my 50s, I broke my left and my right wrist/arm in separate instances. Both were falling forward and landing on the hand. Once on paving, once on rubber stall mats. My sister in her 50s did the same on wooden steps. If someone tackled me and I fell on a porch and put my hand out as you do, I would definitely break my arm agsin. See: not participating in No Stirrups November.


And he’d managed to scrape her off on MB/SGF.
If they were not an option any longer, would she try to live with daddy?


Yes, she’s expressed so much jealousy towards MH, perhaps she was unhappy that MH was being given the attention LK wanted. She certainly still goes on about the children. And dumping a litter box on their beds speaks volumes of what her focus was, in destroying his family.


No word on the hearing today.


sounds quite serius

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Her family forbid her from living with them. Don’t know if it was as definite as a restraining order, but it looks like Daddy was paying for her to be…elsewhere.


Why do you post this lying nonsensical BS? She was a 40 year old woman with a long term significant other. Why on Earth would she even want to live with her daddy or mommy? Do they even live anywhere near where she might board her horses? It’s just another big lie!
If you’re foolish enough to buy into the nonsense posted here by the usual “know nothings” at least don’t be foolish enough to post it yourself.

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It must be another lie from the defense attorneys that she is banned from the family home. So many lies in their filings one would think they’d all be disbarred.


One has to wonder where they come up with all these creative lies.


I didn’t think it would be possible for me to be more shocked at things you say. Are you telling us that all these things you have been saying about LK/RG are based on claims made by the defense attorneys? OMG! You cannot be serious. For better or worse there is huge privilege for attorneys barring civil liability for libel in pleadings. In both complaints and answers, attorneys, aware of this “privilege,” throw everything they can against the wall hoping some of it sticks.
If you’re taking as gospel one word, or even one syllable, coming out of the mouth of MB’s attorneys you are setting yourself up for a big fall.


Is it a coincidence that people with narcissistic tendencies seem to like to create alters and refer to themselves in the third person?


And your “expertise” in law is?

Because so far, you’ve been wrong A LOT.

Also, what “fall” are people setting themselves up for? We are just stating opinions on some court cases. It doesn’t affect our lives AT ALL one way or another. We’re not going to jail. We’re not going to be hated by the dressage community in the USA and Canada. We’re not losing money or businesses or being sued and our reputations are quite safe. So what “fall” are YOU talking about?


:lion: :snowflake:


They must borrow them from CoTH posts…oh, wait, WE get them from the attorneys!

I wonder why MB didn’t keep shooting and finish the job if he went to murder them? As easy as it apparently was to fire that gun, he should have been able to empty the clip quickly…if in fact he was truly trying to kill rather than defend.


And there is a line from Casablanca that suits this quite well, since we are all in to movies doncha know:

“Ilsa, I’m no good at being noble, but it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you’ll understand that. Now, now. Here’s looking at you, kid."



Yes, that’s my point.
I think sacrificing Sweet grass farm as a place for her was a means to the end of her no longer attempting to live with the rents.
Take away Sweet grass farm, and does she try to move back in at her parents house?

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I claim no expertise in law. You don’t need to be an attorney in order to be aware that there is an extensive privilege extended to attorneys in civil pleadings protecting them from libel or defamation suits.

You say I’ve been wrong a lot? Tell me just one thing I’ve said that is wrong.

And your claim that you are merely stating opinions on court cases is disingenuous. You, Eggbutt and others regularly take “allegations” made by Eddie and Chris (Bilinkas and Deininger) as fact and put them out here as fact. None of you ever has the decency to say, “Bilinkas alleges” or “Deininger alleges”. Since I assume you feel you have been wronged by LK in the past, you, Eggbutt and others are on a mission to sully her reputation throughout the dressage community. I can guarantee you that both LK and MB have their share of both detractors and admirers…and you are all 100% entitled to your opinions and feelings about either of them.
But please do not insult our intelligence by claiming you are stating opinions about a court case. You are intentionally taking libelous and defamatory statements made by attorneys who are protected by privilege and putting them out here as fact.
Go ahead and hate LK. Feel free to tell the world. That’s your right. But quit spreading wild allegations that attorneys have thrown out there in pleadings and telling COTH readers they are facts.

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