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Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

I hope KM can speed type.


Seriously?? She had been renting a home in NC for many years. She continued to rent that home even when MB invited her to Sweetgrass and she was living there. She continued to rent that home for 2 years after the shooting.
Why do you keep mentioning living with the parents? Thatā€™s a bunch of crap. She had far better options. Why didnā€™t she leave? Perhaps MB owed her a bunch of money or training.
You do realize that Sweetgrass is suing Barisone?? Interesting how nobody ever discusses that.


Iā€™ll wait.


As a person WHO ACTUALLY DOES KNOW LAW what I do is explain law. I offer scenarios and explain hypothetical situations. I do not blindly support ā€œEddie and Chrisā€, whose first names I donā€™t even remember. Yet YOU do. As if youā€™re personally involved. Tells me youā€™re weirdly and wrongfully projecting your own biases and apparent interest in this case to me. Just like a narcissist would.

Also the fact that my statement should bother you so much is telling. Invested much?

I also think itā€™s telling and odd that while you donā€™t believe either of these attorneys should be believed - not even a single word - you yourself wildly agree with every syllable LK writes.

This amuses me.

Yes, I was wronged by LK. She, like yourself (odd?) seems to be obsessed with the words libelous and slanderous and the fact that you apply those words to attorneys in the application of their jobs is hilariously telling.

As for my own biases: Despite being wronged I remain perfectly capable of still matter of factly commenting on legal matters as my experience has taught me, stating and telling fact from fiction. I do point out inconsistencies in LKs statements as would I with MB were he posting here. But he is not.

Just like LK you seem to be averse to the concept of people posting ANYTHING that is not 100% pro LK. I however, was under the impression that forum postings were intentioned to be a venue for the exchange of ideas allowing, in fact DESIRING, back and forth commentary.

Perhaps a place like LKs FB page would be more to your liking.


The former is assumed on a message board such as this.
The latter is ridiculous.


And yet when she felt her life was in danger, she didnā€™t head there.

People leave boarding facilities all the time while sacrificing their already paid board to get out of dodge.
Been there, done that.
There comes a point where what someone may owe you pales in comparison to the peace of mind of being somewhere safe and where your animals get proper care.
But clearly ymmv.


As for Sweetgrass suing Barisone there is nothing to discuss. The corporation is trying to protect their financial interest in the case. Itā€™s commonly done in cases where A sues B and C so then C turns around and sues B too. There is a name for this that escapes me on this sleepy Saturday morning. Something I studied for my test for my job. Will try to find it.

Ok. Just a cross claim which differs from a counterclaim.

Counterclaim: A sues B so B counterclaims and sues A.

Cross claim: A sues B and C and then C crossclaims and sues B.


Classic projection.

And your claim that you are merely stating opinions on court cases is disingenuous. You, Eggbutt and others regularly take ā€œallegationsā€ made by Eddie and Chris (Bilinkas and Deininger) as fact and put them out here as fact.

Eddie and Chris? So very cute that you call them by their first names - and in the same breath, deny being ā€œcloseā€ to the case.

No one here is sullying anyoneā€™s reputation by speculating about this case. The people involved in the actual events have done a superlative job of that all on their own - without the input of concerns, thoughts and opinions expressed here.

But please do not insult our intelligence by claiming you are stating opinions about a court case. You are intentionally taking libelous and defamatory statements made by attorneys who are protected by privilege and putting them out here as fact.

Please do not insult our intelligence by brazenly insisting that OPINIONS expressed here are being presented as absolute factsā€¦ that is clearly not the case. As has already been pointed out, the ā€œallegedā€ is understood. And yet you seem to feel free to present your scathing opinions as ā€œfactā€ while flailing madly about in outright indignationā€¦


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Out of curiosity: had LK moved down to that already paid for rented place in NC would there have been a place for the horses down there? Anyone willing to take her or were there any NC people who were among the dozen + offers of horse stabling?

Iā€™m assuming she owned all the horses outright and had every right as sole owner to take them out at any time, yes?

As for any money she felt was owed surely a civil case could have been filed in NJ, NC or Florida as each state would have had jurisdiction although NJ and FL were the states where MB had assets.


That might have been iffy. Sheā€™d already burned several bridges near that neighborhood home. She eventually did find a situation over an hour away to put them before she ambled on down to FL.

Well, now that I think of it, her buddy Gerdie or whatever, has a barn and some pasture she may have been able to move them to. This place is well below her current standards though. In an emergency, most of us will do what we have to to stay safe.


Thanks. In NC Iā€™m thinking its possible that there were barns specializing in other disciplines like western or whatever who wouldnā€™t necessarily know of her.


She still has a horse (older) at a huge farm near the home she rented. It is a family facility specializing in English & Western. They stay full with a long wait list.


On another note, it is gorgeous in NW NC today! Iā€™ve already cleaned 9 stalls, removed 7 blankets, prepared the mash for equine dinner, mowed the grass at the house and cleared the garden! Productive, happy day!


Idle curiosity while I wait for the electricianā€¦

Does anyone know who owns that house in NC? Or know how she managed to pay a yearā€™s rent in advance? (Daddyā€™s money? Inheritance? Money earned from gainful employment?)

Apparently the owner decided to sell it over the summer. It was sold in August of this year.

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Ok letā€™s reviewā€¦you wrote I seem averse to people posting anything not 100% pro LK.

In my post I wrote ā€œgo ahead and hate LK. Feel free to tell the world.ā€ How does that make me averse to people posting things that are averse to LK? Clearly, you missed my pointā€¦or ignored it.

Eggbutt asked, if these attorneys are spewing lies why havenā€™t they been disbarred. I responded that under the law there is extensive privilege extended to attorneys for protection against libel and defamation suits. And your response to my explanation is that I am like LK and obsessed with the words libel and defamation. Are you serious? I was responding to Eggbuttā€™s query.

Two things are certain.

  1. As Iā€™ve noted beforeā€¦you are clueless about the lawā€¦despite shouting out your ā€œcredentialsā€ at every opportunity.

  2. You will be unable to cite anything Iā€™ve said that is wrong or untrue.

Take this as an article of faithā€¦I know more about the facts of this case than than LK, RG, MB, MHG, Chris Schellhorn, Chris Deininger and Ed Bilinkas. I know EVERYTHING.

So, as they say, you are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts. Thatā€™s not saying Iā€™m unwilling to debate supposed facts with any of you. I am happy to do that.

Iā€™m just saying I have a big head start.


Why would she need to pay a year in advance? Why couldnā€™t she continue to pay her rent on the first of every month even when she was away in NJ?

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No, I didnā€™t.

Here is my post:
ā€œIt must be another lie from the defense attorneys that she is banned from the family home. So many lies in their filings one would think theyā€™d all be disbarred.ā€

Please read and interpret correctly.

