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Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

I’m sitting here eating brunch with my retired attorney DH and my son-in-law who is a judge. Their verdict? There is no such privilege. If an attorney did as Inigo-Montoya alleges and lied on filings they would at minimum be sanctioned and possibly be disbarred. (See: Rudy Giuliani). As DH said, attorneys work hard to become members of the bar and don’t want their ticket pulled.

Just supplying some corroborating facts. That is all.


I did cite. You just weren’t paying attention. Everything you say is a lie.


She now wants you to cite lies posted by @Inigo-montoya. We’re playing a game now. I certainly don’t have the time or desire to play with this one who thinks LK and MB are bosum buddies now.


That’s actually smart. Would also be very strange if there were communication, I think.


Oh look Inigo, here’s one of your lies exposed now!! Funny how that works, eh?

Or maybe you know more than the lawyer and Judge too!!!


No… you are a cheap $2500 claimer of a gelding at some bush league track who is flipping out about going into the starting gate…

You have done nothing to prove your “credibility” - and yet you expect everyone to acknowledge this alleged credibility?

The comment that you know more (EVERYTHING) than anyone even remotely involved in the case is beyond laughable.

That is not how this works. That is not how any of this works.

Hey, @DreadPirateRoberts - could you please engage your little Spanish Friend in a duel of some kind? It seems that they are desperately in need of entertainment.


Sort of smells like bait in here.


So you haven’t had communication with him, but what about LK … has she? You know, since you’re totally 2 different people and you know the case better than any of the people directly involved?


There is an extensive privilege extended to attorneys to protect them against civil suits for libel or deformation in pleadings. That is a fact.
You’d better make sure you’re asking them the right question.
And it would take you 2 minutes of googling to find dozens of citations proving just that.


Split the hair all you like. Bottom line is that lies are not well tolerated in court filings.


Clearly I do. But luckily in this case you could easily look it up and see if I’m lying or this attorney and judge are wrong. Please…you’ve worked in the legal field, Look it up.

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[edit]. How would the prosecutor or defense allow any communication between LK and MB.

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No splitting hairs. Nobody “approves” of lies in pleadings. However, the protection 100% exists.


Of course I know you are wrong and lie. I always have.


There you go again,

I said they may not hate each other as much as you’d like to think.

I DID NOT say I think they’re bosum buddies now.

You understand this is in print. Why do you tell lies that everyone can read.

They may support you here on COTH but they can see when you lie about something I said.

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I mean, I certainly wouldn’t expect them to. But you were the one claiming they had somehow patched things up and like each other now, and that implies some sort of communication.

Did you and Lauren go to grammar school together? Maybe that’s how you came to know her so well. You certainly have a very similar conversational style.


Sounds like a pretty good summary.

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Nor did it result in one, apparently.


Pretty much sounds like a statement of fact. I don’t see a “may not” anywhere in that post. Give it up @Inigo-montoya , you’re off your game today.


I’m willing to bet a bunch of money that MB not only hates LK but loathes the day she was born and wishes he never met her or took her in or allowed her anywhere near him.