UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

Would the K:s have any input in MB’s Safe Sport case?

I think that attorneys for Barisone would have more influence than the K’s. They have extensive court records etc… none of which portray the K’s in a good light. Just MHO.

I think the Safe Sport issue will not be resolved before Barisone is free from the system and back home in Fla. , so it will be awhile before anyone knows.


The Netflix project may finally show that explosive ordnance we keep hearing about. CBS and 48 Hours were careful to bow to the antagonist’s family’s reputation for suing. Now that the Ks have proven toothless, Netflix may be willing to be…thorough.


Anyone watch “Bad Surgeon”? Ruthless is probably the word to use.

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Also important to note that MB’s legal team are paid by him, not family members nor on contingency.


I’d love to know what “career” she had. She appears to have just been living off money her daddy got her “from the bank” for many many years.

She did claim to SS that MB was inappropriate with minors though… once she realized they weren’t interested in conflict between adults.


The key word in this statement? ‘Appears’.

Rumor has it that Lollypop has engaged in some sort of discussions and possibly meetings with Netflix.

I sure do hope they asked her some biographical background questions. Such as:

  1. What’s your educational and professional experience?

  2. When did you last work?

  3. Why did you stop working?

  4. How do you support all your horses and training?


I have to say, the Netflix investigation into this story has made me intrigued with watch Netflix documentaries and I am repeatedly impressed with the thoroughness of their investigations. They dig deep into the police involvements and cover ups, into the prosecutors and judges, and into the background and stories of everyone involved.

They may do an interview, but then they dig onto the background of wo they are and what happened, and Lso what didn’t happen that should have. I don’t think Lauren her pool boy and family will be able to hide from Netflix. This will be very interesting.


Same! Just finished Bad Surgeon - what a heartbreaking, tragic situation, and what a garbage human. :broken_heart: :sob:

I also agree with you - I literally don’t even have a speeding ticket to my name, let alone anything major I wouldn’t want discussed on international media, and even I would not want to be anywhere near a Netflix investigation/documentary. They are thorough, the have resources, and they excel at taking this type of information and weaving a compelling story.

With the family rap sheets, the online flame wars, the dodging service, the drugs, the mysterious ‘money from the bank’, the racist attack on those barn owners, the fat/body shaming (while reporting MB for fat/body shaming), the harassment of the young lady in Walmart including stalking her around the store filming her without her knowledge, the manifesto (more than one?), and all the crazy lies, threats, and bannings just here - and the fact that the parents even came on here to be crazy…

I don’t know, but I would not want to be in that position, knowing an investigative journalist of this caliber was on my trial. And just imagine all the people who are probably champing at the bit to be interviewed about their own experiences with LK, to finally have their story heard, some after not being able to serve her for years. I’d be very, very anxious if I had as much to hide as this family does.




The K’s seem to believe that they are above reproach


That they would ever shop their story around is proof positive that they do not understand how outside the norm their situation and behaviour is and how thorough a dive into same will reflect on them and their extended family as well. Even just that getting assault charges is something of a family hobby and pawned off as ‘no bigs’ b/c the charges all mysteriously went away. Nope. Deffo ‘bigs’ among average, law-abiding citizens.

If I were an in-law, cousin, aunt/uncle, etc. I would be mortified just imagining what’s going to be discovered and displayed for all to see. Who wants to be related to or have married into the next Tiger King fiasco? And for those family members who are employed?! :dizzy_face: Just imagine having to go into the office and face your co-workers knowing that everyone was watching the latest episode.

Why anyone would actively go out and seek this kind of scrutiny into their affairs is beyond my ken. Anyone with this much…irregularity…in their background doing so is nothing short of delusional.


So well said - I can’t imagine being affiliated with a family like this - I would change my name!


I guess being a woman of unlimited means, that’s one thing she doesn’t have to worry about.


Indeed. That’s what I meant long ago when I said her online flame wars and threats and whatnot are more easily conducted b/c she has nothing to lose. By nothing to lose I mean she has no employment/career to threaten (like BigMama’s was), no reputation to destroy (like MHG’s, LO’s, Justin’s, MB’s, etc.), and no standing in any community to harm. The position of power is the threat to come after people who do have employers, professional/community standing, good reputations, children and family they care about, etc. while there is no analogous concern on their side. This is why the crazy reality shows like Real Housewives only cast people with spouses who own their own business/are self-employed. No independent employer would tolerate the association.

What the Kanareks forget with all of this crazy stuff they are doing is that they do have family who are employed by people and entities who would not appreciate being associated with this kind of sordid stuff. I would have a very difficult time turning up to the office at a BigLaw firm if this were my sister/sister-in-law/parents/etc. exposed in the media like this. That the Ks are actively pursuing coverage is a level of cluelessness that is difficult to fathom.


You know, there is a whole podcast devoted to Lawyers Behaving Badly. You would :scream: It’s amazingly hilarious too how stupidly arrogant that some lawyers are. The Ks have some real competition.

One of the one’s I’ve listened to has the male lawyer equivalent of the SNB/LK love exchanges complete with :black_heart: emojis.


And isn’t that sister who is giving comfort to RG with the slide bite hand injury in court, and giving MB the middle finger at the hotel party with Lauren after the verdict, married to an attorney at a large, Chicago firm? I dont know how much support she’s given Lauren throughout her life, but she and her husband certainly have careers you would think wouldn’t support that kind of association, but there they are.


Not to mention some comments she made somewhere about how experimentation with recreational drugs was no biggie and “everyone’s parents played around with them at one point” or some malarky like that. :roll_eyes:


And don’t forget what happened to the Tiger King. He’s in prison now.


I think they are two separate sisters.

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