UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

The reddit comments continue to be completely unhinged :rofl:


Honestly, seeing the reddit stuff is essentially watching the live streaming of a psychotic break. Itā€™s genuinely sad.

Iā€™m not saying that in that faux ā€˜you really need therapy, I hope you get it, Iā€™m just being nice here by telling you, I truly hope you get helpā€™ mocking way SpecialK, LK, etc. say it.

Iā€™m saying it is deeply disturbing to the point you have to look away.


I keep seeing Baby Jane Hudson.


Yep. That was my first thought. Then Miss Havisham. Itā€™s just not right. Itā€™s getting rather disturbing TBH.


Itā€™s my new favorite movie.

The bigger the (posting) break from reality, the better.

I extend to her the same consideration she has given to others.


Oy, the latest reddit comment brings a new dimension to the multiple disorders afflicting our girl.

A snip from Reddit presented by Laurens ā€œfriendā€ Spkoks beginning with all the lawyers on retainer to take on the myriad ā€œinjusticesā€ Lauren has sufferedā€¦

ā€œonly specialize in certain types of cases. Others, have offices and partners which branch out into other types of matters. Idk how many separate firms the family has retained. I do know several have been retained.

I made the mistake of suggesting to Lauren she should maybe drop all of it and only focus on herself. Itā€™s painful to see her having to relive & retell the story of her near death experience over & over again. No sooner than my suggestion left my mouth, she was staring at me as if I were part of the southern rebellion in the civil war. I will never ever forget what she said.

ā€œI almost died because an entitled white man didnā€™t expect anyone to ever stand up to him. I lived while others have died at the hands of similar men. How can it not be my only job on earth to find justice for them- and for me. If I donā€™t, I deserved to die instead of live.ā€

While I could never truly understand the gravity of being shot, let alone twice and surviving it, in that moment, I got it. On some level, I got it. Even if I believe part of that is from some residue of ā€œsurvivors guilt,ā€ I also know Lauren has never been someone who backs down from the real bullies of the world. Bullies who feel untouchable. Truly entitled, dangerous bullies who make that Coth crowd look like ants stumbling over one another & themselves to get a minuscule lick of a mostly e apple. Basically, something one wouldnā€™t notice unless he/she were standing within a few ft of the ant stampede.ā€

Lauren Kanarek, brave spokeswoman for victims the oppressedā€¦. Oh my.

Cant wait to see how she manifests her Life Mission to Bring Justiceā„¢

It gets sadder and sadder. And creepier.

I cant understand why no one who loves her gets her the help she so clearly needs. She is clearly NOT NORMAL.

Special Kuckoo for Kokoa puffs is more like it.


Applies to her father too. He is very much the epitome of an entitled White man. How many times has he intimidated others in order to prevent Princess Loopy from facing consequences for her actions?


Yeah no kidding!! Omg the cognitive dissonance!!

Not to mention her pool boy!

Talk about entitled white men. Good Lord!


ā€œEntitled white woman goes after entitled white manā€

A headliner for sure.

Edited to add: I do think that there is a lot to be learned from this situation though. One party seems resistant to learning, but even outsiders can have some takeaways from this tragedy.


He better get a restraining order, pronto. It sounds like she doesnā€™t plan to be done, EVER.


Sheā€™s so pro-woman she followed a young woman around Walmart video-ing her and making fun of her.


And her mother, the transcriptionist


Thatā€™s a big no for me. No excuses for this wretched person. She got a dose of karma because of how she chooses to live her life. She is no advocate for the oppressed. She is a bully, a con, a grifter, a schemer. Had she not played her games, things would not have happened the way they did.

This is a person who chooses to live her life threatening people. Bullying people. Stalking people IMHO. I shed no tears for her. Nor will I. She is a predator.


Iā€™m just catching up on the Redditt babble. Where did these rubes think they were? Chippendales? How utterly insulting to that security guard.

ā€œLauren frequently attends the seasonal events with her family and friends. I went with them one night to the Dressage Under the Stars event & it was a such a great time. Her parents are a hoot! Her father is a really funny guy and so nice. Her mother is the same. We spent most of the night just laughing till our stomachs ached. Lauren & I were trying to watch the rides and explain them to her parents. Her father hadnā€™t a clue what he was watching, but her mom seemed to get jt. At the end, Lauren realized she hadnā€™t eaten a thing on her plate. Iā€™ll never forget her debating with security that they should let her take ā€œjust one thing,ā€ home from her plate. The security is tight and no one is allowed to leave with ā€œto-goā€ food or drink. She tried making the case that she was talking too much to eat and jokingly telling the security guy her life depended on dessert cake. The guy was very nice and let her take it. Because of that, she basically convinced our whole table to grab whatever cash we had and, on our way out, stuff it into the manā€™s red security jacket. I thought that was a very kind gesture over a tiny, uneaten dessert cake. We had such fun that night.ā€


For his own mental health though, it would be best that he not be the one to know that sheā€™s continuing to make threats etc. Can someone else submit on his behalf, based on the unusual circumstances?


Imagine being so hell bent on destroying someone because youā€™re so deeply unhappy and disturbed. So sad.


She doesnā€™t have to relive and retell her story to anyone, much less as a two way conversation in her head with her other alter, BumblebeeExcrement. I can almost picture her sitting at a patio table in the middle of the night holding two Barbie dolls having this conversation. If she so desperately wants to rehash her story, why bother with the alters?

I donā€™t know why I canā€™t look away from the trainwreck. I had a boss early in my career who was such a thoroughly bad guy that he changed my view of humanity. We knew he was bipolar and I realize now that he was (is still, Iā€™m sure) a malignant narcissist. While he was a cutthroat who had to ā€œwinā€ at all costs and would rejoice at other peopleā€™s failures, I donā€™t remember him actively going out of his way to harm others. I guess, thankfully, Iā€™ve never run into anyone like LK. I just canā€™t wrap my head around her behavior.


Not only is she a predator, sheā€™s a predator who canā€™t even stand behind her actions. Sheā€™s STILL trying to justify her actions by twisting truths and trying to manipulate (very poorly) public perception.

If your going to be a disgusting human, at least own it.


I have posted this before regarding this exact situation but it is so apropos I have to post it again.

Wyatt Earp : What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?
Doc Holliday : A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.
From the movie Tombstone (1993)


Also, re: her alter Special K.

What in the Single White Female is this person supposed to be? Not only does she endlessly dote on LK (as thatā€™s not ridiculous enough) she dotes on RG AND KPop too? ā€œHeā€™s realllllly funny and soooooo niceā€ Good Lord, this is just insanity.