UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

Love it! You must share a link.


If you just Google the phrase you can find lots of places selling them on various items of clothing or jewelry :rofl:


What l find amusing is that lowly me, who has never and will never medal at anything, knows many of the the big names across the board, (except for hunters, really, and polo, roping and such). I won’t bore anyone with a list, but yeah
Madden and Ward and McCutcheon and Fappani and Beisel and Winns and Barisone and Dutton and Peters
these (and 100 more) are known names if you’re passionate about horse sport(s). Loving horses and admiring accomplishments just goes with the territory.

I just find that interesting.

Am I the only one?


I’m guessing they aren’t allowed to when going for an affirmative defense, but I’m not a lawyer, nor do I claim to have a degree from Google School of Law that some posters tried to throw around.


This is what happens when not only are you a compulsive, and self-identifid-under-oath, liar but, you’re not even good at it. You forget you’re posting fawning, awestruck, :heart_eyes: posts about ‘LK’ being so dedicated and devoted to dressage. Then you try to peddle a story that LK didn’t even know who Barisone was at all. So she could not have been all that immersed in and knowledgeable about the world of dressage. Like forgetting you mentioned your husband and then mentioning your boyfriend.

This is what happens when you tune into amateur hour at The Liars’ Club. :roll_eyes:

This. It’s really painful to see. I read stuff reposted here but cannot go look on Reddit. Posing as a friend that sycophantic, obsequious, fawning, awestruck, and adoring of LK is equal measures sad and disturbing. It would be one thing if the made-up persona was just piss and vinegar shooting back at ‘the haters’.

But this imaginary friend is just so breathlessly impressed by and adoring of LK, presenting her as funny, kind, and smart, as beloved and protected by many, and as noble and selfless - a campaigner against gun violence. Yet none of that is true. No actions to address gun violence in that country nor support GS victims. She wasn’t even welcomed into the family home AFTER GETTING SHOT. :astonished: That fact alones shocked so many. Where’s the love, the nurturing, the caring and protecting?

No one has ever come forward in 4+ years to stand up for that side. Not one person. That is remarkable. Truly. A couple folks will ingratiate themselves with a bunch of emojis on facebook comments or the like, but that’s it.

So what we watch is the fantasy creation of an idealised friend, one who knows less and has less so admires and looks up to the subject; one who is loyal and adoring; one who would spend months writing tomes on Reddit to avenge her patron lady bountiful.

Baby Jane, Miss Havisham, whatever - it’s really very sad and disturbing. It’s a crying shame is what it is.


I had an older friend who helped train my Dobermans and me for competitive obedience. After being a “lady” for most of her life, she had had it. She told me, “I may be a bitch, but I’m the pick of the litter.”


Oh For SURE. The idea that she didn’t know who MB is, is bad fiction. And she’s so vapid she thinks she’s got a great story going. I love the idea of “don’t let the facts ruin a good story” but my dude, this isn’t even just half-baked, it’s a pile of goo lol


Most people outgrow the “imaginary friend” phase by age 10. But she is stuck in that phase of emotional development.

Additionally, she has to invent friends because she otherwise has few and far between - only her parents and sisters and RG and that Shelly-Nelly person - and they apparently don’t fawn over her enough to soothe her terrified ego.

Yes, it is sad and disturbing - a good look at multiple mental illnesses all manifested in one person. I fear for the safety of anyone she targets - particularly MB and LO. She will not stop until she commits such a heinous act that she is forced into a mental health facility.


Don’t forget Norma Desmond!


Nope, since I was old enough to earn babysitting money, I had Dressage Today and Practical Horseman magazines to pore over.
To this day, I listened to any instructor as they taught lessons, and learned.
Now with the Internet

To not know is because you’re lazy or disinterested imo.


Bolder by me.

Or jail/ prison.


Today’s Reddit lecture addresses phone etiquette. I can guarantee you would be out of a job if you waited 24 hours to respond to texts and emails. Apparently SpecialK has not held a job in the last 25 years. But a teakettle boiling? Text to the rescue, action required NOW.


I read this article the other day about one of my all time favorite performers, Pink. She embodies so many things a modern woman should be, and yet someone had the nerve to comment Pink got old.

Maybe it was LK, because we have all seen her comments about aging. To think that aging is a horrible thing is so deluded. The alternative is being dead for god’s sake!


I find that unutterably sad.


It’s the saddest bit about that side of this incident. I just cannot imagine going from GSW hospitalisation to some anonymous chain hotel. It makes the fantastics tales of the Reddit bestie so much sadder, too.


She’s in her forties ffs! If she thinks she’s still young, she’s more deluded than we thought, and that’s already pretty darn deluded! The sad thing is, even as she reads this, it will not register. She’s so insane she can’t comprehend anything bad said about her. It’s beyond sad. That and the fact that no one, not even her own family, will help her. They enable her. It’s disgusting.


It does be the question, “what WOULD have to happen for her to be welcomed back to the fold?”


Apparently being shot and in intensive care is not bad enough. Where do you go after that? Would your ashes even be welcome on the fireplace mantle after your death or would they need to be buried somewhere?


And yet she, or I guess I should say SpecialKpop, describes LK as “an attractive young woman.”

Uhm, the SS Ingenue left port a long time ago.


I still wonder if it was her choice though. IOW, she didn’t want to be in the family home because she didn’t want to have to acquiesce to their rules, nor did she want that level of oversight into her activities.

As in:

  • RG can’t stay here and you will be supervised when he comes to visit.
  • Rosie can’t come here either.
  • You can’t do unprescribed drugs in this house.
  • You can’t go out and about whenever you want to, even though you say you are fine (it’s the pain meds talking).
  • You cannot be on the internet while you are under the influence of major pain meds.
  • You cannot use your phone except under supervision.
  • You can’t go back to the farm. We will make sure to get your things from the apartment and will make sure your horses are being taken care of, either there or elsewhere.

And although her parents seem to have always been pretty lenient with her, I am thinking they may have become quite reticent after the shooting about letting her indulge in her bad behaviors - esp. while residing in their home, and esp. so if they had been advised by the DA’s office to restrict her as much as possible from a knee-jerk reaction that might jeopardize the criminal charges against MB.