UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

I’m getting strong papapoppop vibes from this poster.


Didn’t she, or one of her manifestations, claim that all families partake in these drugs though?

And her family has participated in the various forums making ridiculous claims about the case, including promised bombshells from the transcript her mom typed up… So,… I dunno… :thinking:


What an idiot. If Barisone had been suspended in 2018 it would have been allllll over this board, permanently. Anyway, why would LK want to train with someone who was suspended by SS? This does not even make sense.


Definitely! Idiot sums it up very well. Little of what “they” spew makes sense.

  • RG can’t stay here and you will be supervised when he comes to visit "Who cares"
  • Rosie can’t come here either "But she was just smiling"
  • You can’t do unprescribed drugs in this house. "my suboxone is a prescription, I get it from the adulting doctor"
  • You can’t go out and about whenever you want to, even though you say you are fine (it’s the pain meds talking). "te he, it’s the other drugs."
  • You cannot be on the internet while you are under the influence of major pain meds. "why should this time be any different from all the other times?"
  • You cannot use your phone except under supervision. "please see my question to the above comment"
  • You can’t go back to the farm. We will make sure to get your things from the apartment and will make sure your horses are being taken care of, either there or elsewhere. "The camera! The camera, I have to remove the Camera!"

Nope…. Some other troll.


Didn’t she literally rave about him, here on the COTH forums around that time?
And since then her father said she’d ride with him again?

How is her bff, former HH employee, knows all the things …KofK… Unaware of that? Weird.


The thing about her not being allowed in her parents house appears linked to a targeted burglary of her mother’s jewelry where charges were never laid.

My guess is it’s an insurance requirement. Or it’s also possible that she has a restraining order by one of the neighbors, or has been banned from entering that neighborhood. Because of other disturbances.

Her parents appear very lenient about enabling her behavior so I have to assume there is an outside legal force keeping her out of their house.


Or you’re already smarter than everybody else……

Also, you can’t smoke cigarettes in the house.


Well, RG was shopping for pressies in the Meadowlands (and getting tracked with traffic tickets) while she was in the hospital, and I have no doubt that they got their motel room when she got out purely so they could indulge on their own.


So this claim that SS supposedly made LK’s complaint ago away, and the supposed suspension in 2018 that absolutely nobody in the horse world managed to discuss anywhere… do you mean to tell me they had dozens and dozens of recordings and transcripts, but didn’t record that? Ludicrous!


Maybe these entities are just way more clever than everyone else? More clever than the Ks?



If you tell the truth, you don’t need a good memory. Obviously, she loses track of her many, many lies all the time.


How was she riding with him and showing with him at the time of the mystery suspension in 2018? And/or how was anyone? She was actually with HH at the time of this mystery suspension that no one else knows about. Either she didn’t know about it at the time either (a level of cluelessness that would be practically Olympic) or she knowingly rode with a suspended coach in violation of her SS compliance. Neither is a good look. I wonder which she’ll chose?

I think there’s a lot of confusion in that camp among all the family members and hangers on, real and imagined.

It’s like the way LK repeats over and over like a broken record that LO didn’t know MB until he was in jail and got to know him through plexiglass. Then the weird flex where she, without fail, uses the big fancy term for people who seek out relationships with prisoners. I guess it’s supposed to look learned and erudite to trot that word out over and over?

LO’s daughter was there as a WS. LO would 100% have known MB and probably better than the average student or boarder since her daughter was in his care. Finally, LO was actually on site the day of the incident! Her daughter was on the stand at the trial! Love of god how much more connected could they be?

This weird fixation on LO and when she met MB is super disturbing even among all the other disturbing stuff.

Though, nothing as disturbing as posing as this new fawning bestie

  • who worked at HH
  • yet didn’t work in the barn (probably very easy to check what non-barn-related employee MB maintained those 4 years who worked on site, is a rider (rode LK’s horse(s) at some point),
  • but was not employed in a capacity that involved ‘barn work’ :thinking: ,
  • just showed up in the last couple months/hasn’t been defending her online before now, and
  • doesn’t know everything but could identify LK from dental work alone, so encyclopaedic is her knowledge thereof, blah, blah, blah.

I mean, simply read that: how utterly ridiculous is this charade? It’s embarrassing to watch TBH.

Is she just hoping randos reading her various posts won’t do even a moment’s research of their own? I suppose that is true for a lot of people but, wow. This is going to be such an interesting part of any documentary.


I agree there may be an outside legal force keeping her out of their house.

Kanarek had a history of domestic conflict following which she was banished from residing with her family. Kanarek was a former heroin addict with a lengthy criminal history, including criminal assault.

Kanarek’s background included criminal harassment and stalking, including harassment that involved extensive use of the Internet and/or social media to make veiled and direct threats of injury, mayhem, violence, and criminal acts against persons with whom she was having interpersonal conflict.

Kanarek’s tactics in the past included making false reports and false statements against people she perceived to be her “enemy,” to child-protective services agencies and/or other governmental agencies, including the police.

Kanarek’s past included owning firearms and at least one incident of discharging her firearm, out of anger and rage, at other people and/or their personal property.

Safesport, the organization which purports to protect people from abuse and harassment within the pursuit of sports, had multiple complaints about Kanarek from persons Kanarek had harassed, stalked, and/or otherwise endeavored to destroy.

Kanarek’s boyfriend (or whatever he is) Goodwin had an equally disturbing past which included but was not limited to: drug addiction and heroin abuse; violence; criminal conduct; stalking; harassment; and the like.

Note also that her ex-husband had a restraining order against her.


You nailed it!

Now that MB is home and, hopefully, safe from her I can read these posts with enjoyment. Yes I know I should not make fun of her, but she’s just downright entertaining. On a cold winters night I can curl up with hot chocolate and coth.


And knew everything, alllll the nitty gritty…but only now states MB was suspended. :thinking:


Did y’all see her bestie explaining why LK admitted in her testimony to lying on SM? :crazy_face::joy:

The Cliff Notes—Remember that picture of Rosie “yawning”? She apparently posted it on her IG account with a caption (I’m paraphrasing here) “Rosie is upset that her dog bed was given back to the horses”. And of course that was a lie—how would Rosie know that—so she had to admit under oath that she lied on SM. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: (ouch!)


I feel like that lie is a great example of what the state’s expert called her creativity.

Clearly not an example of the truth, but providing amusement to all who are enjoying her make these things up.