UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again (and I hope you’re reading this, Lauren): It’s hard to believe that someone who was shot and seriously injured has garnered almost no sympathy. This sad fact is due to her own actions leading up to the incident and her subsequent behavior.

Lauren, you think you’re smarter than everyone else. You’re not, not by a long shot. You may have snookered a few numbskulls on reddit, but those of us who know the facts know that you, your father, and your laundry boy are lying, conniving grifters who deserve no sympathy.


Oh @SillyHorse, you know she is reading. She cannot stay away because COTH has some actual hold over her even though she has been banned more than once!

The real question is can she read, comprehend and apply it to herself???

I sincerely doubt it!


OMG - if she was crouched over his head holding him down, b eating him with her cell phone, and Rob was over his chest beating him with the gun, then, when the gun went off it probably hit her in the shoulder - that’s it, that’s the angle right there.


I’m just so relieved that Michael is doing so well and recovered so well and has so many friends and so much support around him. Can’t wait until he’s home riding his horses.


Do the Safe Sport rules have any effect on where he can ride?

Well said

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I don’t believe that Safesport can prevent him from riding at a private farm (ie a friend’s place in NJ). And when he gets back to Florida he can obviously ride at his own farm. He cannot train or show.


By “train,” you mean train other people’s horses or give lessons? He can train his own horses, right? Can he sell his own horses? What if the buyer wants to compete them? Would he and the buyer be in violation?

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I’ve never taken the SS training because I quit showing before it was in place, but from what I’ve read about it, Michael can’t teach/coach but I think he could ride/train horses he does not own. (If I’m wrong, I’m sure somebody will correct that).

Purchasing a horse from him that you would now actually own outright would have nothing to do with Michael v. SS anymore. Of course the USEF record would have to reflect you as the owner.


If a sanction is upheld, he can still teach anyone who doesn’t care to join USEF.


Heck, I have no intention of ever showing. So where do I sign up for lessons with him? :smile:


Yes, that would be true AFAIK.

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I am so happy that, for the first time in 4 years, Michael will get to spend Christmas surrounded by those that love him.


He can train his own horses but I don’t think he can train horses owned by members of USEF while he’s suspended.

I’m sure he is aware of the S.S. rules and how they apply to him.


Yes, that sounds right; also, his own horses cannot show while he is suspended, even with another rider.

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Yes! The beauty of the season, spent with loved ones. What a day for celebration.


No, you all are too insular.

LK is a liar, a bully, an overall thug of sorts. She needs to be in JAIL and we need your help to put her there. We have letters she sent to people that we want EVERYONE in the Equestrian world to see so they are well aware of the animal they are dealing with.

Safe Sport had been notified many times of her behavior and did NOTHING. I feel they need to be held accountable they do not make it a Safe Sport at all by allowing LK the opportunity to participate Had they actually done something, we honestly believe this whole thing could have been avoided.

LK has been an insanely JEALOUS troublemaker her ENTIRE life. LK is so jealous of any female in her way and boy does she get VICIOUS, just wait.

99.999% of EVERYTHING that comes from her mouth is made up BS. We have proof of her behavior, bullying, off the wall lies, WE have so much to PROVE exactly what Michael did in court!
Michael is a true hero to many because he proved in a court of law that’s LK Literally DRIVES you INSANE

Please someone advise me where WE can post these letters from LAUREN . They are filled with her filthy sick language I want you all to watch as KK &:JK swallow their enabling words. LK hurt our AUNT so bad, just wait and have your popcorn ready.

They literally created a MONSTER! Oh be proud of your creation. Just sit back and watch what a GEM your MONSTER is. Maybe ONCE in your quite CLOSED eye lives you can have TRUTH of this sick tyrant thrown right in your face in front of EVERYONE to see just how EVIL this creation is.

So many people already have these letters. Even Safe Sport (they were made aware in 2017 and did nothing ! Ready for this, they said that it was not a matter pertaining to DRESSAGE. Oh to hell they’re not! This whole thing w/ Michael could’ve been avoided had they simply stepped in and done their actual job and made it a safe sport.

Keep in mind they have had many complaints of LK behavior I have people who filed a complaint with them an again they did nothing . Does money buy you the freedom to behave like an animal? Apparently in this sport it does!

TRUTH shall set your doubtful minds FREE

I only know of three fans, people, etc. on LK side LK, RG, KK, & JK. & the many made up accounts. Everyone else has a good idea, but let US show you some truth.


So, meanwhile, you’ve come to that conclusion based on the evidence you’ve found supporting your stance?


If a person reads a post that explodes their brains, does it make a sound?