USEF Suspension for Bad Behavior

Did you know USEF members AND fan members… have access to the Rulings and Findings section on line?
That is where I just saw that an eventing competitor has received a 6 month suspension (from Nov 1, 2024-April 30, 2025) and a $5,000 for [in my words, not the official language] …inappropriate behavior toward a horse while leaving the competition arena, while going back to the stabling area, and in the horse’s stall. The official language is much more descriptive, and troubling.


What is your goal with the vague post/description? Do you want us all to pile on the competitor (I’m sure most people are going to look it up and find this posting)? Is the suspension not good enough? Or are you just trying to draw attention to the Rulings & Findings page?


I, for one, immediately went and looked it up and I do not think a six month suspension is long enough. I would happily support a lifetime ban for this kind of behavior.


Hi, tagalong - alas, nothing as noble as having a goal was intended.
It is rare that an eventer is part of the Rulings and Findings page. Usually the Rulings and Findings summary findings involve horse show folks- in this same group was a horse show competitor who was nasty to show officials, one Hunter trainer who got set down for Ace (2 month suspension, $3,000 fine) and a jumper rider who got set down for using guanabenz (yet another new drug for me to look up) - 3 month suspension -the timing of which which puts him out of all the winter shows…and a $3,000 fine.
I wasn’t going to retype the entire charges against the event or, or try to copy and paste it (no way are my computer skills that good, if it even could be done.)
I do not know this competitor. So no “pile on” was intended.
If people want to read it and get educated, so be it. I am all about educating myself, and the USEF Rulings and Findings are a wealth of information.


Weirdly enough, I’m not seeing this eventer on the suspensions page. I only see “2024 Automatic Suspensions,” and it’s all just people who didn’t pay their bills.

Lemme go back and do a paper trail using the headers. Automatic Suspensions is a different group of miscreants,

Was going to say – links? I don’t know where to start to find this.

Quack quack quack.


Okay, get a snack and a drink, it takes a while to dig down to get to the right spot.
Things will map slightly differently if you use an iPhone versus a computer. Sorry about that.
Go to the USEF page.
Click [or hover over the word] on the bolded word COMPETE
Then go to Rules, Regulations, and Grievances
Then choose Rulings and Findings
You will now see three boxes of choices: Informal Resolutions, Hearing Committee Findings, and Other Rulings and Suspensions
Go to the Informal Resolutions and click on the VIEW RULINGS box
This takes you to a weirdly named Forms and Publications
When you get here, look for the box that says Sort By,,and pick the option called NEWEST. By selecting Newest …the most recent Rulings will show up first.
Bad payers are found under the same area, but as 2024 Automatic Suspensions…


I don’t have the time to look it up right now but is this the same suspension mentioned on another thread (can’t Even remember the thread) where the competitor either hit the horse or yanked on the reins all the way back to the barn and then let the stall door hit the horse on the hip as it walked into the stall? All I remember for sure is the stall door hitting the hip, but based on your description

I’m guessing it’s the same one.

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The circumstances appear to be the same. I was not aware of another thread.

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can someone PM me who? I can’t access that.

The thread wasn’t created to discuss that incident - I think it was mentioned on either an abuse thread or maybe a drugging thread? Was it the Andrew McConnon thread? Hopefully someone else will remember.

The Andrew McConnon thread I’m pretty sure! Comparing the fact that that one had a quick rulling and Andrew was still free to compete.

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It won’t let me PM you, it says your public profile is hidden. However I don’t think there’s any reason to keep it a secret. It’s an amateur riding at the training level, named Emi Hansen.


While I do think pros should be held to a higher standard, this one was over the top (though of course we know not uncommon sadly). If they had a required online course about abuse (like safe sport in the sense that it’s part of membership) would it give them a more obvious and “legal” method to give harsher penalities with less likelihood of lawsuits? I know there’s another thread about this somewhere but just a thought in regards to this case. No excuse at any level to do this crap.

Transparency is a important.

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thank you

It’s not hard to cut and paste people. Here’s what USEF said. EMI HANSEN, of Las Vegas, NV, violated Federation Rules including, Chapter 7, GR702.1.a, GR702.1.d, and
GR702.1.f; Chapter 8, GR838.4.a and GR838.4.m, and the USEF Code of Conduct, in that on or about April 13,
2024, immediately following her third refusal (and elimination) from Stadium Jumping at the Twin Rivers Spring
International Horse Trials, she vigorously struck the horse, LIL’ BUNNY FOO FOO, with the crop three times on
the right hind end. As she was exiting the competition arena and going to the stall, she took her aggressions out
on the horse by repeatedly whipping the horse, punitively pulling on the reins and forcefully spurring the horse.
While in the stall, she continued to strike the horse with the whip and backed up the horse into a corner by
pulling on its head using the halter and lead until the horse was showing visible signs of fear and distress. Finally,
while leading the horse out of its stall prior to her departure from the competition grounds, she slammed the
stall door on the horse’s hips.


Some people should not be dealing with any animal, in a professional or other setting.

Honestly that is what it comes down to, and what Andrew and Emi and others like them are so reluctant to face. They have invested so much into this. But they are in the wrong field of endeavor for them.