Warning...my experience with Airdance Farm and Lisa Dunckley

I’m just not sure this constitutes much evidence. It’s easy to find Lisa’s hearings and the associated materials, lots and lots of evidence against her. But as someone else noted, Kelly is generally well respected, if a little extreme at times, and a FB post with no accompanying case numbers or links to more information doesn’t really hold up. Maybe it’s true, but before we look at her too sideways it really is necessary to have that. I looked and didn’t see a case, but I am not an expert. Where are the details for it?

I don’t know any of these people personally but MMT is very well respected in the sport horse world and not somebody to be jumping to conclusions. Nor is she somebody that posts bad things about other persons on a regular basis. So if she is posting about her mares being in bad condition under another person’s care I would tend to believe her and not think she is just blowing smoke.


She absolutely is not generally well respected. Are you from the Lexington area? Most people here don’t have a high opinion of her due to past experiences.

There are many photos of the mares that have been shared privately that show the neglect. But as they were shown privately I will not be posting them.


Hope this helps.