Creseida, Orvis paste is a detergent… When I worked at State Line Tack they told us to tell people that it is a stripper–it will strip off the build-up that you get on your horse from using excessive Show Sheen and those kind of products… Use what you will, but I would contact the company that makes Orvis and run it by them before using it…
If you want to maintain the waterproofing on your sheets and blankets and the warranty has expired you can use Delicare, by Arm and Hammer or Dr. Bronner’s Sals Suds (adding a dash of baking soda to help it work) starting with an eighth of a cup and adding more, if necessary…
If your sheet and/or blanket is under warranty you need to use the cleaner and re-proofer that the manufacturer recommends or your warranty will be null and void…
If you are using a spray repellent remember that it cannot be applied if the temp is below 50 degrees… Two light coats applied 24 hours apart is better than one heavy coat and after 48 hours a third coat down the center of the sheet/blanket in about a three foot swath will assure that it will not fail… Allow to dry for 24 more hours and you should be good to go…
Or you could just send it to a horse laundry and forget you ever read this stuff!!! The more research I do the more the more sending out my sheets and blankets to be done by someone else begins to make sense… Doing horse jackets is not for the faint of heart!!! I just did some, so I can say that!!!
BB, I don’t think you really need a degree in chemistry to do this stuff–you just need to know what you don’t know… When I flunked chemistry I just had to make up my mind that my talent in that area is limited and now before I use anything that requires chemicals I consult my brother-in-law (who is a chemist), my veterinarians (large and small), or the company that makes the product I am interested in using before I do or use anything… Research is my best friend!!! “A man’s got to know his limitations!”, (if ya know what I mean)…
I wouldn’t wash my synthetic sheets/blankets in Woolite… I used to knit and a yarn shop owner told me of an incident where a customer had attempted to wash a cotton sweater she had so lovingly knitted in Woolite and it ate the sweater apart!!! I am also into learning from others’ mistakes as I will never live long enough to make them all myself…
Best of luck to everyone!!!
“Everything looks good until you start to examine it!!!”, uttered by me on more than one occasion
[This message was edited by Cherry on Nov. 14, 2003 at 07:11 AM.]