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Way off course- NYC

Check out the news! A world trade tower just got hit by a plane!

(back to work now)

They are saying two commercial American Airlines planes were highjacked and forced to crash into the tower. One was a large jet (747?) they say the other was a small commuter plane…

I am far away in VA but this is so frightening. AHC - how are you? It must be terrifying there in NYC.

“No One Trains For Second

there are reports of a bomb in Stuyvesant (sp) high school in NYC which is really close to the world trade center… no students in it

* Fiero *

So I think she is okay. This goes beyond terrible.

Someone here said that he predicted just after the new millenia, in the fall.

I’m thinking Armageddon? I mean, we WILL retaliate, and if it’s in the Middle East, that fits a bit too closely.

Where’s the rapture? (NOT kidding…)

They are saying it may have been a plane not a bomb at the Pentagon. Everyone is jumpy.

“No One Trains For Second

Was talking to Mary and it occured to me thatthe USET meeting is today !Do wee know if the uset meeting has been cancelled ?

just announced that all airline traffic has been shutdown nationwide. Now they are saying it was possibly a helicopter that exploded at the pentagon

They just announced they are evacuating all of lower Manhattan because of a gas leak frojm the collapse of the towers.

Thank God!

jtm, someone posted earlier today that slugger was fine.

the second tower just collapsed. They interviewed a woman on the street and she was hysterical–she said that people where trying to save themselves and jump out of the window. This is absolutely horrifying. How awful…can’t even think…

“…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”

4th plane on it’s way - not sure where.
also, the 202 area is gone pretty much in NY if you are trying to call.
they just locked down my boyfriends work building.

this is nuts.

  • C

Oh yes, I absolutely agree that a real pilot would never have been at the controls and put others in harm’s way! They would have dove into the Hudson or over the ocean, anything to avoid hitting the buildings. It definately had to be the terrorists at the controls!

They did a special on one of the news magazines a few weeks ago, about the crash in Ohio where they saved so many people with incredible flying (the one Michael and DD Matz were on). They played the recordings between the pilots and the tower, and the pilots worried terribly about hurting people on the ground. They kept saying, whatever you do, keep us out of the populated areas.

I was thinking with the Penn. crash that maybe they hadn’t taken over the controls yet, or maybe the pilots/passengers had tried to take the plane back. But Rebecaa may be right – it may have been shot down before it could crash into whatever the target was. If that is the case, then God help comfort our service people who had that horrendous mission.

This is sooooo scary!!! My brother is a pilot… dont’ know where he is at the moment and can’t find my folks to see if they know. Most of my family lives in the pittsburgh area… now I have to worry about them too


This whole tihng has made me sick. I work in television news (I am a cameraperson), and I’ve been covering this all day…in fact we’ll be covering this EVERYDAY for about a year. I can’t even wrap my mind around it. All I know right now is that I seriously want OUT of this business (tv news).

I watched everything happen live in front of my eyes (the plane crash, both buildings collapse, people jumping out of the windows, the devastation) I can’t take it anymore. I don’t want to live my life constantly being barraged by these images. I’m looking for a new job starting tomorrow. Then i’m going to donate blood to help the resuce effort.

I am saddened, and truly at a loss for words.

Israel has evacuated their government buildings … leading one to suspect that it was a Palestinian attack?

Erin B you have just succeeded in completely frightening me to death… those predictions are way too spooky.


United Airlines plane has reportedly crashed into Camp David.