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Way off course- NYC

I’ve been thinking a great deal about you the last couple of days Jennasis and re-thinking your previous thread about promotions/raises.

Given the events of the past two days, I’d argue there isn’t enough money in the world for those who perform your job. I know that I, for one, could not do it.

As others have noted, you are only human and I imagine that much of the ‘numbness’ you’ve experienced is a self-protective measure - I mean, how are we to react when we witness people plummeting 80 stories to their death, a building, hell a monument, engulfed in flames and crumbling to a pile of ashes?

You are performing a valuable job Jennasis - at the same time, if you are unhappy with your job, make a change.

Take care of yourself out there and know that there are many of us who wish you well.

They (news) say the towers are leaning considerably. The jet I saw on TV hit the building at extreme high speed. And the fire…

Presendent (in FL) is getting ready to talk to public. Lincon tunnel and more are now closed. The official word is that this was NOT a bizarre accident.

“No One Trains For Second

BIL cuts thru the WTC on his way to work.
I am scared to death for him.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by smc:
please say a pray. ABC news is saying there is a third plane to worry about<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That was a US Military plane enforcing the no-fly zone.

The thought just hit me – the United plane (from Newark to San Francisco) that crashed near Pittsburgh may have been brought down deliberately by the pilots rather than crash it into an occupied area. Or maybe they tried to get control back from the hijackers. In either case, we probably have some brave pilots and crews to thank for preventing even more loss of life, while accepting their own deaths.

Dear God In Heaven, rest the souls of those who have been killed, protect those who have been injured, and comfort the families of those who have lost their loved ones.

The Washington Mall, and the some west buildings of the Pentaton are on fire - have been bombed?

People always seem to suffer at the hands of crazy leaders. I remember well an Iraqi girl in my undergrad telling me that people were terrified of Hussein and how much they suffered because of him.
I may not like Bush, but my god, at least he is sane man.

Ride it Like You Stole It…

HELP! I cannot log into any news sites - one of the guys came to the barn to rell me - and now I am at the cyber cafe - is anyone covering this live online??

I will tell you the Irish are as horrified as we are - and all our prayers are with those of you in NY.

I didn’t learn a thing until I walked into my Shakespearian Tragedey class this morning, and even then little to none… I’m cutting class (no, we’re not cancelled here…) watching CNN and just had the most horrible revelation - the planes were from American and United… I know a United pilot who does those runs. Now, I’m frantically calling everyone trying to find any info… or a parent… ugh…

Swift’s Injuries: 4 Major, 21 Minor, 9 XRays. Injuries to rider: 6.

they are talking about a possible 2nd explosion at the pentagon

They are going to be held in Salt Lake City!

I think I should go to Tucson for their show series for 6 weeks…eh??? This is very scary…Very…

ABC News just gave a completely unconfirmed report of “something” happening at the Capitol.

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!

This is horrible - all federal offices in Washington are being evacuated.
The President is on AirForceOne on his way back from Florida.

and I feel even worse because what runs through my head repeatedly is that fact I’m supposed to fly into the US on Sunday. Not too inclined to get on a plane…

Those poor people … it breaks my heart.

fyi - what we have been told regarding Houston at this time

"Building security also has informed us that the FBI has informed them that there have been no threats against the city of Houston. They are asking that everyone remain calm, but alert and call security in the event any unusual people, conditions or parcels are noted. "

Jennasis, this is not your fault, and you have done nothing wrong. It is almost necessary for people to actually see the death and destruction caused by terrorism and war in order to get something done about it. It’s one thing to read about it or hear it on the radio, but to see the buildings collapse and watch people running for their lives puts it all in a whole new realm. These images will haunt me for the rest of my life, and I hope that those who make decisions as to whether or not to drop a bomb will think of this as well.

The pentagon isn’t ON the actuall mall. But it is on the edge of the park area that surrounds all the national monuments. This area extends past the virginia side of the river and is sometimes considered part of the mall. It is fairly close to Arlinton National Cem. (a few miles). One side of the pentagon backs up to tword the river and park area the other faces the city of Arlington.


“No One Trains For Second

I would just like to say that while upon initially hearing Nostradamous, he can be frightening…it is really a load of crap. I’m sorry, but “the third big war will begin when the big city is burning”? That’s like me making the “predicition” that “the next big war will come when nations turn against each other.”

In ALL of the big wars, big cities burned (and more completely than NYC is right now). I know this is a horrible time of crisis we’re going through, but we need to stop freaking ourselves and each other out, and keep our heads on straight.



Somerset is slightly south and east of Pittsburgh and west of Johnstown (my home town).

My guess that any area/city that is any industrial area could be targeted!

God pity the family of the terrorists because they are going to need it!

My heart goes out to the victims, survivors, family and friends. I have heard that a Palentine group is claiming credit for this. Good thing I don’t have the red button nearby 'cause I’d probably push it HARD.
