Weight Issue II

Its been almost two days since I have been on the boards. I apologise that this will be very long. Its been a very hard weekend and the week just got even hearder. Today I buried a very dear friends of mine sister. and about 30 mins. ago i got a call that I just lost another dear friend. The one I laied to reast today sufferd for too long. As I stood their I began to look around at everyone. She wanted a big funeral and I can’t begin to describe how butifull it was. I haven’t stoped crying. Portia thanks for keeping me together. I stood their and as I said my fairwell I stood and looked down into that deep hole. Was she realy gone? Was she realy in that box? and if not why isn’t she standing here holding my hand like she use to reinsure to me that she was ok? Then it dawned on me and I realized she was in that box. She realy was gone. And shes never comeing back no mater how hard i wish that I would wake up from this dream and see her tomarow at school where we all use to hang out. But she won’t be ther. Her sister had been so strong threw all of this and for the first time she cried. she couldn’t be strong anymore. There was not one thing I could say to comfort her ease as I held her while she poured out 5 days of pain. Even her mother and father and brother were not there mentaly it was like a dream to all of us. Was this happy girl that only 2 weeks ago was going to clubs and movies with us realy gone. It still hasn’t dawned on me. I don’t know when it will and at that point how will i deal with it all… She died from newmonia…

Im shareing this story with you all because that could have been any of us. How do you think the people who you leave behind will be able to coupe with the circumstances? Think of what this will do to your family. How do you think your parents will deal with this if they know their pride and joy will never wake up again. Think for a moment and listen to my words. When we are gone there will be an enpty feeling in everyones heart that we affected. And an even bigger spot for our parents. For most parents they pray for their children to out live them but in cirtian situations they don’t and for the reast of their lives they have that emptyness. Its hard to have a mother standing their draped over your shoulder crying. saying the words why did she half to go now? why not later? Thoes questions can never be answerd. All that can be said to comfort is … Shes no longer suffering, no longer in pain, and is at piece instead of pain…None of us know our time but for some they are contributing… Maby it would have been easier if we knew she was that sick but she didn’t want to hurt any of us. She wanted to live her time as long as she could till her sick body couldn’t take it…She had been sick her hole life… She was a diabetic… but each time she bounced back… There are some questions that still are waiting to be answerd…

Cozmo, dimond, and all who choose the road to be skiny. for a moment pretend that she is you… How do you think all who love you in some way will deal with the pain of you being gone? How can you stand their and think for one moment that they will be ok? They won’t and thats the simple fact. you probubly never thaught of this? have you? This friend of mine that I laied to rest today could have been any of you.

Im compleatly out of my mind at the moment. Today had been one of thoes days you wish never had to be. I have read all of the new posts and I half to give an aplaud to Sarah for what she wrote. Im here If you ever need to talk. You are a very strong person. What will we be able to look back on when we are older… THE HAPPY MOMENTS… not the bad not the wins not how much we wone or made in life the happy moments…

Tedy there are some things in your post that I hate to say but I would like to rip apart. Not to be mean but to be logicle. Although yo did have some good parts the first half is my main objective… For onr momrnt think what it truly is like to be a person with eating disorders. look at the sights I have given out. put yourself in the shoes of them and realy understand. I can understand cause I was their and in the worse way. I sacraficed my life and for that i came literaly days away for leaveing this world as I know it. That is why I say what I do and in the way i do cause i WAS there I came close and for what. to be skiny fo myself? to do it for what I wanted? NO plain and simple fact…I LISTEND AND I DID IT CAUSE I THOUGHT THATS WHAT EVERYONE ASKED AND WANTED" You might have done it in a safer maner of looseing the weight but your prioraties still were not their. you still did it for the sake of others> for thoes dam judges that make you think that you hald to. All you had to do was go out buy some in evpensive used boots some new britches and atire. Thats all you had to do. 7lbs big woop you probubly could not even tell but you could since your rideing atire did not fit properly. You did it to fit into some worthless clothing that could have been replaced… Im sory Im harsh but my point is you thought you did it in a healthy maner but your focus was not on the right place and that is why I can not reward you.
to all…
Ask this question What makes a good horseman?

“I hear what you are saying. I understand perfectly that you want to look as slim as the other girls at the big shows. Wanting to be the same weight as your toughest competitors makes sense to me because I know that being heavier is a handicap to your winning ability at the big shows.”

Do you realy hear what cozmo is saying? Its only a handicap because the judges made it that way.
“Extra pounds won’t necesarily stop you from beating thinner girls, but they won’t help you at all, that is for sure. You usually have to make up for being heavier by riding better than the rest, which puts you at an unfair advantage.”

Remember my question above? I rather see her wit a fue extra pounds and a better rider than a skiny slopy rider that gets pined for the look. It puts her at a good advantage with her self cause she can sit there and go wow I ride so much better than them and when Im older I can go farther than them. while they are still here. I would rather be known as someone who rode their best, was a real orsewoman, and tried my hardest. Thats the reward not some little point thing or ribon. It how you feel inside.

“It is just not a level playing field. That is a horrible, horrible fact, but it is the truth, nevertheless. I don’t see how writing into the AHSA and raising awareness will ever change the situation. Girls will always want to be thin and judges will always favor riders that are slender. It’s disgusting… yes… but it’s also a mentality that is not going anywhere soon.”

if we want to stop it it has to start with the induvidual riders. Standing up for honesty and real judgeing. We do have a say if its big enough and if we ge to gether and voice our opinion we will be heard. trust me we will it just takes time and paitence. it is the year 2000 and its about dam time we start changeing how things are done. we have ppowe and that is our money. If we want something done we work our hardest to make the more powerfull ( bigger walets) listen to us and have them help us get to where we want to be. We are a paying customer every time we show or renew our membership. And what is the first rule of sales in any business? The customer is always right. and we are the customers here…

“What we need to to do is learn to cope with it. Cozmo… you are a such a classic example of how junior girls feel. What needs to be addressed her is how Cozmo can deal with these feelings of hers in a safe and non-harmful way. Some have posted that she should not feel the way she does… that she has no reason to loose weight and that she should not heed her trainer’s and judge’s words. Well of course she SHOULDN’T, but she does anyway. No one can force her to change her feelings anymore than my girlfriends here at college can try to make me stop obsessing over this silly guy who I know is SO not worthy of my time and energy, but who I constantly think about anyway, DESPITE the fact that I know he is a jerk. We feel the way we feel whether we like it or not, and it usually takes years and years to change the strongest of our feelings (and a lot of therapy).”

The reason we say this is because for thoes of us that have said it have folowed in simalar shoes as me and can relate. Its their warning to not do what we made the mistake of doing. We sufferd for it for so long and the more we say thoes words the more she will see and be able to grab deep down and find what is needed of he from herself. Remember I do work as a volenteer at a clinic and I repeat myself over and over again in diffrent ways till everyone heres me the same and can sit there and go I can’t balive i was that dumb to think that. The more of us that say it the more aware that people are to what is in them and what they need to do to corect their miss judgement.

“SO… here are my recommendations for “coping” with the feelings of inadequacy you have regarding your weight. First of all, please consider going to a therapist. There is a lot of bad therapy out there, so you have to be wise in choosing someone, but when you do find the right person, therapy can be one of the most rewarding and helpful expereinces. It is something you have to do for yourself. My mother wanted me to see someone for years becuase she thought I was holding myself back from winning by psyching myself out. We also had a lot of family problems too. Well, I refused to go for a very long time. I was too embarassed really. I didn’t want to have to explain to people why I was doing it and I really thought that I could deal with my problems by myslef. When I came to school, my friend finally got me to go to her therapist. I can not even begin to tell you what it has done for me. I wish so much that I had gone when I was a junior, I can’t imagine how much it would have helped me then. With you, Cozmo, a therapist would provide an outlet for you outside of your family and riding.”

Therapy is a wonderfull thing and I do agree here but the first mistake is being forced. And what I mean by this is when you are forced a sheild is built and you stand their and feel imbarised as you so planly stated in your post further down. Accepting that you need help is the first step so that this does not hapen. When forced you feel like you have no controll over yourself. you have this feeling like you are not normal and then later down you sit their and think that you are so horable that you can not tell people that you have a problem. The way the world goes for real therapy is to talk about it to all the people you know know why. Don’t be ashamed let it go. Im not ashamed of telling people Hey Im dislexic hey I had eating disorders, Hey I have a kidnie that is my sisters, that I tried to kill myself in un friendly ways. Yes I did slice my wrist cause you want to know why I was tired and i didn’t want it anymore, Im not ashamed to telll people that Im missing a breeast, Im not ashamed to tell people that I suffer from time to time of depression, Im not ahamed to tell people that I was sexualy asulted as a chiled Im not ashamed to tell people that the reason I was sick last year was that I finaly realized that a year and a half prior I was raped. That is tharapy right there not being ashamed of yourself for all of the S*** that has hapend to you. Once you can do that and say HEY WORLD GUESS WHAT I HAD A CRAPPY LIFE BUT I LEARNED SOMETHING AND IM NOT ASHAMED TO SAY IT ANY MORE. You think that was easy for me. NO. Maby I should not have said all of that but I did and you want to know something I feel better for it cause that is one more person I feel comfortable with. That is one less person I half to lie about my life to. Man I feel better. Maby my life could have had diffrent situations and maby some of this did not half to hapen but it did and there is nothing I can do to change it. but being able to stand and not live behind a curtian where I am ahamed of myself is what I want and that is why Im so happy with myself cause I know that if i conqured this all and Im still here I did something right. I want to be known not a the mystry person but as the person who shared for people to learn and become stronger.

“I know you think that you are too busy between riding, school, and everything else, but you just need to budget an hour a week and it is SOOOOOO completly worth it. If you think that you would be embarassed then the key is not to tell people! It might seem hard to keep it a secret, but it really isn’t. I have a huge group of freinds at school who I am with all of the time, and only two of my freinds know I am in therapy. If your parents are in issue, let me know, because I have lots of ways to get around them. My mother doesn’t even know I am seeing anyone! Believe me when I say that that is a feat!”

Man and that above was only a start. I hate to say it but You realy did the second NO NO to therepy. telling someone that if their parents are hard that talking to them is worthless. If that was true. Who in this world made you? HMM not some angle your mother made you and so did your father. Your parents are your best friends weather you want to admit it or not they ar. Who nurtured you, who took the extra money they had to let you do this sport? who suported you? Who did everything they could do till the money was too tight? who pais for your school or sends you money when you need a fue? Ho clothed you? who put a roof over your head? Who will be their when times are tough? Who will be there when you need a shoulder to cry on? you guessed it YOUR MOM AND DAD and there is no changeing that. They are permanent. Too keep a seacret from your parents is the worst thing cause you are liveing a lie to them. You are not being honest to them and that is the bigest lie you can live with. You might tink your parent are horable but at some point in life we all think it. Im proud to say that my mother is my beast friend. I would die for her if need be. I would love her till the day she is no longer there. I am gratefull to have been born into the family that I was. I keep nothing from my mom. I tell her all. and why do I cause she knows me the best. Im just like her cause she taught me what I know. I regreat giveing her a hard time when I was young. But Our parents only have so long on this earth. Who will be there for you when they are gone? People come and go but your parents will and i mean will neaver turn their backs nomater how horable they are. If they did not want you they could have given you away but they didn’t and they gave you all thay had to make you happy. Have they ever asked for all the thousands and thousands that they put out for you back. No because no parent will. You nead to learn to become friends even if it involves biting your toung.

Sory guys I know that was alot but as i said its been a long fue days. Ill have more of something posative in themorning when I get all of this out of my system.

[This message has been edited by CTT (edited 04-11-2000).]

Magical - amazing post - thank you! Please contact CTT (or me) about writing this for more than the cyberworld to read - It is VERY VERY important.
Meanwhile, take care of yourself!!!

[This message has been edited by Weatherford (edited 04-11-2000).]

I have been avoiding posting on this thread because weight is something that I am not particularly comfortable talking about. I am overweight (and by overweight I do NOT mean a size 8… more like a 14) and it has always made me unhappy. I have tried everything to lose weight, EXCEPT STARVE MYSELF or turn to an eating disorder. And I never plan to. It truly frightens me to read what is being posted here, and I would like to thank CTT, Sarah, Snowbird, and everyone else for their wonderfully encouraging posts. You guys are truly inspirational. I have done many reports on eating disorders for school and I know a lot about the scientific end of it, plus a lot of statistics that are as frightening as what I am reading on this thread. My close friend was anorexic and reading Majic’s post I realize how lucky I am that she got help and got better rather than going the other way. As someone with a lot of writing experience, I would love more than anything to assist you all in any way possible with what you are doing, because it is something I feel strongly about and working with people as knowlegable and helpful as you guys would be great. Please let me know if I can help in any way. Thank you so much for your encouraging posts, they have made me realize even more that I’d rather have a few extra pounds, or stop eating bad things and lose weight the NATURAL way, than ruin my riding career or my life. Thanks.

DevilDog, I guess I just didn’t see her response in the same way you did–it seemed to me that she was trying to understand why you were contacting her since I would imagine most of her correspondance from strangers is related strictly to driving issues. In fact, her intial line “Are you sure you aren’t talking about riding issues” indicated to me that she wasn’t 100% clear that you weren’t trying to discuss driving with her. Maybe I’m wrong, but I just felt like she was more confused than turning her nose up at you.

And I also was taking issue with you saying that I was taking an “it’s-not-my-discipline-so-who-cares” attitude, becasue I tried hard to point out that I personally have been VERY moved by these threads, and have recommended them as reading to friends in my and other disciplines.

Again, I believe 100% in what you are doing–and I commend you for your actions. I guess I just interpreted her letter in a different fashion that you did.

Not trying to argue–just clarify my point/position

I ride on the A-3, 2, whatever it is now, circuit with one of the top trainers in the country. I show in the big eq, junior hunters, and junior jumpers. I don’t consider myself to be overweight…I’m 5’8", 135, size 6. During Florida I was down to a size 4 just from walking so much, sweating so much and exercising so much. I ate more than I usually do, but I burned it all off everyday between riding, running, and everything else. I’ve been home for almost three weeks now and I have gone right back up to my size 6. That’s what I was before FL but now I feel fat because I have been a 4 for the past three months. When I tried to put on my jeans from Florida exactly a week ago today and couldn’t get them on I had a breakdown. I didn’t realize how much my weight meant to me. I immediately drove to the store and bought the diet pills most of the juniors at my barn take and totally cut down on how much I eat. What hurt the most was the other night when my father mentioned that I had gained weight since I came home from Florida. Since then, I have managed to cut back to just a small dinner a day, and have totally cut out all the other meals, replacing them with diet pills and a lot of water. I don’t know, maybe it’s the wrong thing to do, but if my father had noticed enough to say something, I’m sure my trainer isn’t far behind. I know that if I let myself get fat enough that he/she said something to me I would never be able to live with myself. It’s been a week since I’ve started the pills and 4 days on my diet, and I’ve lost about 7-8 pounds. Hopefully by the next big horse show and especially for Devon I’ll be back down to a 4. I don’t necessarily think I’m doing the right thing but if it makes me, my trainer, my parents, and the judges happy, then I will do whatever it takes.

sand stone I don’t know if you saw the other thread. Read it not once not twice but as many times as you can stand. Then go to Something fishy.com and look threw the sight. I don’t expect you to read it all but if you learn anything in the process let me know. If you haven’t let me know that too. This is no jokeing matter. Its real life and it can kill. I was lucky to live but the worst is fare from over. I live and wake up every day to haveing to take a pill cause I was too ignorent to know when to stop. I got lucky but what about the next girl who isn’t as lucky as me. This is not a jokeing matter and I hate to be crule but I find you and your friends prioraties to be in the wrong place. I know you are thinking I have it under controll and this will never happen but gess what I said the same thing and look where it got me. By reading any of these threads have you not learned a lesson. I know I can’t change you but the only way to stop this is to start with you. When you are in your late 30’s early 40’s ( if you make it that far) you will think back on this thread and think Why Didn’t I Listen. See by that point in life your metablism will be so shot that you will retain so much and there is no way to reverse the process unless you do something now. Now I know why this is an important subject. Ok I know I was harsh but Im sory this needs too become not a topic here but a spoken topic all over.

But eating disorders - andthe consitant pressure is a horrible place to be. I have survived - as have those here - but what about those who were lost? Could any of you be next?


Sarah First of all THANK YOU. There are a fue questions i do have and I don’t mean to offend you. Are you saying you are a vegitarian or ar you the type of person who is selective with what you eat. I too from time to time eat junk food but over the years ( especialy since my last sickness) I have not had the desire to eat cirten junk foods. I don’t know why but for some reason I just don’t crave it. Your last statement hit me hard. What about the ones who were lost? Could any of you be next? These two questions can be interpetid in so many ways. I don’t know what you were feeling when you wrote thoes words but for me I interpeted them as this: What about the people who are lost and don’t realize what they are doing? Are any of us who folow like this next?
Any of us can interpit your post as is cause I see that with some of what you have said we can aply to us in our own life. Thankyou

Can I just say you are all great? CTT, Snowbird, Devildog - etc. If people like us were setting the standards we wouldn’t have this problem! If we all work together- all of us meaning all riders at all levels - really all PEOPLE b/c this is not just a riding issue - or a teen issue- or a sport issue - or even a women’s issue - perhaps we could bring people to see that being thin - having the right clothing size or the right weight # is not ‘where it’s at’ - that whats matters really is how strong, fit, and HAPPY you are (ever met a happy anorexic- contradition in terms!).

To those of you who are ‘dieting’ taking the water pills etc - please stop and THINK - how is blue ribbon worth more then your health.
I read that book Little Girls in Pretty Boxes and one thing made me cry - it was saying how after gymnast Christy Henrich died her parents went home to where her medals were “scattered in a drawer like coins in a fountain” and her mom said something like “if christy can’t look at those medals and be happy then it was all for nothing” - your ‘victories’ are meaningless if you lose your self in ‘achieving’ them. PLease trust me that it is not worth it…



 I hear what you are saying.  I understand perfectly that you want to look as slim as the other girls at the big shows.  Wanting to be the same weight as your toughest competitors makes sense to me because I know that being heavier is a handicap to your winning ability at the big shows.  Extra pounds won't necesarily stop you from beating thinner girls, but they won't help you at all, that is for sure.  You usually have to make up for being heavier by riding better than the rest, which puts you at an unfair advantage.  It is just not a level playing field.  That is a horrible, horrible fact, but it is the truth, nevertheless.  I don't see how writing into the AHSA and raising awareness will ever change the situation.  Girls will always want to be thin and judges will always favor riders that are slender.  It's disgusting... yes... but it's also a mentality that is not going anywhere soon.

 What we need to to do is learn to cope with it.  Cozmo... you are a such a classic example of how junior girls feel.  What needs to be addressed her is how Cozmo can deal with these feelings of hers in a safe and non-harmful way.  Some have posted that she should not feel the way she does... that she has no reason to loose weight and that she should not heed her trainer's and judge's words.  Well of course she SHOULDN'T, but she does anyway.  No one can force her to change her feelings anymore than my girlfriends here at college can try to make me stop obsessing over this silly guy who I know is SO not worthy of my time and energy, but who I constantly think about anyway, DESPITE the fact that I know he is a jerk.  We feel the way we feel whether we like it or not, and it usually takes years and years to change the strongest of our feelings (and a lot of therapy).

 SO... here are my recommendations for "coping" with the feelings of inadequacy you have regarding your weight.  First of all, please consider going to a therapist.  There is a lot of bad therapy out there, so you have to be wise in choosing someone, but when you do find the right person, therapy can be one of the most rewarding and helpful expereinces.  It is something you have to do for yourself.  My mother wanted me to see someone for years becuase she thought I was holding myself back from winning by psyching myself out.  We also had a lot of family problems too.  Well, I refused to go for a very long time.  I was too embarassed really.  I didn't want to have to explain to people why I was doing it and I really thought that I could deal with my problems by myslef.  When I came to school, my friend finally got me to go to her therapist.  I can not even begin to tell you what it has done for me.  I wish so much that I had gone when I was a junior, I can't imagine how much it would have helped me then.  With you, Cozmo, a therapist would provide an outlet for you outside of your family and riding.  I know you think that you are too busy between riding, school, and everything else, but you just need to budget an hour a week and it is SOOOOOO completly worth it.  If you think that you would be embarassed then the key is not to tell people!  It might seem hard to keep it a secret, but it really isn't.  I have a huge group of freinds at school who I am with all of the time, and only two of my freinds know I am in therapy.  If your parents are in issue, let me know, because I have lots of ways to get around them.  My mother doesn't even know I am seeing anyone!   Believe me when I say that that is a feat!
 Moving on.  Ok... so you want to loose weight for Devon.  I am not going to criticize  you for that at all... if it's something you really think needs to be done then there ain't nutin that's gonna change that.  Just don't be a wuss and take the lazy and easy way to weight loss.  Yup... you ARE gonna loose the weight if you don't eat and take pills.  But god, you will so not be better off becuase you are just gonna feel like crap.
 A little anecdote for you.  I gained weight my first three weeks at college.  I went from 120 to 127 pounds at 5'9".  It crept up on me fast and I was traumatized because I had never gained non-growthspurt related weight before in my life, BUT I also hadn't gone that long without riding or working for my trainers since I was in grade school, so the weight gain made sense.  After all, I went from working my behind off every day at the summer shows to getting no exercise whatsoever except for walking around campus (plus, I was living it up and drinking a lot on the weekends).  Towards the end of September I realized that I was gonna have a bit of trouble squeezing into my riding clothes (especially my boots) for Indoors.  I had only gained 7 pounds, which is really hardly anything, but I knew that it was a meaningful 7 pounds.  So I stopped eating.  I would eat only when I absolutly could not take it anymore and I lived on vitamins and ultra slim fast.  I had never "dieted" before, and my body couldn't take it.  I was too tired to go out at night, I started falling alseep in my classes, and I kept gettingt the dry heaves.   I was a cry for help.  My wonderful roomate, who was this diet and workout guru, took me under her wing.  We had two weeks unitl capitol challenge... three til harrisburg.  First, we went to CVS and bought all of these cool vitamins.  Then, she introduced me to the gym.  I had never worked out before, and to me the gym was a foreign land with scary equipment and intense people, but she showed me the ropes and set up a routine, and I quickly got the hang of it.  She supervised my eating, making me eat breakfast for the first time ever, cutting the caffeine out of my diet, and introducing me to the world of the mythical "balanced diet".  And then there was the water, oh god the water.  I had to drink it 24-7.  I also had to make sure I slept at least 6 hours every night.  I felt so wonderful, AND I lost 5 pounds... all in good health!  Too bad I rode horribly anyway at Indoors!
It's such a shame that you feel winning is everything, but once again, if that is the way you feel then that is the way you feel.  But let me tell you a few things that helped me loose that mentality over time.  I had to become a working student when I was a sophomre because my family lost a lot of money and could not longer afford to do the circuit without worrying at all about the bills.  It was the best thing ever... I was such a spoiled brat before, and I only focused on winning... so much so that I was unable to do it! Being around my horses more and being responsible for them changed me so much... I learned to love the sport for the little things like arriving at the shows at the crack of dawn only to hear the birds and the sound of the horses munching on hay.   I stopped going to the shows in hopes of expereincing the thrill of victory, and instead, I went for dozens of other reasons, like to see my friends and enjoy preparing my horse to show.  Winning became secondary and I was so much happier.
All right, this is way to long and I HAVE to stop this rambling  now because I have too much studying that I need to be doing.  Oh god... having panick attack about schoolwork... must go... hope somobody out there, especially cozmo, got something out of this...

Thanks to everyone for posting here - this has been excellent.

If anyone wants to watch very very competitive riders who do not fit the “0-2” size category that is currently in vogue, you should watch dressage rider, Amy Gimbel (NA Young Riders Team) and Canadien (I think) show jumper extraordinaire, Frankie Chesler. I watched the latter in FLorida, and she was excellent: fit, strong, aggressive, talented. Her few mistakes were those of a young rider and had NOTHING to do with the fact that she is not the skeleton that the judges seem to prefer. (Both these riders are sponsored by 1824, a company that caters to larger riders - and they are featured models in the newest catalogue.) We need to see more like them in the winners’ circles!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have been following the weight threads, and yes, we do think it’s worthy of an article… probably later in the summer, since I have three articles I’m working on right now, and it seems too big a topic to lump in with the drugs/alcohol discussion. So please keep the discussion going! If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to email me at erin@chronofhorse.com.