Reading this thread IHSA Show Weight Limits – How Common Are They? kind of brought back to mind something I read earlier in the year.
I agree totally, 100% and fully, with any individual, barn, stable or other establishment setting and weight limits that they are comfortable with. I was fussy who rode my horse as an owner, and everyone should be able to make their own call.
That said, the following I am not sure of their logic, while fully supporting their choice.
What’s our weight limit?
I will keep it simple. No offence is intended but I feel quite certain some will be taken, which saddens me.We do have a strict weight limit, which applies fully dressed ready to ride. This varies according to a range of factors, including each individual’s age, height, weight, experience level both now and previously, what sort of horses they ride, is that in/out of an arena, hours weekly in the saddle, overall fitness and confidence.
Yes, the horses are large, but the hills here are steep, the ground uneven. We don’t want to risk injury to either our beautiful horses or our riders, so expect to be asked. We expect you to be honest, however, sadly some folk are not.
**> We reserve the right to weigh days where we weigh every rider privately in a calm, kind and non judgemental manner: it’s easy to be unaware of weight gain. This is not intended to belittle or ‘fat shame’ far from it, it is, however, for our horses and clients welfare. **
> If you are over our limits I am sorry but your experience will be curtailed, no refund, you have not been truthful.
Given the terrain here, this is also to protect our riders, as sadly we see heavier and /or novice heavier riders fall off more regularly, maybe because these riders can be top heavy and unbalanced, less core strength, sitting unbalanced, and if they start to slip to one side we notice a higher tendancy to depart the saddle. This is not said to cause offence, simply to explain, our limits are for rider safety, too. Falling from an 18hh horse will hurt, so please understand our reasons for being firm re weight limits.
> As a guide, FULLY DRESSED at 6’ plus our absolute maximum is 16 stones. (224 pounds) At eg 5’6" it is much less, around 14stones. (196 pounds)
We do not mean to cause any offence, we are protecting both horses and you, too. That is from the heart.
Ok, tech head is failing me today, but hopefully it makes sense. This is a statement from a place that has lots of big drafty types, yes bred to pull not carry, but not fine boned lightweights.
The bit that put my back up first the dual statements,
“it’s easy to be unaware of weight gain”
“If we weigh you and you are too heavy you are a liar and we will not refund you”
Personal anecdote here, found a stable that would take a larger rider like me, at the end of the first week in January, I was mortified when I weighed a couple of days later to see the damage Christmas and New Year had done.
The one that still has me thinking is the variation in weights between heights, is a beginner 6’ 220 pound rider an easier carry than an experienced 220 pound rider who is 5’ 6”. Reading the thread above where ability was often mentioned, and “riding light” I just have me a brain worm over this. It’s an interesting rabbit hole to crawl down, because there are so many factors that come into it, BUT, if the limit is 220, fine, why does it change with height?