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Well, that didnt take long

My brain is bleeding. I wanted to yell “just put your damn leg on and quit jerking on his mouth!!”


Ya’ know, her glorious riding (!) combined with her unabashed ridiculing of nasty, poo-poo competitive dressage, makes me think that perhaps… just perhaps… we’ve stumbled upon a female version of El Maestro.

Maybe they could work out a clinic schedule together.


This is CORRECT dressage, don’t you know? She has been SHUNNED by her dressage community for simply telling all the local pros they are incompetent and doing dressage all wrong. This is the ancient art form of KLASSIKAL dressage. All you naysayers have been brainwashed by the evil horrors of modern CIRCUS dressage to appreciate the balance and lightness shown here. She is the only one who speaks the TRUTH and stands up against ABUSE and we are trying to shut her down because we are INTIMIDATED by someone who actually does what the MASTERS did.

(Or some such nonsense, lol)

Out of curiosity, have any Canadians here heard of a guy called Hans Hollenbach?


La Bologna?


I don’t think I have ever seen a double bridle so poorly fitted.

I could not sit through the whole riding video, but I did find it ironic that she is riding to a Disney soundtrack. Pairs well with her “fairytale speshul” connection with the horse. I’m sensing some black beauty syndrome in her. Or a case of arrested development.


Yeah, I feel reluctant to pile on here because she comes across like a deeply damaged person who has constructed a pretty sturdy alternate reality to cope 🫤


Alternate reality, or not, she preaches some form of rehabilitation for horses, “correct” biomechanics, and even brings in “science” as a defense for her practice. Yet she is completely destroying her horses’ movement with spectacularly bad trimming. I doubt any of those horses could even trot, much less canter correctly with feet like that. They barely land heel-toe. They cannot properly cycle their hind limbs. It’s horrifying.


Raises hand just over shoulder height hoping not to be seen in the back row.

Yep. Rode for him for under 2 weeks and gtfo of there as fast as my little feet would run. Nope, sorry, not going to allow young stallions behaviours that will land me or someone else in the dirt. Also, treat the dang “burping” mare for ulcers already and you might actually find yourself with a lovely creature.

Enough said?


I would feel worse but this person apparently goes around on other’s Facebook pages and critiques and criticizes them when it’s not being asked for (I literally just ran across this the other day on friend’s page.)


and they always ride in spurs, which I find funny considering they think even sitting the wrong way is abuse.

But poking your horse with steel points is OK? Ok then.

(I have nothing against spurs) lol


Horse in video looks lame. Is wearing easyboots that don’t fit, and if your horse needs easyboots to walk around a sand arena……. He’s not bloody sound enough to ride!


Easyboots are The Best thing ever for a horse that has abscessed and needs to have the hole kept clean while tack walking and then getting back to work. I’ve actually done a clinic with them. 1 front foot abscessed shortly before the clinic, got dug out, wrapped, booted and was sound. Horse wore boots on both fronts to keep balance during work and just one out in turnout to minimize chances of losing boots due to idiocy.

That said, um, yeah, wholeheartedly agree in this case, the horse is probably not sound and not just recovering from an abscess :confused:

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Ok, yes good point!

But I bet your boots fit! The left boot in the video was flopping. Yikes.

Absolutely. I took an old shoe wrapped in Vetrap to the store with me so I could get an exact fit! The people in the store thought I was nuts until I explained I actually wanted to make sure I got a fit over shoe and bandage that would be good enough for riding in.

The butchery she practices on those feet is heartbreaking. I viewed one of the vids and she does not even know how to use a rasp correctly. The angles of those pasterns are so acute that it seems her goals are either navicular or to have the foot land on the heel bulb. Those horses must be or will be in deep pain.


Wouldn’t you be working in a closet? I was bored 30 seconds in…the walls were closing in on me. Frankly, I watched about 1 minute at various points of the 19 minutes of video. I caught her not lifting the bit but yanking it upwards. Yuck.



I’m going to disagree with this strongly. There’s lots to critique, but please don’t bash someone for not having a large arena. Their arena size has nothing to do with it.

Said from someone with a very small indoor she gets stuck in all winter but manages to do good work despite that.


Dressage Hub has shared a Northern Lightness video and NP has posted in the comments. Think it’ll lead to any interesting collaborations? :popcorn:


Are those wedding bells I hear coming from the heavens above? Put the popcorn away and start gift shopping!

Registry guidelines: Cheques preferred. If you MUST buy a material gift, make it an original copy of the work of some ODG that can be misinterpreted to our hearts’ content. Please note, no side reins, no gift cards for services of certified farriers.


you know eyes are on this forum!