The problem with that was I spent a lot of money shipping saddles around. I have good knowledge of saddle fit, and of a lot of the brands and models out there. I also worked with a fitter virtually, and some saddles were close, but still NQR for either me or the horse. I am particular with dressage saddles though. So if I don’t like it, the I’m not keeping it even if the horse likes it.
Horse wasn’t that difficult of a fit but saddles that were allegedly designed for his shape were just not right in some ways. Even though he’s bum high at 3, I think both myself and one of the fitters did not initially realize just how straight of a tree he needs even though his top line isn’t exactly flat.
I also received one from a well known consignment shop that had a twisted tree. Fortunately I could return it, but I was still out shipping.
I’d love to buy used, and have successfully before, but this time around, it was a cluster for whatever reason!