What does "banned" mean?

Does banned mean they can no longer post anywhere on the COTH forums? But they can sign in?

The reason I ask is because I saw where the status circle was green for a clearly banned poster yesterday meaning they were signed in, I guess. Just don’t understand how they could be “green” when banned.

They were banned on November 10.

Last Activity: Nov. 12, 2017, 04:31 AM

Think once you’re banned you can’t actually get logged in anymore. I saw where one poster was banned earlier this month, and it was said they no longer would have access to the site. Can’t login can’t post.

The “status” button (I don’t know what its proper name is) was green for a poster who had been banned a couple of days prior. I believe it is green when you are logged in.

That is a good question especially since in his FB he complains that he doesn’t remember what he said that got him banned and that he can’t get back on to see for himself. Further proof they made the right decision if you ask me.


If I recall correctly from my time moderating another board, a banned poster can still be logged in and view the board after banning as log as their web browsing session is opened. Once they close and reopen their web browser, that is, get to a place where they have to log in again, the ban takes effect.

I think, in theory, that’s why you could see someone as active after a ban.


Also, if you research this poster’s post history, his last post before banning was

You ignorant uneducated clueless ciphers.

You could perhaps infer that it was that post that led to the ban. Perhaps someone could share that with him on FB.


I thought about it but since he was stalking me here I don’t want to contact him with my real name even though it is easy to find out.


Makes sense, laurierace. Seems like a not terribly balanced individual.


It’s worth noting that November 10th is my birthday. Probably the second best gift I received


Sorry for abusing this thread but I have a question. Is it ok to talk bad about banned posters??? I know the board rules require polite discussions, but after somebody is banned its ok to call him/her a witch or other bad words?? Just wanted to clarify.


Let’s see…

This thread is in the Help Forum, which means that moderators review it frequently.

It’s a month old.

The banned poster is not identified by name; most people reading this thread now have no idea who was being discussed. . No one called the banned poster a “witch or other bad words.”

So I would say the evidence indicates that this thread is fine and within the board’s guidelines.

You could always try reporting it if you really think it’s an issue. Or just PM Moderator1 and ask.

But the better question is, why are YOU trying to moderate other people’s posting style and threads? And how well has that worked out for you in all the other threads you’ve tried it in?

Perhaps you should consider starting your own board, moderating it yourself, and then you can have total control of the tone and content of posts. That might work better than passive/aggressively moderating this one.


Thank you for your lovely post… I was not referring to this thread at all. I was simply using it to place my question because I did not know where else to place it . Thank you for making your own assumptions about it. And its really sad that you even need to ask that question :frowning: :frowning: So now my assumption is that it is ok for you to call somebody who was previously banned (and to clarify it, I am not talking about the banned poster in this thread unless its the same one I am talking about by chance, but that I don’t know) a witch…


One of us has lost the plot here.

No one in this thread called anyone a witch.

I don’t believe you spontaneously lost the ability to either 1.) start a new thread or 2.) report a post to the moderators. You’ve had the ability to do both in the past.

So you just decided to hijack a random thread to complain about people talking about a banned poster? In a different thread that you don’t mention? And that made sense to you? Rather than putting the complaint in the thread where the comment was made, starting a new thread or reporting it? This was the best option?

And you’re surprised that we didn’t understand your intentions or what you were referring to?

This isn’t even passive/aggressive, it’s passive/obtuse.


I asked a question in the help section in a thread which is about exactly the topic of my question. I know that I am a horrible person who does everything wrong… So I apologize, again I did something wrong…

But I would still like to know whether “banned” means that Boardrules, like being polite to each other don’t apply anymore.

Then I would like to politely suggest that you may get better results by starting your own, new thread with an appropriate title in this forum (with a link to or description of the post you’re referencing), or reporting the problematic post.

Both those actions seem much likely to yield results than this one…


Well I asked this question about an hour ago, and I got results immediately… And sadly these results are very typical, and I don’t really think it makes any difference whether I post these questions in a separate thread or not…:(But congratulations, you did a great job to prevent any answers which might have occurred :frowning:

I don’t think Manni01 did anything wrong here - she wasn’t referring to any name-calling in this specific thread (is that really that hard to interpret?), she was asking if it is allowable to insult a past poster.

The TOS states:

So, to answer your question, I don’t think it is obeying the spirit of the rule to insult a previously active poster… but it’s one of those things where the Moderators probably have bigger fish to fry and these “small offenses” fly under the radar.


It still seems like the type of thing that the alert button is made for.
Hit alert and in the comments say ‘insulting poster’ and then moderation staff will decide if the post meets or does not meet the rules and deal with it appropriately.


Of course it does. I agree… but is there really a big problem with someone asking, given it is not expressly written in the rules?

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Great. If anyone thinks a post of mine is not within the letter or the spirit of the rules, please, please, either discuss with me directly or hit the report button and let the mods review and rule on it.

Anything else is time-wasting and inefficient. And passive-whatever.

And again, this thread is in the help forum which means mods have seen it. That’s the purpose of this sub-forum, to get help from the mods. So I think the question of whether what has been said in this post is okay has been asked and answered.