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What fly legging brand do you use?

Yeah, I’m a Shoo Fly fan too. The girl who owns my horse’s pasture mate bought her some off-brand version from Amazon. They don’t fit the same and just aren’t as high quality. I’ve had two sets of Shoo Flys over the past three summers. This summer will be the second summer with my most recent set. I can still use the first set if pressed. They look rough, but they still work. Horse doesn’t mind them and leaves them alone.



These are the cheap knockoffs:

Harrison Howard Loose Fitting Fly… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVV23FP8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

I’ve been using them about a month on my destructive baby and so far so good. No complaints. They have held up well and she doesn’t remove them (the first day she did, but I stopped that with some yucky ointment smeared on them).

My only minor criticism is they run a bit small. I bought a size large and they fit my 15h 2yo great, but they wouldn’t be a good option for my 16.2h mare. I’d recommend them for horses under 16h that aren’t particularly thick boned.

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I am still really liking my Warrior ones. They seem a lot sturdier than the Shoo-flys. But I sure wouldn’t mind having a cheaper choice for back ups or hind legs.

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For those of you who use fly leggings, do you really think they work better than just fly spray? I’ve never used them.

Yes yes yes a thousand times yes!

They are a game changer for hoof health living out 24/7 in the summer.


Absolutely! With fly spray, I cannot possibly apply enough to work even an hour. Seems like once it dries, it no longer works on the legs. The fly boots are 24/7 with no stomping at all.


Don’t waste any money on the Professionals Choice brand. They don’t have stiff enough ‘stays’ in the vertical strips, so the horses just walking and moving around loosens the velcro enough at the bottom that the boot wallows down around the hoof. The materials are nice and thick and well made, but that lack of stiffness is their undoing (literally LOL).

Yes yes yes fly leggings work better than fly spray. My horses wear leggings front and back, and they never stomp. I find that fly spray is worthless for flies, but it does a good job of keeping ticks off if I spray the legs and abdomen.


I was going to post a similar review. My issue with them is they don’t have the velcro cross piece at the bottom so I have issues keeping them tight enough at the ankle to actually stay on. It’s very disappointing, but I got them on clearance over the winter so… at least I didn’t pay full price.


I just received a new set of Shoo Flys and they appear to made just as well as the first set bought 3 years ago and still hanging in there, albeit looking pretty rough. I have the new ones as back up for now.

I find fly boots to be an absolute MUST and so inexpensive given all we spend otherwise. I mean an average of $15/yr? The idea they don’t stomp seems pretty important. Just my 2 cents.

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100% why I will buy what works best! I have a delicate flower about both bugs AND her front feet so I will do what I can to stack the deck in my favor!


Exactly. Honestly, even if the horse destroys the set by the end of the season, that’s still less than I spend on fly spray each year… and the fly spray doesn’t even work!


Same. So far mine are doing OK. I have never been able to get more than a year out of any brand, but my horses are out 24/7.

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I have the dumbest question - not having used fly boots before but now own a precious flower, so considering a purchase - don’t the flies just go down through the top of the open boots??

No! They don’t. I dont know how they dont figure out how to get inside of them, but no, not that I have seen. My horse can stand completely motionless and just swish his tail. No flies are ever in those boots. He was one that was very dramatic about flies on his legs and he’d stomp and kick. Not anymore with the fly boots.


Thank you! I just ordered some of the Warrior brand for our prince. He’s not super dramatic but can’t seem to stay not hurt**, so would like to keep the stomping to a minimum if we can! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

**ETA I guess that actually does make him dramatic :thinking:

I’ve never seen a fly go down in either. And don’t you know just tonight he came in with just two boots so there we are - going into the new awful orange boots. I already had blue, no way were we doing pink so thought I’d try orange. Easy to find out in the pasture at least.

I just wish Shoo Fly had other colors. Come on. So sick of rotating between blue and orange. I almost ordered some off brand from Chick’s that sounded good - mainly just for a new color! But for some web processing error, I gave up and ordered Shoo Flys off Amazon again :joy:

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