If you are interested in 4Cyte, the pelleted version is Epiitalis and GLM. It’s not as effective as Epiitalis apparently, but easy enough to load into little daily supplement containers. It is a bit stinky though so maybe mix some powedered sweetener into it.
Thank you! I will look into this.
My 21 yr old Appendix has been on 4-cyte since mid-May, and I’ve seen a definite improvement in his movement and hoof growth. I did the 8 cc/day oral loading dose for 2 wks as recommended but left him on 6 cc a day rather than 4 cc as they recommend. His range of motion in his neck and legs, and general comfort are better than after the neck, stifle and hock PRP and Arthrimid injections he had earlier this year. It seems more cost effective for the level of improvement I’ve noticed. So far, I plan to keep my guy on it for the foreseeable future. Hope this is helpful.