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What is a "403 Error"

I tried to post a reply…typed up my post… and once I hit submit, I got a blank screen with “403 Error”

403 means " you don’t have permission to access this resource " but I do not know why you got it in this case.

I just got the same error message this morning…How do I fix it?

Perhaps time to light off the BatSignal and bring in @Moderator_1

Where were you trying to post when you received the error message? We’re you later able to post there? If not, could you try logging out, then back in and attempting again?


I think the problem went away for me. I was just posting since @Kemosabe seems to have a problem. I was just flagging in case there was a software issue.

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It went away…after I posted on this thread :grin:

Glad whatever glitch there was is gone.

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Well it happened again! I was posting a reply, went to click on “Reply” and got the dreaded 403 Error

I went to repost and saw this “drafts offline”.

I canceled, tried to edit by typing my reply (instead of paste) and saw that instead of “drafts offline” there was a checkmark. So I continued to try to edit and saw the checkmark… then when I tried to paste, got the" drafts offline."

I continued to type and got the checkmark. So…I’m just posting for info.

HTTP 403 is an HTTP status code meaning access to the requested resource is forbidden. The server understood the request, but will not fulfill it, if it was correct.

It may be something to do with a firewall.