what is wrong with me?

So far a chest xray, bloodwork and stool samples have all come back normal.
Still waiting on contrast ct scan results.

My belly is distended and bloated, I wake up nauseas and starving every day, and anything I eat makes my stomach even more bloated. I burp and belch after every meal, feel full but also ravenous at the same time.
The digestion is working well, sometimes too well–with occasional urgency issues.
I’m in so much discomfort, and have almost no stamina at all. My bra and pants sizes have gone down while my weight has increased.
It looks like I have swallowed a basketball!

This Doctors’ office only calls when tests come back with a problem, though I’ve asked them to call me with the results today—the contrast ct was last Friday and no word yet.

I have a life to lead and this is too much of a pain in the ass to ignore–and wtf will it mean if all looks normal?!
Just looking for some ideas here, as my Dr visit isn’t for another few weeks.

No idea but sending jingles for you and fingers crossed for a simple solution to your problems.:concern::concern:

Chrohns, gastroparisis and IBD. Those are a few things to ask your doctor about.

I am sorry you are feeling this way. I hope you get answers soon.

Sounds like its time to get yourself to a gastroenterologist and have them work you up. They will most likely do a colon/endoscopey on you to try to find the cause because blood work and ct scans can’t diagnose digestive related diseases.

I can feel this way when my ulcer flares up. Just like a horse, I have to take Prilosec.
I also have had great results with Digestive Advantage IBS. It has probiotic & something to stop diarrhea.
Or try just probiotics alone. But double up on them for a few days.
Have you had a colonoscopy? You need one probably.

Ct scann reveals fatty liver disease, inflamed bowel lining and fibroids something.
Gastro and oncology consults soon.
I’m so sick of feeling sick.

Do you eat dairy? I had very similar symptoms a few years ago. Test after useless test showed nothing. I started systematically eliminating food groups. When I got to dairy, boom problems stopped. Just a thought.

I’m sorry ~ feel better soon ~ Jingles & AO ~ ((hugs)) too !

I’m so sorry to read this :frowning:

Hoping with some diet changes and meds ?? you will feel better soon ~

Jingles & AO ~ ((hugs))

I hope in all of this you get some answers that aren’t scary and that you can get back to feeling good asap.

well I though id update you guys, as there’s been some movement in the right direction I think.
I started drinking raw milk on Friday, and as of this afternoon my sinuses are clear, and the headache is very mild until I cough or lean my head down.
My digestion has improved and speeded up, and the bloating/discomfort is a chronic 3 instead of an 8, which is a HUGE improvement in how I feel.

So far drinking a glass of raw milk a day is the only change, so fingers crossed I continue to improve with such a simple fix.
I’ll probably get antibiotics tomorrow for the sinus infection, and hope i’ll be feeling way better by the weekend.

Movement in the ‘Right Direction’ is always GOOD !!!

Movement in the “Right Direction” is always GOOD !

[B] No advice … No knowledge of …


[/B][B]Sunshine Jingles & AO

for you to be feeling more like suz in a few days ~

((hugs)) laced with strength ``` it is tough [/B]:eek: feeling lousy ~

Try goat milk, even easier to digest and helps the immune system. Feel better soon!

Ct scann reveals fatty liver disease, inflamed bowel lining and fibroids something.
Gastro and oncology consults soon.
I’m so sick of feeling sick.[/QUOTE]

Do you have a history of cancer? Wondering why the oncology consult. I hope you feel better soon and get some answers.

I was like this and turned out a gall bladder full of rot. Sorry, know that’s gross. You may be harbouring something. Hopefully you’ll get it sorted. Lots of luck.

Ct scann reveals fatty liver disease, inflamed bowel lining and fibroids something.
Gastro and oncology consults soon.
I’m so sick of feeling sick.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=suz;8217961]well I though id update you guys, as there’s been some movement in the right direction I think.
I started drinking raw milk on Friday, and as of this afternoon my sinuses are clear, and the headache is very mild until I cough or lean my head down.
My digestion has improved and speeded up, and the bloating/discomfort is a chronic 3 instead of an 8, which is a HUGE improvement in how I feel.

So far drinking a glass of raw milk a day is the only change, so fingers crossed I continue to improve with such a simple fix.
I’ll probably get antibiotics tomorrow for the sinus infection, and hope i’ll be feeling way better by the weekend.[/QUOTE]

This counts as a PSA, for those reading this thread to consider.

I don’t know how to say this without getting some on the defensive, but to drink raw milk is questionable for healthy, young adults and dangerous for the very young, old or those with health problems.

If you do get sick from whatever may be in that milk, it will compound whatever problem is going on with your health.

Drinking raw milk is a risky behavior under the best of circumstances, is seriously ill advised when someone has digestive or immune health problems.

Thank you for weighing in miss b. I did weight the risks carefully, and knowing the intense controversy chose to post here in hopes of avoiding another trainwreck.

Thank you for weighing in miss b. I did weight the risks carefully, and knowing the intense controversy chose to post here in hopes of avoiding another trainwreck.[/QUOTE]


I expect your gastroenterologist will examine you for gallbladder problems, just in case, as someone else suggested.
Liver problems are harder to sort thru.

Good luck with getting things resolved.

so far the only things identified are moderate to severe fatty liver disease and inflammation of the bowel lining—I forget the term.
the fatty liver is a non alcoholic’s precuroser to cirrhosis if I undertand her correctly, and can be helped with diet changes.
since I appear to be allergic to pasturized milk, and to have a poorly functioning gut, the extra good bacteria in raw foods and fermented foods should be of use to my body.
I hope I will be lucky enough to repair my health with nutrition and not more drugs.
I know it’s a risk, hoping I wont be the one in a million who loses the bet.

eta, my head has not yet been examined, that is a worry since both times my cancer has been above the shoulders and I sort of wonder if the sinus stuff is related, though it could be a complication from the radiation.
ugh, I hate being the complicated weird case.

I’m sorry you have been feeling so crummy.

I never knew there was such a thing as cirrhosis without lots of alcohol.

I’ll be praying and jingling for you, Suz.

I’m sorry you have been feeling so crummy.

I never knew there was such a thing as cirrhosis without lots of alcohol.

I’ll be praying and jingling for you, Suz.[/QUOTE]

