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What is your horse's bumper sticker?

Rhodey’s is …

“Commit Random Acts of Masochism.”

(two long scrapes on his neck last night).

There’s a new one every day.


You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.

Great thread Robby!!

Woody’s would be “Got Grain?” or “Show me the Carrots!”

In his younger days, or anytime he jumps, especially XC, he’s another “Get on, Shut up, Hold on.”

The first would probably be:

“Work facinates me. I can stand and watch it for hours!”

And another one could be:

“They don’t call me Dennis the Menace for nothing.”

Had a palamino draft cross that would have had one: “I beat up your honor student.”

Not too sure yet what T-Bay’s might be. He’s got a pretty good work ethic even tho sometimes you have to remind him he really does have to do it.
Possibly something like:

“Whap! OK, OK, I get the picture!”


You know you’re a horse person when…you can find your boots by smell.

“If you don’t want it to be eaten, don’t wear it to the barn”

Here are some for my horse, Bruce:

Attention: Potential Projectile On Board

I Put on Airs – Above Ground

I jump fences only I can see

Stupid humans, they tell you to run fast, then they put things in your way!

To err is human. To buck is equine.

(LOL! I could go on for hours!)

Act Silly! Sing Loud! Create!

originally posted by bgoosewood:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>HONK…if you wanna see me spook!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That is a good one! My TB Sunny could use that one. Another one for him would be: “Perpetual good boy”

Here’s one for my donkey Eli: “Donkeys do what is best for the donkey (NOT what is best for the human!)”

If you lend someone $20 and you never see them again, it was probably worth it.

Ah, well, Erik’s must be:

“It ain’t got class, if it ain’t got spots on its a$$”

Of course, “his” truck has vanity plate: HT4SPTS

And the trailer has a plate holder: “Appy DQ - Get Spotted - Ride an Appaloosa”


Tosca’s would be:

100% 'Tude

Pirate’s would be:

Kiss me, I’m confused


Unfortunate Member of the Stall-Rested Thoroughbred Clique

“Mama says,‘Don’t use a toaster while standing in the shower.’”

Jen’s- ‘Buck You’ (If you replaced the B with another letter of your choice, that would work, too )
Mitch- (We’re pretending he is mine…I swear, I am going to buy him!) ‘Huh?’

If riding were all bright lights, big arenas and blue ribbons, I would have quit a long time ago."
-George Morris

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Woody (produces more gas than any horse I’ve ever owned) - “Warning: No Open Flames.”

Oliver (chestnut gelding with lots of chrome) - “I shoulda been a mare.”

Dolly (if she were human, she would be a southern socialite) - “Dahlin, can we talk?”

Gus (most pathetic tail ever seen on a horse) - “Follicle Challenged”

Whoops, there goes another rubber tree plant!

Paddy’s would be:

If you can read this you are too close, or I am too big.

I brake for food.

Several come to mind for Will:

" Huh? Are you talking to ME?"

“Bite Me”

“You want me to do what?”

“I AM Moving”

I am so tired of sewing up blankets-I do think he has a bite me bumper sticker on his ass, written in equine only visible ink-Why Me? I HATE to sew!

What a funny topic Robby!

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

geez… that’s actually pretty accurate in America today. I know waaaaay too many (heck, ONE is too many) people who have easy jobs and do nothing all day… Rush Limbaugh once said, “just show up on time and you’re ahead of half the other people.” I have to amend that to, “Show up on time and look busy and you’ll keep your job forever…” (unless you’re in middle management in a tech job, in which case you’ll be downsized at least 10 times before your job has some security to it…)

“It’s not getting what you want; it’s wanting what you’ve got…” -Sheryl Crow, Soak Up the Sun


For my beloved Fat Boy: “Will Work For Food”.

April’s (3 yr. old filly) would be “Give it back, that’s MY toy!”

Shadow’s (4 yr. old gelding)would be “Lean, mean, big chicken machine”

Phoenix’s (20 yr.old pony) would be " 0 to B**ch in 0.001 seconds"

My horse’s would be “My owner beat up YOUR honor student” or “Brakes for Treats”

Well, I made it back

Say it ten times fast and you’ll understand.

That’s what my trainer wants to rename the horse I’m riding.

Wings - “I have Four Leg Drive”

Maddie - “It’s All About ME!”

Pockets - “No Such Thing As Too Cute”

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

Stormy’s would be:
Get out of my way!!!ahhhhhh!!!
Buck you (like belens)
I’m doing what i want!!!
Get off my back!!!
