@2DogsFarm (apologies if I have told this story before) --I was a newly appointed whipper-in at the hunt club --not so much for my riding ability as the ability of my 1/2 Arab mare Jordan --she would jump anything I pointed her to and I managed to stay on . . .until . . .
The Blessing of the Hounds.
The MFH explained to us six whippers-in, that he would take the pack into a fenced arena where the priest would conduct the service. Members of the hunt would wait mounted during the service. After we would hunt, then return to the hunt club for a catered brunch that included members, their families and landowners. As whippers-in, our job was to make sure the pack stayed together with the master, then marshal them out of the gate to the hunt country.
There was a considerable crowd assembled at the arena to watch the Blessing.
The plan went as expected, and then it was time to take the hounds to the hunt country. The MFH led, the pack followed, and the whippers in kept the hounds together. Except for me.
I was last (being the newest whip). Just as the master picked up the pace outside the arena, I decided to jump the fence instead of go through the gate.
And I did --it was splendid to behold! My blood bay mare, braided to the nines, and me in my spotless hunt coat, canary breeches, and shiny boots --soared over the arena fence --except --I had cleaned my saddle the night before, and forgotten to reattach my stirrup keepers properly.
As Jordan landed her jump, I pushed my feet back. Both stirrups came off and I slid down Jordan’s rump on to my butt on the ground in front of all the assembled spectators.
Sitting on the ground, I whistled for Jordan. In her entire life, she had never come to a whistle, and after that day, she never did again. THIS TIME, this one time, she stopped, wheeled, and just like a trained Hollywood horse, trotted back to me and stood as I reattached my stirrups and remounted. The spectators had gathered around us asking if I was hurt, then expressing amazement at my well-trained horse –
I assured everyone I was fine, and Jordan always came to a whistle.
I hunted her for almost 10 years until life and children intervened. By the time I was ready to hunt again, she was a favorite of my kids who showed her in everything they could and loved brushing her and braiding her long made and tail. I hunted a pleasant gelding, then my Percheron.
One day I was out in the barn and realized, Jordan was now over 20 years old. Where had the time gone? At 22 she died when her liver failed. The vet said it took twice as much as usual to send her over the rainbow bridge. He said, “She is really tough,” and she was. She was tough, and game, and a great hunt horse.