What's the deal with "unapproved" posts?

This reponse from mod 1 still applies to the one offs that get stuck because of links:

Ok, thanks!

Well, back to unapproved, knew it couldn’t last.

I’m on that list now too. sigh I posted a link to a Facebook page because I found someone’s missing horse…and now I can’t post anywhere.

I am too – copied and pasted a chart from a website, and poof! Unapproved.

I put a harmless link to wiki and also it was unapproved, until it was approved later.

The price to pay for spam filters.

It makes for a weird and stilted conversation. It’s too bad the spam filter can’t be bypassed for “approved” posters.

I’ve found the moderators to be very speedy about approving if you just send a PM to @Moderator 1 with a “please let my message out of jail” note. Posting here about it doesn’t get the same response. Highly recommend the PM route if you want your message approved quickly.

@OneGrayPony I belong to a Pinball forum that has a “verified poster” thing and think it’s kinda cool. Old threads can only be bumped by verified posters, which is brilliant (can you imagine how that would cut down on our spam?!) No clue if it’s a possibility with our software. Here’s the page for it, though: https://pinside.com/pinball/my-pinside/verification Neat, huh?


It can be bypassed easily, but we don’t want spammers to know how.
I just didn’t think wiki would trigger them, but it did.

Well clearly, but once you get in jail, it’s hard to get out. This last post had no links in it or anything. Maybe I just seem spammy LOL.

belong to a Pinball forum that has a “verified poster” thing and think it’s kinda cool. Old threads can only be bumped by verified posters, which is brilliant (can you imagine how that would cut down on our spam?!) No clue if it’s a possibility with our software. Here’s the page for it, though: https://pinside.com/pinball/my-pinside/verification Neat, huh?
@Simkie Very cool - that’s the kind of thing I was thinking of :slight_smile:

I’m battling the unapproved posts again this week. Was doing well but now back to unapproved. No links in my posts, just regular posts. I am so over this.


New development, now I post, the page refreshes and the post disappears, no box that says unapproved, nothing. :mad:


Daily issue for me now. I’m so fed up with it.

Happening daily now, approved then disapproved, incredibly frustrating that they can’t fix it a bit more permanently.

Hmmm…I just got the unapproved message as well. Never happened before.
lets see if this one goes through…

Testing again, been unapproved on and off all week


Yours are the two accounts who have consistently had issues with posts being sucked into the approval queue, regardless of content. DawnJL’s are consistently sent there, js’s seem to go through periods where it’s fine and periods where all posts are quarantined.

Not counting those who have the occasional posts caught up by the spam filters, is there anyone else who this ALWAYS happens to, or will randomly but fairly regularly have this problem, like the two members named above?

I’ve sent multiple notes to the developers about the issue, and apparently it had been marked as “resolved” when they thought they’d solved it, but the problem has persisted and they’re going to re-examine. I don’t want to miss any accounts for which this is a regular occurrence.

Thanks, and our apologies to you two for the inexplicable headache!!

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If the techs have worked on the software for the program that runs the board then they have done something that is making me be unapproved just about daily now.