Not as tired as you must be!
I’ve sent another message to the developers…I wish I knew something to tell you! I’m really sorry you’re still having this problem.
Back to unapproved in less than a week. This is beyond old and frustrating.
Back to unapproved in less than a couple of days. Seriously???
Off the wall idea, would it help any if you had any kind of picture with your name, the filters then would not be so - picky?
Do they filter quicker if someone has a picture, as more of a true poster, not to be set aside as possible spammer?
Since you have tried other …
I had a picture and my location, the moderator asked to remove them to see if that made a difference; obviously it didn’t. I have absolutely no answer as to why and no one else seems to although they keep fixing it temporarily. Which seems if they can do that they should be able to fix it permanently.
I originally had a photo and location. The moderator removed the location to see if that would help and I removed the picture, neither did any good.
Oh, too bad.
Tried changing the name also, a new email, I assume.
At least while the web site designers keep trying to tweak the inner workings into accepting you as you are!
Well, there’s always got to be one in the crowd :).
And I’m back to unapproved, been nonstop since the observation lounge was opened.
Just keep being a very squeaky wheel.
Will keep bumping this up so it is up front in their minds.
Since the Off Topic board got opened I’ve been pretty much on and off with approved/unapproved. Approved one minute the a little while later unapproved.
Testing again, been unapproved most of the weekend
There’s a big difference between knowing why something is happening and knowing how to fix the outcome. For example, I know that when vzw runs some sort of “helpful checkup” on my phone, it turns off my location services. I can go turn my location services back on, but damned if I know how to turn off the stupid checkup thing :-/
If you’re getting dumped into a “spammer” bucket because of some weird mysterious piece of code, that’s going to be incredibly difficult to find and fix…but it’s probably pretty easy to move you back to the “safe poster” bucket when it happens.
Can’t even imagine how frustrating this is for you, but it’s also got to be super frustrating for the people on the other side who can’t figure out the problem
Now I’M getting unapproved. No pics or links.
Testing to see if I am still in unapproved land…
This happened to me today… The post was nothing but a couple of short paragraphs of text.
I guess I will go find the thread and send a PM like the original note in this conversation said to do.
Mines been ok lately?!?!?
I just got this message when I tried to post. I guess I shouldn’t have added links. Is the post gone forever, or does it get reviewed and posted if deemed okay?
The filters are touchy to some words and links.
Those posts go on a line for the Modrators to check and approve.
They generally show up readily, some times right off, others it takes a bit.
Even the plain allbreed pedigree link will get a post unapproved?
Something in the way some links are formatted seems to cause that.
It does seem to help to keep forum’s spam out, but it does catch some that are harmless also.