What's the deal with "unapproved" posts?

The info in the moderators first response on this thread still applies.

The best way to get your post out of jail is to send a pm to moderator 1 and ask nicely.

Your post isn’t erased. It just needs moderator approval being it will appear in the thread.


I have not had luck with them approving it. I have asked twice and neither was approved. 1 was just text, another was a link to a pound cake recipe.

Why don’t you create a new identity?

My posts have the same problem. Can this be fixed coth?

Suddenly today my posts now appear as unapproved. No links and nothing changed since the post seconds before which was fine. Ugh.

Though apparently not in this thread. :lol:

For me, seems like the Unapproved happens for posts with links (but not all links). :rolleyes:

Just to confirm, you’re sending your notes to @Moderator 1 and not some other Admin or Moderator account? Hopefully tagging them here gets the attention you need to get them through :slight_smile:


My last post was just approved.

Because it doesn’t have anything to do with it, been there done that. It has been suggested that is may be due to my internet access and how it is routed???

Oh well that does suck! Well poop. You need a special pass, lol. What’s funny is I have never had this problem until my keto thread in off topic and it only happens on that thread.

I’m all of a sudden getting all my posts Unapproved. Any solution?

Well, I was doing great for a long stretch, that is until this morning. Back to unapproved!

Well, I was doing great for a long stretch but now I’m not only back to unapproved, some of my posts just disappear.

Can you PM the Moderator directly?
May get seen quicker.

Stumped what is going on there?

I can’t even post in a PM, I send a message thru the Administrator in the contact’s at the bottom of the page. It’s fixed now.

@Moderator 1 Since I was just the lucky victim of an unapproved post in the dog getting out of control thread, what does checking the Unapproved checkbox (located in the top right corner)?

On what posts do you see that option? As a mod/admin, for example, I can see under a poster’s recent activity, or in a thread, all posts, including those that are unapproved. The unapproved ones state “unapproved” in the upper right corner with a check mark box that I could check to delete it from that screen vs. going through the moderation queue to approve legit posts or delete spam.

When you’re post is unapproved, do you see it appear in the thread with “unapproved” in the corner? I thought users just got a message that it was unapproved and it disappeared until we approved it.

I rarely get the Unapproved… yesterday was the first time in a long time. It was post #167 in the thread ‘This dog deal is getting ridiculous…’

Post is now visible. But, when I posted it, got the Unapproved and noticed the checkbox in the upper right of the post ‘box’ next to the word Unapproved. Maybe just a coincidence that the checkbox and ‘Unapproved’ were right next to each other. I checked the checkbox but didn’t have a clue what it really did.

When I look at that post now, I see the post number #167 and right next to it (about one ‘space’ away) a checkbox or what appears to be a checkbox. If I scroll up to the previous reply, I see #166 but no checkbox…

I thought weird :slight_smile:

Since users can delete their own posts on threads, I believe you should see a box you can check by all of your own posts (except those that start a thread), so you could check posts you wanted to delete. Does that appear to be the case?

I wasn’t sure how unapproved posts appear to those who posted them…some people have said that they just disappear, and then magically reappear after we approve them. Things look a little different for me than a regular user, so I’m not entirely sure how unapproved posts look when you’re the “victim” of the spam filter!