What's the deal with "unapproved" posts?

js, I doubt the internet service is causing this and would be more inclined to point my finger at something on your new computer and not just because it’s a Win system.

HP doesn’t run stock, OOB (out of the box), Windows 10 (at least that’s been the case in every HP Win system I’ve ever seen) and there may be something in a setting somewhere or something else that is causing the issue.

Possibly but I was using the same brand/model computer with windows 10, prior with no issues (did have DSL though), just handed it off to the DH and bought myself a new one. It would be nice to know what the problem is(was) if its something I need to change on my computer.

If you type Dawn J-L in to google you get film stuff about Dawn of the Justice League.

I reached out abour this problem again, but I haven’t heard anything back yet. I’m so sorry for the trouble… hopefully we’ll have a solution soon!

I’ve been able to post now, so what ever was done is working so far.

Well it worked for a few days, now I’m back on the unapproved list.

not working again back to unapproved

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It’s been a problem for me as well.

Yesterday, not today, I had two unapproved, one without a link and just a few lines.
Also had three go completely poof! without comment, just gone.

Once this morning a page freeze.

Still a few bugs, either with my laptop interface or this site, not bad to be a real problem, just the rare glitch here and there.

For me, it is getting slower and slower to post, some times taking several minutes, getting slowly worse about that.

When editing it is normal speed, click save and it loads right away, in less than a second.

I reached out again this morning and hopefully we’ll have some resolution soon! Our apologies.

Mine worked again for a few days this week but once again I’m unapproved. :mad:

Add me to the great unwashed masses of “unapproved” posters. Just tried to reply to two threads in Dressage and they were both unapproved. No links, nothing exciting in them that I can think of that might set off a spam filter.

I haven’t heard back to hear what they did, but I just checked and three of the people whose posts had been getting caught in the spam filters have had new posts that successfully went live without approval, so fingers crossed that issue is resolved.

@Dawn J-L Dare you try again? :wink:

Thank you soooo much for your patience as we (hopefully) addressed this issue.
Mod 1

One of my posts this morning was unapproved, but the two earlier posts I made went through.

I’ve been off doing stuff in real life so just checking back. Let’s see if my post goes through!

One more test before throwing in the towel and starting a new account… (fingers crossed)

I am having a post waiting approval, I am sure because it is a series of links. This poor person is trying to find board resources in Maine, and I have four different online magazines listing professional horse people in that region, and this horse board won’t let me make the post. That’s a pretty sucky algorhythm, if you ask me.

Great. I tried logging in as my old username, It posted a short worded post, went to post my information for the OP on the “where to board in Maine” thread in Hunting, and it still won’t let me post. very frustrating.

This is an ongoing problem for me. Can post for a few weeks, maybe just days, or even hour to hour and then suddenly I’m unapproved. I don’t post to anything political, don’t post controversial things, try not to say anything bad and I’m the one stuck in this unapproved cycle. Non of the moderators have ever said why, if there is something I need to address on my computer or what ever. Very frustrating.

I was hit again this week with unapproved posts. I’d like to know what is causing them. I could post and 10 minutes later couldn’t. No attachments or links, just nice replies to posts. If something needs correcting at my computer please let me know.