What can you do?[/QUOTE]
This is an interesting question. I don’t do drama well live and in person - I tend to withdraw. On the internet, however, I’ve been known to be a bit dogged in pursuit of a point
At my previous barn, I mostly avoided except in one case where my patience got pushed too far and I simply decided I wasn’t putting up with entitled behavior anymore.
But in general, I don’t have enough “ins” in the industry to either hear or relay gossip. Most everything I know is from reading it on the internet
In the smaller horseworld sense, at my barn there is one person (A) who really does not like another person (B). Which, fine. Reasons. It is not a rule that you have to like everyone on earth. Except I have gotten really tired of A’s constant need to have everyone jump on the “B is so annoying/laughable/yuck” bandwagon. And yes, I do think A’s behavior could turn into bullying if 99% of the other people at the barn didn’t have better things to do with their lives.
Mostly, in these situations, I deflect, eg:
B, riding horse, talks aloud as she performs an exercise
A, comments on the fact that B “talks a lot more to herself a lot more than she used to” :: significant look :: (subtext seemed to be “B is going senile”)
Me, relates anecdote from recent COTH Eventing thread where someone said that she does sports color commentary for her XC rounds. In other words, deflect and change the subject.
But I am almost at the point where I want to tell A to give it a rest; it’s tiresome and to me, says a hell of a lot more about A than it does about B. But then I think, ugh, may cause more problems than its worth.
A good rule of thumb is “don’t shit where you live.” If you have issues with barn people, don’t talk about it with OTHER barn people. Bend the ear of a friend who may not “get” it but at least you can vent safely without it getting back to someone who is going to twist what you say. (Don’t you hate it when you finally say “OMG, I can’t stand X” to someone you trust, who replies “OMG, me neither!” and then find out that trusted person has turned around and told X that you can’t stand them?)
IMO, however, not talking to other horsepeople about “personalities” doesn’t cover fraud, theft, dangerous behavior (or idiocy leading to dangerous situations) if the person you are talking to is affected by any of the aforementioned.
My rule of thumb is:
Are you a backstabber/bigot/fraudster/liar/manipulator/thief?
Are you “holier than thou”/superior/obsessed with things material that you have and others don’t?
If not any of the above, I am perfectly willing to like you even if you do have quirks that may grate. If you are any of the above, I will smile, play nice, and avoid you whenever possible.