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What's your deal breaker buying a new horse?

I can’t do cribbers, history of colic surgery, or history of EPM.

Luckily at this point I am mostly breeding my own young horses instead of buying, although that’s its own gamble LOL


i bred a foal that developed OCD early-on. She was still nursing when they did the scrape-surgery. She has never been right. So, for 21 years, she has been my pet. I did not consider selling her. Was afraid someone(s) would go ahead and ride her anyway or maybe just breed her instead. Needed to be sure that if it were to have been congenital, then it would end with her…and there really is only one way to be assured of that.


I imagine location of the lesion is quite important. Of course N = 1 in these instances but it wouldn’t be an automatic deal breaker for me at all.

Apparently, any thing besides bay or black and over 15 hands.

I own one bay horse and 3 black horses, all under 15 hands. My friends say I have a type.