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Which Hunter Stallion??

Cartier R (Cassini I x Acorado). He’s just started a very successful season in the 3’6 AO hunters. His offspring are beautiful, great movers and athletic.

Westporte, Cunningham, Bliss MF, Sir Wanabi, Balt’ Amour, Apiro, Cabardino, and Cabalito

They are all great producers, just depends on the mare, what your looking for, and registry. Its hard to narrow it down without that, but these are my favorites for different reasons :slight_smile:

Hint Hint… Talk to Maggie @ Marabet Farm!! There are 3 of her stallions on my list for a reason! (and the only reason its not 4 is because I want to see what Carry On MF does with his next couple foal crops; I have one due in April) :slight_smile:

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Take a look at Richard www.theequineathlete.com and www.facebook.com/KWPNstallion.

He competed through the Regular Working Hunter and also the Grand Prix Jumpers. Jumper video: https://youtu.be/oQYXEhDcu3I Hunter video: https://youtu.be/FBjqGSBg-7o

One of his daughters from his first true USA crop (2011) just took back to back Grand Champion wins at Wellington in the Baby Green division on her first two show outings (December, 2015). https://youtu.be/1UuR6sR0Z6o and https://youtu.be/xiNfYpc57LE

I met Cabalito years ago at HITS, Ocala. He is a very nice horse and seemed to have a great temperament.