Why So Many Malfunctions on COTH?

It takes me several tries to log in each time, exacerbated by the pop-up ad that persists in popping up, blocking the scrreen, and preventing me from logging in or even reading anything on the site.

And why do people keep starting threads attacking Nick Perronace(?)? I know from experience that COTHers are very bad about attacking each other in threads, but I think it is despicable to keep starting threads attacking one individual. I don’t know about slander/libel laws, but for one BB to allow repeated attacks on an individual is just egregious.

It must be your browser. I’m not having any problems on Firefox or Chrome
As for your other complaint, do some research regarding the laws you are worried about and you will understand that no one here is on the wrong side of the law.


On Safari here and still no problems since the last fix, at least not up to now.

I am not sure it is “in your computer” itself, but somehow the platform we use.
Maybe how we google stuff and then the kinds of ads we get?
Some of those are what the problem seems to be for some, why the Moderator asked to please let them know which ones are causing problems for some.

No problems here, either. Maybe if you post your details, like what browser you’re using, and a screen shot or two of the problem, we can help you fix it? Or, at the very least, Mod1 can take that info off to the IT peeps.

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Along with Simkie’s suggestions, what “platform” are you using?? Desktop, tablet (kind), smartphone (kind). Both this site and browsers in general behave differently depending on the platform you are using.

I see more issues that appear to be related to the mobile platforms which can be harder to design for due to limited screen size :slight_smile:

I use Safari on an iMac and have really only run into the “ad” issue and I see similar behavior on other sites as well.

The actual ads you see are not driven by COTH but by the ad software which is why some of us appear to be annoyed more by an ad as others may not get that ad at all.
I personally wish I could “poof” Flash off the face of the earth :smiley:

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You can check the little “remember me” box if you don’t want to sign in repeatedly, until you find a solution.


My last Safari update had a function where Flash was disabled unless I gave it permission to be used?
A window opens when Flash is requested by any site asking if I want to enable it and most times I click on no, rarely is some I want to see.
I can also set it where it shows an active Flash all the time, if I want to.

Check if your programs have that also?

I have the Flash disable thing but those freakin’ ads drive me nuts… I also have the same ‘reloads’ behavior when i visit some ‘news’ sites and the video news stories also cause reloading. Maybe it isn’t Flash but something else. Outside my area of expertise other than the annoyance level :slight_smile:

If I click on the blue ‘last post’ icon to enter a thread, I then can not ‘like’ comments.
I also then can not click the page icon at the bottom to go forwards or backwards in the thread, I must scroll back to the top of the page I am on and click the arrow button.

[ first-world problems ]


A-F, mobile or desktop? Browser?

IMO, the site is actually functioning for most quite well but yes, not for everyone. It helps if there is as much information as possible provided to COTH to help track, identify and resolve the problem.

One of the challenges is we all use different browsers and some are mobile, some are both and some are desktop only. We don’t all use the same set of functions and of the functions that are commonly used, we might use them differently :slight_smile:

For example, I don’t use the blue >> button to go to the last post, I use the blue round button to go to the first unread post. :slight_smile:

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Right!? I have this issue with chrome on PC & mobile as well as for firefox on PC. Happens on two separate computers plus my phone. The buttons are green for me and the numbered ones. I don’t know what the >> means as I don’t see that (just 1, 2, 3 and next page etc). I have to scroll to the top and enter a page number and hit enter to move between pages.

Where is the blue round button you can use to get to the last post?

The blue round button takes you to the last unread post and is directly to the left of the thread title.

The blue rectangular button takes you to the last post in the thread and is directly to the right of the time and date of the last post, under the last poster user name.

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@Simkie - I haven’t noticed that rectangle >> icon until recently and had no idea what it was. I still don’t see any round blue button. To the left of title threads I just see what looks like a lined piece of paper and if I posted on it there is a green arrow.

Look at a thread that you haven’t read to the end. It only shows if there are unread posts, because it’s a “go to unread post” button. To the right of the paper with lines, directly to the left of the thread title.

These buttons have been around, looking like this, and in these places, since the launch of the new board :wink:

Aha found it when I went to a board I never look at. I always go to “mark all read” after I’m done reading the topics I care to read on a form so that clears out all those circle icons. Weird I’ve honestly never noticed them until recently. Thanks for pointing that out.

desktop, internet explorer [??]

A-F, you using an old version of Windows/IE?

Desktops have shown to usually (not always) work with fewer issues than the mobile platforms.

I actually tried going to the last post (rather than first unread like I usually do) with no problems and was also able to Like and Unlike posts (Mac with Safari).

Just looking for differences in your environment compared to others.

Tried clearing cookies?

Sorry, Microsoft Edge. No idea how old, not more than 3 years maybe?
Cookies? I love cookies!

I am on a desk top using Firefox and I do not have these problems.

Not one issue here on desktop or phone everything works fine. Since ADBlocker Ultimate no problems again with this sight. I run on latest version of chrome and internet Explorer alternate between the two,no issues running on either.