MVP, I happen to be online and then out of here so will answer with IMO and typos
IMO, Boom, Bust with large barns built for investors.
Sorry, no numbers to back up, or economic theory.
That is what seems to occur with the large barns built, that switch off on anchor trainers and disciplines. It is kind of obvious that they do not own them and there is some kind of enterprise behind it or a couple of investors behind it.
May not be true overall… Look around yourself at the majority. This has been going on since the 90s. I do think there are family farms that started out as such and have just evolved into bigger enterprises - same scenario, they last longer and they do it becasue it is what they know, and smaller operations do the same because of what they know.
I don’t for a new york second think that there are not people who can afford this and want this. Obviously right now when the market has climbed and not everyone was affected after 2008. The future must seem very bright.
However - thinking that board can be sustained at $2000 for decades on the same horse and that there is some kind gentlemans agreement that as the horse gets passed around that will just stay status quo - and then the horse will be retired to some owner, somewhere to the tune of $600-$1000 for light riding and retirment? Really?
And we are now going to attack on smaller barns because they affect the trickle down of large barns - Seriously?? LMAO.
They have no affect on that game - unless people play games and want to shut them out to feel smug about themselves and what they think they can afford in horse care, and want the real estate the others sit on. IMO.
Blaming your competitors -( really, again, at $500 stated as heated city barn? ?) is exactly is the OP really doing, ALONG with blaming her customers - because it sounds like they wanted a crack at bigger leagues, got bad advice, found access to running a barn, Sold horses to some of her cusotmers as was advised, and now it is her customers problem she needs to move up that ladder.
THe chips fall where they fall, and ultmatley I don’t give a damn, but the irony of people buying horses in europe, bred and trained for much less than US dollars and specialized care, and then upping the amount to 5 and 6 digits with status has always been a strange game to me.
It just comes back to my first question - where are all these horses supposed to go as they are traded off, because those retirment owners are not going to be affording that in the long term as are likely the majority of owners who ride in these circuits at these amount.
Edited to add - smaller barns do affect Big Show Barn trickle down in one way - they do love them when the hidden trust fund customer finds their way from the small barn somehwere into the big barn.