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Wide leathers that are not calf wrapped?

Millbrook’s are plain leather. As a heads up, mine stretched like crazy and I would not buy them again.


well that sucks - they say they’re prestretched. How much did they stretch would you say?

I wasn’t good about switching mine (and I’m also super crooked) so I chucked mine after 5 years when they got hopelessly uneven. Don’t feel I really got my money’s worth, but I did love them for years!

Hmmm… over an inch? I never measured, but it was noticeable over an extended period of time. Much more so than other non-lined leathers I’ve had, and I treated the leather per their recommendation.

The leather is nice and thick so it may work for you if that’s what you want and you can live with the stretching.

I have the Ovation Wide stirrup leathers as well and like them. Similarly, I have not detected any noticeable stretch and ride either 3 or 4 times a week.

My biggest concern that in the black colour they only came in 60" length at the tackstore that carried them. From previous experience, that is too long for my short legs and necessitates having to punch holes. Surprisingly enough, this was not the case. They fit, no holes needed to be punched and I could go shorter if need be.

Overall, it was an affordable way to try out a different type of stirrup leather without breaking the bank.

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Wanted to throw in a quick note about the Ovation wide leathers here—I bought a pair and while they are cheap, the quality is…not great. My pair lasted about 6 months (riding 1-2 times/week) before developing a tear in one of the holes, plus a lot of stretching.

That would be bad enough, but when I saw the photos on another thread from a pair where the stitching disintegrated and rumors of a recall, I stopped using mine immediately and started looking for replacements.

I did find one option that wasn’t mentioned here, possibly because they’re British and seem to be more of a small business, but you may want to look into FSS wide stirrup leathers. They seem to be decent quality and price and are available in more leather colors and lengths than I have seen anywhere else.

I know it’s not what you’re looking for, but I ended up going with a pair of Total Saddle Fit Wide leathers and I’ve never looked back—and after I’d sworn to myself I would never get calfskin-wrapped leathers! But they are gorgeous and so far (admittedly only a few months) have worn like iron and not a hint of stretch. Bonus, they come in 48” for short legs and the brown by some miracle still looks good with my saddle!


I’ve had a similar experience with the Ovations. I needed new dressage leathers, and thought I’d pick them up to try out, and see if I liked the wide stability leathers. I honestly don’t notice a difference in the dressage saddle, and while I admit I ride heavier in the right iron than the left, they’ve definitely stretched a good bit in both–I’ve had them less than a year and only ride twice a week max in the dressage saddle (doing w/t on a 4YO!) and have had to go up one hole on the left and a hole-and-a-half (that we had to punch during my lesson yesterday). I’m going to end up going back to regular lined leathers.

Before I toss them, I may put them on my jump saddle for a ride or two to see if I notice a difference there, but even if I do, I wouldn’t order the Ovation ones again.

I really like my Total Saddle Fit wide leathers. I originally bought them for my dressage saddle, but liked them so much I bought a pair for my cc saddle as well.

I’ve had them for 2+ years at this point, and they’ve been great. They have maybe stretched a little bit, but not a lot, and they’ve worn well. I don’t know if they have any calfskin or not, but I think they probably don’t, given how well they’ve held up.

That’s interesting! The thread was from last year, so I wonder if they changed something. I bought mine in May this year and they’ve held up perfectly fine riding 4x/week with little to no stretch. Don’t get me wrong, they’re not high quality, but they haven’t given me any problems beyond being a little stiff. Maybe I just got lucky.

Any updates on the leathers? I didn’t buy any last time round because my Stubben regular leathers just WILL NOT quit but they’re over 15 years old so really, come on now.

Did your calf wrapped leathers fall apart?

Did your solid leather ones stretch out?

What’s the most durable option?

Due to colic surgery I haven’t actually ridden in these yet. However, they are butter soft but seem durable. I have some videos posted on insta of them if you want the link let me know. If I had to say anything it’s that the double leather with nylon is a little bulky at the stirrup bar. But as I said I haven’t ridden in them yet so not sure I’ll even notice once on.

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I still have the Total Saddle Fit wide leathers, on both saddles (dressage and close contact). They’ve held up beautifully. No complaints!


My Total Saddle Fit ones have held up fine after two or so years of use. My only complaint is that they’re a ♀️🐶 to adjust. Harder up than down. I generally adjust before I get on for the primary activity of the day and go with that.

I have considered FreeJump or similar since I now have the FreeJump stirrups.

Editing to add that the adjustment problems are a combo of the thickness and the nylon making the holes not clean, but more of the former.

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I worked hard to find that symbol.

I got the RLG ones at Fair Hill and have ridden in them for the last two weeks now. They broke in quickly and look great. I don’t find them bulky at all under the stirrup bar–they’re about the same thickness as their regular lined leathers, which I have on my dressage saddle.

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:tophat: :mobile_phone_off: :two: you!


Are these wide stirrup leathers really more stabilizing then regular? If not, what is the appeal? I’m intrigued by them!

that is the idea. Some people swear by them and others say a gimmick. I will have my first ride in them tonight so I’ll let you know!

Thank you!!