Mein little Ducster, now you be fourteen months old! Und becose your life wot it be being ein daddy horsje, here be der instructiones.
Mein selve I haff all ways finded mares wot they be ein different species. Kind off like Arabians. Mannie time they don’t nott to know iffen they be coming or going. There be this man called Reggie Mate wot he come and talk to them some times und tell them to get mit der program aber usually this it usually don’t nott to work.
Mares wot they haff baby horse eggs in their virginia. The virginia it haff opening under der tail in der middleburg between butt cheeks. Wenn you be going to make baby horse wot it be like this. You look at mare und say “Hallo mein schatzi, do you want ein poke?” Mares wot they loff to haff ein poke.
You should be doing this mit der bodyguard wot also be called handler. Becose other wise mares they come after you und they want to haff relationship und they want to marry you und they want you to buy them mannie things und share your karroten mit you. Und this it be wrong.
Any ways, wenn you ask her if she want ein poke, die mare she right a-way will sticken her tail up und say “JA, JA, JA, JA, JA!!!” Just like wenn Meg Ryan haff beed in der delicatessen on Wenn Harry Meeted Sally. Then it be time to giff her ein poke. You get behind her und jump on her sitzen und putt der spankmonkey in der virgina. Der spankmonkey it all ready know that you be doing this und it be stiffy. Die mare she haff dreams then von shopping und credit cards wot you pay der bill for.
Der spankmoney for like some time in between ten seconds und ein hour (mein wot it be ein hour), it work und then it start to tickle. It feel like toe part von your hoofes they curl und you scream “AY CARAMBA!!!” Your tail it whip up und down.
Then you haff organism, get off die mare, go home und go to sleep. Some times they want to haff cigarette aber der best thing to do is loff them und leave them.
Und then wenn you haff doed this, baby dust it haff comed out off your spankmonkey und it go to der baby horse eggs, und then ein few weeks later die mare she get verrie fat und then one morning she wake up und there be ein baby horse in her howse. This it means she haff folded.
Iffen you don’t want to haff no baby, you haff poke in ein condominium. Und some times der chaperone they let you practice mounting wenn you use AI machine, wot it also be called Hoochie Bucket. Then they sell baby dust for mannie dollares und put der money in die karroten fund.
You all ways haff to say “please” und “danke schon.” Becose it be verrie muy importante to be ein gentleman.
Loff Willem.
I haff sayed this be fore, I be ein German horse und this it be straight from mein mouth.
[This message was edited by Willem on Apr. 17, 2003 at 12:36 AM.]