Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I know, right?!?


Well, I think it’s obvious who s/he claims to be.

I don’t think there is any way to know for sure.


Dang, I need a bath tub full already! And we are just gettin’ started!


I will say, the grammatical style and spelling - not to mention overall tone - are remarkably similar.


Tell us more.


I am not that familiar with the previous posts, so I will let others compare and contrast.



He knows what he did to me. Nothing I say or do will ever change that. Honestly, mb is a great trainer. No one is sadder than me he pulled this. But he did. Fact. Without ANY provocation. Fact. And, sadly for him, w out the knowledge he and his cronies were being recorded. Fact. Another thing- do you really not think we don’t know whose gun he used? We live there. Or, did anyway.

I pray this never happens to you. Imagine being shot in the chest twice, the rib once, laying on the ground bleeding out as your trainer attempts to kill your fiancé… fast fwd. A month has passed and miraculously, you are alive. You leave the ICU in incredible pain and make the horrid mistake of going on social media. Blatant lies being told, INSANE stories, every person who secretly hates you (maybe Bc of horses you own or possibly Bc of the caliber training u were getting- whatever) comes outta the woodwork - BUT- only when you can’t defend yourself. That’s just sick. Literally, wishing death on someone & blatantly lying as they lay in critical condition for a month in an ICU…?? And… somehow, IM THE bad guy? Well, I can at least defend myself now, counselor. So… I think I will. Then, I’ll prob get bored and leave it be. I can’t make the world rational. Sadly.


Nothing to tell.

Do tell.


I’m glad you’re feeling well enough to rant on social media.

This thread is like herpes … the gift that keeps on giving.


just checked The next full moon will not occur until September 14th, 2019… so the moon cannot be the blame, not yet at least


"Yesterday on LK’s Instagram photo some people were commenting and she responded to those comments typing, “Two 9mm ruger shots to left lung, one to right, missed my heart twice by a centimeter.”



So, to be clear, you feel only YOU and the other coth forum commenters are entitled to discuss a matter you know nothing about, judge me for SPEEDING (Bc if anyone actually READ the dispositions of the 2003 charges, they’d find acquittals since I was attacked at a bar) and then tell me I should say nothing? Ok. Got it.


Pretty sure NJ.com got the story MOSTLY right. But let’s not lie to ourselves here. You all want to know what happened. You don’t care that someone was nearly killed. You want the juice. I maybe an asshole - but this is why. Further, I have plenty of friends who couldn’t care less what happened. They only care I’m alive. I’m good w that.

Separately, sincerely thank you to the people who did NOT speculate - but instead wished me well. My family and I truly appreciate it.


So to be clear, I’ve said none of those things. Anyone can discuss and share opinions on whatever they want, I don’t judge anyone for a couple speeding tickets, and I never said you should say nothing. By all means, tell us whose gun it was and share the truth from the beginning.


Yes. I wrote that. Were you seeking confirmation? Not being sarcastic. Genuinely asking. No, my IG was not hacked. I wrote that all by myself.

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Why do you feel your TRAINER owed you $50k?

Have you turned pro?


No. You didn’t. But you did accuse me of “ranting.” I’ve been unable to write or SAY anything for a month. An ig reply here or there… Maybe one fb post. I finally say something - and it’s a “rant,” according to you. Please lmk the format in which you’d prefer I reply- IF I do. I’ll try my very hardest to oblige. 👌

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