Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Well, the only I new car I ever had was the one my dad bought me when I was 18 but my name was never on the title. :wink: I went on to be a hardworking self sufficient adult who has always bought second hand cars for cash. New cars just seem like the worst deal ever :).

Point being that cars for kids is a function of cash in the family and cash in the family is unrelated to whether kid turns out a good human being or not.




That was not the point I was trying to make (and the post you quoted was in response to what I said).

It had nothing to do with LK. It was a shock at how many people in this thread thought it was not a big deal that someone that age would have a brand new car bought for them or have a brand new car to use.

I am sure there are lots of people in the world who came out of wealthy families who also worked hard and totally are amazing people. I am not trying to say otherwise.

I do not think either of my parents have ever had a brand new car and they certainly never gave me a car of any type.

All totally unrelated to LK except for the fact that it came up in this thread because LK got a brand new (not low end) car.

Oh, and the required disclaimer - LK having been given a brand new car as a teen in no way means it was OK that she got shot.


I didn’t see it say anywhere that it was her car?

I think she is BSC, and there is evidence she may well have a genuine personality disorder.

Having a car crash in her teens isn’t part of that evidence. I wrote off one of my parents’ vehicles and put the other driver in the ICU when I was 18, by being lost in thought and going through a red light.


OK folks, we’re going to table this thread again until there are developments in the current case addressed by a reputable news source or the legal system.


Message sent to @Moderator_1 - Tuesday 1:57 am.

You are acting rather like someone with an obsession, in my opinion.

What, or who, the target of that obsession is… well, I guess that’s for the jury you to decide.


For those interested in the actual developments….SGF was granted, in part, their motion to compel the 19,000 social media post authored by LK from the Morris County Prosecutors Office for use in their upcoming deposition of LK. The other requested information was denied without prejudice.


Since the order was for the criminal prosecution to hand it over (as opposed to LK herself) was done this month…I’d say it’s new. The confidential agreement to be used was only filed last week. It’s interesting what was argued and Knights_mom and GirlJoey’s posts made the exhibit list used to justify the request.


Yeah I’m so not happy about that. Being dragged into this mess was not on my list of things to do.


I’m curious if having your anonymous post cited in court proceedings required in you having your real identity publicly revealed?


Probably not. 1st Amendment protects free speech and I’m outside that jurisdiction. Plus in the scheme of things my post contains a statement I believe to be true and it is one among many on social media making a similar statement. There is no value to me.


which took that person who said they were LK about two days to post…and there were many people forewarning that any and all of those rants could and would become a part of the court ordered deposition… but her daddy is an attorney and they knew better

What a nut case


“To clear up your question- despite I have no idea who you are, at least 1 parent (if living) must be present in the ICU during various operations. Duh.” -Written by Lauren around midnight.

Legal adults don’t need a parent present to have procedures performed. Lauren’s not Britney Spears and under a conservatorship.



And now she is frantically trying to sanitize the threads by reporting those she doesn’t like.


Which is funny because no one posted on it for two years until Lauren did last night.


She’s been reporting posts for several days now. That QFP reposting so many did has become valuable now.


Yes, or sending posters PMs (with the posts she doesn’t approve of linked in the PM) passive-aggressively threatening legal action.

I cannot imagine having this person residing on my property. Bad enough that she took up residence in my inbox!


Yup I got a bunch of those threatening PMs until I put her on block.

**PSA: Note that no one deserves to be shot.


Last Friday the judge in the Civil trial ordered a password be required to view the documents and exhibits including the SS information. Too bad, that would have been interesting reading.