Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

[ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“large”,“data-tempid”:“temp_60592_1567962848140_20”}[/ATTACH] QUOTE=eggbutt;n10472712]Property record of 411 W Mill St, Long Valley, NJ showing MB is the owner of record. If LK has more current information, perhaps she can share it.[/QUOTE]

research shows that the property was purchased in 1999 by an individual and on the same date transferred into Sweet Grass Farm LLC, same mailing address as the individual. Not MB. No more recent transactions.
Cant post link but have a copy of deed.


That item was in the 911 call LK made to the police. Someone posted around page 93 or so, that the police said the SUV was a vehicle that was a neighbor’s vehicle.


Long Valley is an area full of horse trailers, stock trailers, etc. Commercial haulers coming and going frequently. It is not difficult to find a ride in this area!


In my experience when someone registers an LLC w/ the state there is no requirement that all members of LLC be shown,
only a registered agent to receive notifications, etc. Also the initial LLC paperwork agreement may show who owns what percentage but in my experience this is not public information.

Also since the original registration there could be liens place on the property or on the actual ownership shares.
So we really don’t know who owns that farm or how many people are involved in ownership.


Thank you! I guess it depends in part on the circumstances of the taping and whether audio is included. If these are security cams for the horses, presumably the property owner would have consented. And if a plaintiff in a case was audiotaping a convo s/he would be the one person consenting, while if the same audio was recording two, say defendants or a defendant and spouse, that would not be okay unless there was consent.

When I start to figure in location (expectation of privacy, common area) my eyes start to cross.

The bottom line is they had no intention of leaving. It is remarkable that after August 7, RG still lived there for some time, while MH and everyone else moved out. Think about that.


It is very common for barns and businesses to have security video obviously, often maintained by an off-site professional security company.

I honestly doubt Lala installed her own camera and audio monitoring at the barn during the week things went sideways. Such systems are complex expensive, and time consuming to install. I expect the kernel of truth in her otherwise confusing rants is that the barn has a typical security system to which she haa no connection.

Now you can go ahead and record anything you want. But when you try to use it in a legal context it may get thrown out. Even happens to illegally conducted police wire taps.

As far as ownership of the farm, obviously in some tax and legal situations it is relevant if the property is held privately or by an LLC.

However in the case of being an unwanted tenant or guest, it is not relevant. If MB is situated there running a business, he can evict people. It doesn’t somehow become a free-for-all because the property is an LLC. Most big rental apartments are LLC after all. They csn evict people.

Again this is a red herring thrown out to muddle things. We ask why LK stayed on when MB wanted her off his property, and she says nyahh nyahh he doesn’t really own it. Irrelevant in the situation.


I want to take the personalities out the equation – if one was owed 50K, say for a short-term loan, one might want to “keep ties and lay eyes.” In other words, not move out.

Fun, marginally relevant anecdote: I was in one bad roommate situation in NC the 90s. A roommate with a huge international call phone bill (remember ld charges?) moved out and stuck me and 2 other roomies with the bill. I refused to let her off the lease until she paid. She came to write a check, messed up the check, and oops, that was her last one. My co-roomies were going to trust her to send a check, I INSISTED on cash or she stayed on the lease. Things got scary heated and one roomie quietly went into her bedroom and came out and sat down quietly, handgun in her lap. She was a cool head, but WHOA. We were handed cash, right then and there, and never saw this woman again.


I want to take the personalities out the equation – if one was owed 50K, say for a short-term loan, one might want to “keep ties and lay eyes.” In other words, not move out.


If I loaned someone $50K for any amount of time, there would be notarized paperwork. MB had assets that could be seized if he reneged. The idea that the loan had not been repaid was not a reason to not leave when told to leave, repeatedly. I know LK says MB never told her to leave, but others disagree, along with a huge eviction sign that was posted outside the house.

It almost sounds like LK and RG were bad house guests who overstayed their welcome and decided to squat. I can’t imagine anyone choosing to live in that hostile environment.



Good point – of course we don’t really know if this is what the nature of the 50K is (feel I should point that out). My stepson was owed $$ by a business partner and it was a nightmare getting the money, even with documentation. If it was verbal or crappy paperwork, that would be an OMG. Neither a borrower…

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Clearly there is one side of this story none of us have heard publicly yet. We’ve read various versions of LK and RG’s information but no one has read anything from MB or MH other than the 911 calls. It will be interesting to finally hear the other side of this tale.

Obviously, LK wants us all to believe her story and wrap it all up with a bow, but it just doesn’t work that way. Here is a man with amazing achievements, apparently has never had legal trouble in his life, who is trying to make a living helping others achieve their dreams. Is he flawed? Sure, just like all of us. But, if a client’s personality doesn’t mesh with the trainer, the solution is so simple…leave. Period.

LK does have a criminal history from years ago, yes, all charges were dismissed after a period of time, but it shows a pattern of behavior, and there is apparently a cyber-stalking case pending in NC. Several on this thread and other social media have had experiences with LK’s irrational behavior in the past. Does that mean she deserved to be shot? No, for sure it does not, but circumstances can take people to the edge of the cliff.

My point is, LK wants us all to believe that she is apparently totally innocent in all the events leading up to August 7. That simply can not be the case. She and RG played a big part in this drama but are not prepared, legally or otherwise, to admit their part.

Again, had they vacated when told, this would not have happened.


Agreed SW is a despicable human being and is clearly loving this drama. But you have to recognize that based on many of things you have posted on your fb page, people see you has having the same attention-craving, pot-stirring, name-calling mentality that she does. And that’s why some people are having trouble seeing you purely as an innocent victim here.

From numerous accounts, particularly the woman whose child died, it seems you and SW have a similar history of attacking, bullying and harassing people online. What’s that about?

And if Michael was as dangerous, threatening and as abusive as you claim, nobody understands why you didn’t pack up your horses and leave immediately. Friends offered to help you move them and you turned them down. You didn’t need to keep them all together initially, but could have moved them to safety in different locations until you found a suitable new trainer. But you chose to stay.

It’s clear he had not taken the necessary legal steps yet to evict you from the property, but it also seems quite clear that for whatever reason you were no longer welcome as a client or a tenant. Why would you stay somewhere where you weren’t welcome? Why would it take the legal system to make you leave? That’s is really tough for people to wrap their heads around.


SW has apparently been given a formal charge notice and called to appear at a USEF hearing for violating the rules on bullying, harassment, publicly disparaging USEF officials etc. While there is zero doubt she is guilty of any of these violations - it’s pretty much the sole purpose of her page - she’s not a
USEF member so I don’t see how they have any standing on the matter.

They can ban her from USEF events, which is a good idea anyway but wouldn’t really make a difference to her. She doesn’t ride, train or compete. She’s already banned from the biggest shows. She pays people to take video and gather unflattering footage for her. She doesn’t need to physically be at an event to run her campaigns of bullying against the riders she dislikes. She is the very definition of an armchair warrior and would be irrelevant if people stopped paying attention to her.

This letter from the USEF has given her a reason to feel important and to bloviate about her rights and free speech and people trying to “silence” her. It’s every narcissistic attention-seeker’s dream come true.


You are correct in thinking LK and SW are two peas in a pod.

If the rumors of multiple reports being filed with SS against LK are true, and they decide to ban her from all USEF events, they will definitely be identical in their behaviors.

LK will rally her supporters saying she has been victimized all over again because of MB, when in reality, the evidence I’ve heard being reported regards the young boy and several bullying instances over the past few years…all quite publicly for that matter.


Quoted to reiterate that we don’t know any details. Was the alleged loan even supposed to be paid back in cash? Or was it supposed to be worked out in board and training? Anybody who has multiple (4/5/6?) horses training and showing with an Olympic rider could blow through a $50,000 down payment pretty darn quick.


Ok. I’ll be sure to let the DA know how to his job based on your experience. I’m sure he will be thankful. 🤦🏼”â™€ï¸


What loan?
Also, if we didn’t have the means to train there- we probably wouldn’t have Kept importing new horses. Again though, WHAT LOAN???


Thanks for that. Situations can indeed get complicated.

There were multiple persons on both sides here and it is just about guaranteed that the participants on each were not in total agreement about how to move forward or when.


YOU said you gave him $50K and he was late repaying you. You also said you would have worked with him if he didn’t have it at the time. You posted that information yesterday! If it wasn’t a loan, what was it?


Does this refresh your memory?

Perhaps you believe MB owed you for the botched job RG did on the house? Is that what it was?