Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Yep, give it a few days and it’ll be “I’ve got close contacts within Team Barisone, they reached out to me to get their side of the story across, and I’m the only one who knows the full story. Subscribe to my super awesome Patreon account for only $1/month to get all the good gossip.” After all, her Patreon site is “the ONLY Positive Happy place for Dressage riders on the internet”.


The word “gracious” has never been in SW’s vocabulary when it comes to self-promotion and Dressage Flub. I laughed out loud when I read that - and using it in conjunction with her alleged actions shows how naive some of you are. People really thought that sharing with and confiding in SW/DH was the way to go??? SERIOUSLY!!! Unfreakingbelievable… “Team Barisone” is apparently not on MB’s “team” or acting in his best interests in any way whatsoever if that is their chosen course of action.

Wow. Just wow. I am actually hoping that was a joke - because surely no one could be that stupid…


…and Facebook. Let’s not forget that Facebook has polices concerning what can and cannot be published on its platform. The test used by social media polices in determining this is often informed by the test used to determine “hate speech.” Hate speech is defined in the criminal code of most countries. Yes, it does put limitations on freedom of expression. Social media platforms will always err on the side of caution. They have moral obligation to do so.

Remember…SW was in “FB jail” for a number of her postings professing “support” of MB in his alleged shooting of LK. So NO MORAL COMPASS involved in SW “pulling stuff” off of DH or choosing to not publish something. She has been forced to do so. That is the mentality you are dealing with when you play these games.



Meant to say: use social media against you in court. Or use it to support MB’s case? [/
I don’t think it matters what outrageous things LK or her friends say on her Facebook page, she is not the one that will be on trial. A victim does not have to prove anything or be a squeaky clean person. There will be hospital and police records, forensic evidence, investigation results. Evidence that will show how many times she was shot, how much blood she lost, where the gun came from, who had gunshot residue on them, etc. She may not even need to testify.


I read comments and don’t go beyond that. Is someone who’s made 1200 comments since 2012 more credible than a newby or someone who signed up in 2012 and had not posted until this shooting?

Also, trying to figure out who could be LK, DH/SW, or JG seems to be a waste of time. Really, who cares? Read comments and take them at face value. If you don’t like them, just don’t tap the “like” button.


Heads up that we re-banned a previously banned user who returned recently under a new account.


Thank you, Mod 1, glad you picked up on it too.




Oooh I must have totally missed that one.

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I think some of those things may be admissible if MB’s lawyers can make the case it speaks to what he was experiencing and what his state of mind was. That said, I find it kind of doubtful that they’ll put LK on the stand, I don’t see any real benefit to the prosecution there.


I think you are right to a degree. They may be able to prove their case without putting her on the stand, and it may be smart not to put her on. I don’t think attacking the victim’s character will work for the defense or “I was afraid of her” when the jury can see their relative sizes. If it can be shown he planned to get the gun in advance(a pink one so perhaps he can claim she had it so self defense) or that he was making false 911 calls to set up self defense he is cooked, as they survived to tell their story and evidence can collaborate. When and where he got the gun will clear up a lot of questions. I have no inside information, just playing devils advocate, don’t take anything I said as fact! This trial will be very interesting, if it goes to trial.

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While I am not convinced that MB will be completely exonerated, does anyone believe provocation can be used by the defense to perhaps reduce the charges?


I think that’s much of what we’ve been hashing out in this thread. I do think that’s all the defense can really do here, and my money is still on this evidence providing some ammunition for him to plea to a slightly lesser charge or reduce the sentence. At least I think that’s what the defense will attempt to do. There’s no way he’s walking.


My money is on a plea deal, no one wants life without parole or the DP. All signs point to evidence that he went there to settle a score. Unfortunately for him he will pay the price on that, no matter how coocoo they think the victim is. The jury will likley not see that as I doubt she will be put on the stand.


Leave them both locked in the cage, with no access to social media.


Max penalty in nj for attemted murder is 10-30 yrs, not life or DP. Reckless or heat of passion manslaughter (not attempted ) is 5-10 yrs.


Right I guess the victim lived. I would think if she didn’t survive the prosecution would have had a good case for 1st degree, the minute you decide to kill (the driver over etc if you believe that) it shows intent.

I still think he will plea out. JMO


And no live audience, either. Because the audience is what it’s all about. They’d probably become fast friends.

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There are two counts of attempted murder and the gun charges, that can add up to basically what would be a life sentence for someone his age. Unless he accepts a plea bargain to a lesser charge. Not sure if the prosecution would offer one if they feel they have a solid case. Does a victim have to agree to a plea bargain?