Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Was not from anyone on here.


“Someone.” Gee, I wonder who that could be?

(Also literally lol at the description of SW as “gracious.” There’s a first time for everything!

Word to the wise to any of the insiders who think SW/DH is helping out their “side.” If you lie down with dogs, you’re going to get fleas. Be careful who you trust.


I guarantee you have zero clue who that “someone” is! As far as trusting someone, there are not many people that are trusted to know anything. And yes SW was gracious to not put out the video, she has the info, she could have just put it out anyway.


LOL! Gracious and SW should NOT be used in the same sentence


And now that “someone” is indebted to SW. Great position to be in (sarcasm).

You realize that this is all just a tempest in a teapot. It only matters if you are in the teapot, or in some cases wish to be in the teapot with others (Lord knows why). The rest of the world really doesn’t care or we would be reading the headlines in the National Enquirer as we wait to pay for our groceries. Instead we come to a thread on a horse BB.


I agree with this 100%. Sometimes people have a lapse in judgement when having an emotional moment unfortunately.


Am I the only one raising eyebrows at the greenies no matter a recent sign up or someone who had nothing to say in over a decade?


Am I the only one raising eyebrows at the greenies no matter a recent sign up or someone who had nothing to say in over a decade?[/


Raise your eyebrows all you want. I have a life and really don’t give my opinion much on this board, but when it is something that is close to home for me, I will speak up!


For my part, it’s just timing. I’ve been out of the active horse world a couple years due to “life”. I know it’s not PC to say this out loud, but I think MB IS a victim, LK is an evil psycho, and I would love to see her get what she deserves. Doesn’t everybody watching a movie root for bad people getting their comeuppance?
Where’s that flame suit…?


Writing as a Greenie - I just got a subscription to CoTH - so once I subscribed went on to the forum for the funny posts that would pop up in my in-box. Having met MB a few times at friends farms, when he was teaching, I was horrified by what happened, so I started reading this post. When I posted, I was accused of being Lk or Sw or who knows who and didn’t even realize it until I scrolled back to re-read something and realized what I thought was an honest post and response was actually an accusation of being someone else. I happen to have opinions and speak how I feel/think, as many of you do - I really wish y’all would stop with the finger pointing - some of us are sincerely new and interested in this story.


And when it suits her, or she needs to boost her page views, she probably will.


I’m sure that’s true for some of the greenies. I’m equally sure that it is not true for other greenies.

Those of us who have been on this BB for a while have seen this happen time and again, when people will start multiple accounts to support their own statements. Or sometimes to argue among their different personalities. :lol:

Regardless, welcome to everybody! :slight_smile:


Thank you. Really happy to be a part of CoTH. :slight_smile:


Please tell me you brought something to the buffet, even if it’s just captains wafers.

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How about a cage match? Thunderdome style, with a twist…


What sort of twist?

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Why would anyone not only trust, but seek out, DH/SW when there are legitimate news outlets that have covered this story? Why not seek a reputable publication to publish? Going to DH/SW just perpetuates the crazy and the mudslinging… regardless of how “gracious” she may seem to be in this situation.


You won’t get an argument from me on any of these points! I have no control over the person that spoke with her, I am just happy they had second thoughts and asked SW to pull the video. Those with first hand stories need to be patient and tell their stories to people that matter, and right, now in the whole scheme of things, the horse world matters very little, except to help other barn owners avoid having LK at their barns.


They didn’t. Nobody did. She’s making it up for attention. SW can’t stand that people she knows are getting more attention than she, with her orange tan, is. (pretty wierd visual on that vid she deleted).

And no, there would be nothing “gracious” about any decision SW makes about retracting a statement she starts to throw out there. I have no doubt, however, that she thought better about it when she was contacted by some attorneys. Adding to her pile of recent cease and desist letters from USEF, and very lilkely SS.