Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I think she was saying, the reason she is now just replying to some things is because she is that far behind…as in the conversations and news/drama etc happened and she couldn’t reply until now.


It does seem that way…
From her FB:

Abbe Nadelberg sadly, what can be seen ain’t purttty. Any future I imagine has things I NEVER want see again but have to & the present is a multitude of inner and outer scars plus time away from horses, who I miss like crazy- and probably think I abandoned them. 😫🌷

No, not really. She’s probably complained to a friend IRL about something that happened online 2 months ago, so the sting is gone for the friend (who read it contemporaneously), so LKs frustrated that they aren’t “with” her on being mad about it now…

Looks like GirlJoey has a new username. This doesn’t even make sense.


It’s another poem. Doesn’t sound like GJ.


I have a suspicion that PB is girljoey.

I disagree. I think she sounds alot like GJ.

I just signed up as per the advice of a good friend WE ALL can’t stand LK. She had been this way her whole life. Trust me when I say she is CRUEL
I disagree. I think she sounds alot like girljoey


Thank you PowerBoost for confirming my story. I am so glad that people have recognized that I was right all along! The Tiara was just a front!!!

I truly, deeply hope that MB was justified in his actions, because LSK is making it highly unlikely that he’ll be found guilty of anything.


Who is S?

Sorry. I corrected it to LSK.

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Oh. I that makes sense. Thank you.

I’m hoping. It was really quite bizarre.

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So you think all of her posts are creating a case against her? They do change and give a lot of differing facts frequently. Can that be used against her? Can they use social media?

Meant to say: use social media against you in court. Or use it to support MB’s case?

Jealous of all the attention her arch-enemy LK is getting and trying to turn the spotlight back on herself? DH really does continue to be the pustulent boil on the arse of the sport. If it weren’t pathetic it would be hilarious how alike SW and LK seem to be with their “I’m the victim” posts always complaining about all their haters and bullies who are trying to “destroy” them. Sad.


I’m guessing “Team Barisone” is one of the LK haters posting here, and whatever was supposedly going to be “published” soon was going to be published on DH, before actual members of Team Barisone put a stop to it. About as credible as the National Enquirer.


Huh? There is literally nobody disputing the fact that he shot her and so far no indication of self defense. He will almost certainly be found guilty of something. At best he can hope the initial attempted murder charge gets reduced to something less severe, more likely if he takes a plea deal.


SW was given some information by someone. They had second thoughts and asked her to please not release the video, which she very graciously agreed to do.